November 6, 2007

Look on the bright side...

...The Burghosphere will have tons of material for the next two years.

(Ravenstahl: 64% DeSantis: 35%)


  1. Just promise your faithful readers that it won't be your ONLY material :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Could you delete the reference to his wife? That's personal and mean-spirited, and I don't want to be like MacYappie. The other stuff is public and fair game. Thanks.

  4. John K. says: You lefties should be celebrating. One of your own is still Mayor of Pittsburgh. You left wingers need to step up to the achievements you have made in Pittsburgh and be proud of your heritage of the last 72 years. Highest parking tax in the nation. Mass exodus from the City on the scale of New Orleans. And a Mayor who echoes your values and beliefs. LMAO I win again!

  5. John K, you win because you say we won? And doesn't this Mayor echo your values and beliefs? He certainly echo's the values and beliefs of a relatively conservative rust belt city.

    Oh, and how much of the exodus is because our aged population is dying off?

  6. So, now that Luke's won, does this mean Yarone Zober's gonna track down and beat up all the DeSantis voters?

  7. "beat up" No.

    But he may ask us all to "step outside."


  8. John K. says: You bet I win. I get to watch you lefties live in a liberal paradise, Pittsburgh, with the man the voters chose. And make no mistake about it, Ravenstahl is a liberal. And this is going to be so funny. After all, the problems of Pittsburgh are all the fault of Bush. LOL LOL LOL Come on lefties, take ownership of the City you created. Relish in the debt and crumbling infrastructure. Don't be shy.

  9. Hey Maria -- did you see my montage? I gave you a photo credit (or should it be *photoshop* credit?).

    That photo of Luke in the blonde wig drove me to hysterics. I hope you checked out my "Adults Only" front page election result coverge. Us liberals loves us our Birkenstocks and our nudity!

    Yee haw! I'm off to the Granola store!

  10. P.S. Ed, you're lookin' mighty fine these days. ;-)

  11. Pittsburgh is Democratic, not exactly liberal.

    And the anti choice and anti gay Ravenstahl is definitely not liberal.

    But keep your blinders on anyway.

  12. John K. says: Ahh the left wing paradise of Pittsburgh. Isn't it great to be broke, living in a dump and having a kid run your life left wing kooks?

  13. What a crock, can anybody tell me with a straight face that this guy is better qualified to lead this city than his opponent? Did anybody bother to read their resumes or at least bother to listen to the debates? And please, enough with this notion of change. Hasn't his family basically run the north-side machine for the last 30 years or so? Yeah, that's change. This is just a younger version of the same machine politics that have helped run this city into the ground. And believe me, that is all we are going to hear about from this guy for the next 2 years, that is, how he is only 27 or 29 or whatever. Big whoop. Guess what Mr. phi gamma kegalot? There are a lot of young people who actually do amazing stuff and don't use their age as an excuse or a reason for celebrity. It is not like this guy was some whiz kid or public policy prodigy. I mean if the city wanted to go the youth route, why not go with somebody with some natural talent to lead or creativity, or maybe even somebody who has been outside of South Western Pennsylvania before. That's great good luck Pittsburgh enjoy your star chasing mayor. Sorry for rant but I really needed to get that off my chest.

  14. It would be fun to play a little poker with a right-wing dope like John K.

    I'd see his Ravenstahl-immature-Pittsburgh-decline and raise him Bush Jr.-Iraq-deficit-creationism-Cheney-Afghanistan-Brownie-torture-Gonzalez.

    On second thought, the game wouldn't last long.

  15. John K. says: Some left wing loon in here compares Pittsbugh to Iraq/Afghanistan. LMAO you are a nut job. Comparing those two. LOL LOL LOL

  16. LOL LOL LOL?? LMAO??

    I could ask "John K" how any conservative could feel entitled to belittle Pittsburghers, Ravenstahl, left-wingers or anyone else while the shameful and inept stain that is George W. Bush, inflicted on our country and world by his ideological colleagues, has not yet been removed, but I have a more pressing question, in light of the habitual use of "LOL" and "LMAO":

    Why does a teenaged girl call herself "John K?"

    Just asking.
