October 8, 2007

Yet Another Ravenstahl Investigation

While U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan is busy looking into Tailgate, according to WPXI News (no link available) the Army Corps of Engineers are looking into the budding Dockgate.

Seems like the Redd Up Crew was busy this summer building a dock. The problem is that there were apparently no permits to build the dock; nor was any necessary feasibility study done; nor was the Pittsburgh City Council, according to Councilman Bill Peduto, notified that the Redder Uppers, who are supposed to help clean up the city, were going to be used to build what looks to be a completely unauthorized and who-knows-how-safe structure on the banks of our town.

The news report at 5:30 PM today showed WPXI asking Mayor Ravenstahl about the unauthorized dock. True to pattern, at first he disclaimed any knowledge of it but then moments later according to PXI (someone must be coaching the kid to stop lying as a first response to any question) Luke suddenly remembered and said "I don't know that there's a problem with the dock."

Yeah, you wouldn't know if there was a problem with a dock if you had bothered to try to build one legally -- like any other Pittsburgher who wants to build a new structure has to do.


Can we really wait to see if Luke will ever grow up?
UPDATE: WPXI now has a link to the story online here (no video link though).

The Burgh Report notes:

If you look at where more than one of the Redd Up Crew members live, you see they live about a 3-minute drive from the dock they built: Link.

Of all the places to build a dock, they decided to build one behind a jail, without any of the necessary permits, and less than a 3-minute drive from their homes.



  1. If you read Bill Clinton's autobiography (I hang my head in shame, I did), there's a section in there that deals with how he lost the Arkansas Governorship after a single two-year term. He says it was a really good moment in his life, and it forced him (at 31) to grow up. I think it'll take the same type of thing (losing an election) for Luke to grow-up.

  2. What's shameful about reading his wonderful autobio?

    I'm curious to see more facts come from this story. I don't know at this point if you can point any fingers at the Mayor for anything.

  3. Link: http://www.wpxi.com/news/14295683/detail.html

    I guess the PG et al will catch this tomorrow. Seems like the Mayor is aware of the dock, suggests it has been dedicated already (anyone hear about that?). Hard to see what part he would have in the permits, but it would be embaressing if there were issues because of the lack of permits.
