November 19, 2007

Today is Randy Pausch Day in the City of Pittsburgh

Pam Panchak/Post-Gazette

Councilman Bill Peduto read a proclamation today making November 19, 2007 Randy Pausch Day in the City of Pittsburgh.

Hopefully, most of you will recall that Randy Pausch is the former Carnegie Mellon University professor who gave a truly inspiring final lecture there on September 18, 2007.

The lecture gained notice on national news shows and Oprah.

Pausch was unable to appear in council chambers for the proclamation, but he did participate via speaker phone. did a nice piece on the professor:

You can view the entire lecture here.


  1. i had no idea. geeezzz!

    if anyone deserves a day, it's that man.

  2. Too many fine people are dying too soon from ANEMIA of CFIDS and of subsequent cancers

    Did Dr Pausch have a serious flu? Horrible Headaches?

    FATIGUE? shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, 'the chills?'

    Sometimes the cancer is blamed for what advanced autoimmune hemolytic anemia does

  3. I now believe it is glycol ether to focus on for the cause of FLU symptoms and resultalnt CFIDS, CFS, FM type symptoms with multiple cancers and autoimmune issues following. For this group, high white blood cell counts are an ANEMIA sign. The anemia is AIHA or IMHA and with all the attention cancer gets, it ends up being ignored. I think this anemia is the number one killer in our Nation. I suspect other very outstanding people such as Senator Robert Byrd and Justice Ruth Ginsburg may be affected. My friend who died last year of 'pancreatic cancer' had the chills, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat (anemia signs). The flu symptoms, most of the time are caused by glycol ether exposure (not a virus). Avoid glycol ether & demand that Congress require it to be disclosed in ALL products, especially home cleaning products.
