November 8, 2007

To My Friends

I have some sad news.

My father has passed away.

He was a great guy.

I'll be back next week.


  1. David -

    So sorry to here that...

    Be well.


  2. Losing a parent is never easy. If nothing else, I hope you and yours are able to take a minute and smile and have a good laugh when reminiscing about him. It's amazing how helpful that sort of thing is during a tough time. I wish you only this best during this tough time.

  3. take care. i am sorry for you and yours.
    my dad passed away over this last memorial day weekend.

    you will be in my prayers.

  4. So sorry for your loss.

    Take care during your time of grief.

  5. Hello David. I am a friend from your past. I thought I would never look at your blog again (I found it sad and distressing)... and yet something (Someone?) told me to look today. Amazing. I prayed for you and your dad. Not that that means anything to you or Maria- but out of respect for you, let me say I am sorry for your loss. I remember that your dad and you went to Italy together, and what nice memories those will be for you. May God bless you.

  6. I'll take care of Jack this weekend, Dayvoe. ;) Take care.

  7. I'm sorry. Godspeed to your father.

  8. I'm so sorry, David. Take care.

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, David.

  10. David-

    I'm very sorry for your loss. We are all thinking of you during this difficult time. Take care

  11. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  12. My heart goes out to you. Its a rough time. Be with your family and enjoy each others company. Make sure you take care of yourself as well, its easy to forget to eat and sleep and so on.

  13. It's so difficult to lose a parent. I'm sure he was the greatest of great guys. Another challenge may be summing up what a great guy he was at the funeral, if you choose to speak. I'm sure if you do, you'll be eloquent. Take care.

  14. Its a difficult time ... I'm sorry for you. My dad died 8 years ago and I still miss him. It changes you.

  15. Take care of yourself and your family during this difficult time. I'm sure it's what your Dad would want.

  16. What a shame -- I'm very sorry for your loss.

  17. My dad passed in April. It's rough. Hang in there.
