November 5, 2007

Luke as farce

According to Sue at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents, Lil Mayor Luke Ravenstahl must be worried about the gay vote because:
It would seem that Luke's people realized what a huge gaffe he made last week by saying he does not favor civil unions. Thus, he has scheduled a meeting with representatives from the Steel City Stonewall Democrats at 2:30 PM Monday. To clarify.

Apparently, Luke has stated that he doesn't know what a civil union is.

The Mayor of Pittsburgh -- a Democrat under the age of 40 -- does not know what a civil union is.

That is so blissfully ridiculous that there's simply no need for further comment.
As I commented at her blog the day before:

by Maria in Pgh on Fri 02 Nov 2007 02:28 PM EDT Profile Permanent Link
I heard that Lukey stonewalled the Stonewall Dems -- promising to get back to them with answers to their questionnaire and never delivering.

Small wonder since his real answers on such a questionnaire would have "outed" him before he got whatever cash he could grab.

Someone else commented there that "Luke blew off the Steel City Stonewall Democrats reception Saturday afternoon in Shadyside with Barney Frank."

This reminds me ever so much of his position on contraceptives:
1)Try to remain as neutral and uncontroversial as possible in public.

2) But, whisper to the bubbas in private that he's doing the "right" Catholic thing.

3) Then flail around and lie when outed.
What a nice, principled, young man!

Once again, it behooves us to mention that Ravenstahl -- who is always claiming that he stands for Democratic Party principles -- is extremely anti choice and anti gay, while his Republican challenger, Mark DeSantis is pro choice and pro gay.


  1. even my soon to be 89 year old mother knows what a civil union is!

  2. If you're running for Mayor of a major US City, it's your job to know what civil unions and domestic partner benefits are. And Luke can't get off by saying he doesn't know what they are because it doesn't relate to the city. Domestic partner benefits, which Luke also opposes, are directly relevant to the city. You would think Ferlo would've told him that. But like I've been saying all along, this administration is more Motznik than Ferlo.

  3. Even more than his answer, did you hear HOW Luke answered the question? He could hardly get any words out of his mouth!! I haven't seen anybody look so uncomfortable with the subject of gays since junior high school.

