November 6, 2007

You know those people?

You know those people -- say, a Britney Spears, a Paris Hilton -- those people who, maybe despite your best efforts, you end up having to hear about their latest stupid moves?

You know how you wish they would just go away?

You wish they wouldn't be allowed to creep into your head because you happened to pass a magazine stand, or someone in your office is talking about them, or worst of all, some news director thinks that their latest exploits actually constitute news.

Maybe a wee part of you enjoys their latest train wreck but ultimately you wish they'd just STFU and go away.

Wouldn't it be a beautiful thing to be able to vote them off the island? (Don't you wish you didn't even know what that phrase means?)

Now just think for a moment how truly lovely it would be to never have to hear about one more Luke Ravenstahl boneheaded move.

According to today's Post-Gazette:
The city's home rule charter states the winner of today's race will officially become mayor as soon as the county certifies the election, which Mr. Wolosik said should happen in 20 days -- possibly on the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Think about that.

We have the power to just make Lil Mayor Luke just go away.

No more turning on the TV or opening up the newspaper and reading about Lukey firing whistleblowers, or getting handcuffed, or forgetting where he spent the night in NYC, or stalking another celeb, or taking a $9,000 golf outing gift from UPMC, or missing meetings with minorities and women, or blaming women for his own inaction on police with domestic violence problems, or joyriding in a Homeland Security SUV, or letting kids play in lead contaminated parks, or hearing him lie about each and every one of these things over and over again.

It would be just like never hearing the name "Paris Hilton" again. Just like never seeing Britney's panty-less bottom one more time as she exits her tricked-out SUV. Just like never seeing a promo of some chick sobbing over the latest "Bachelor."

Not one more cringe-inducing crazy celeb moment (nor any more hysterical fan's defense of their hero's cringe-inducing episode).

Except of course, ultimately, Britney's and Paris' latest exploit don't really impact on your own life (other than to temporarily lower your IQ), whereas Lukey's latest cockup actually affects the lives of the residents of this city and region.

Right now -- today -- you have the power to vote Lukey off the island.

Just do it.

You broke my Photoshop!



  1. I loves me a good montage, Maria.

  2. Great work, as always, Maria.

    Here's my favorite passage from that same PG article, in which Luke essentially admits that his voters are idiots:

    "'It might sound odd, but there are a lot of people out there that don't realize that [today] will be Election Day, so the campaign will be doing everything it can to reinforce that message, and make sure my voters get out to vote,' Mr. Ravenstahl said."

    Now there's a base to be proud of.

  3. great post and yes, what a base to be proud of!

  4. Here's hoping the snow brings massive complacency amongst Luke's supporters.

    If he wins, I may have to move to the suburbs.

  5. In response to Chad: Democratic voters are less likely to vote than republicians, this is a known fact. Both sides run large scale GOTV campaigns even during presidential years so obviously a mayoral election in a city where the race has always been settled by may in the past would have low turn out and gotv would be required to remind people there is an election going on. The people you're making fun of are democrats, no luke supporters. Good going.

  6. Anon: I'm making fun of ignorant people. Which means, of course, that I'm almost certainly making fun of Ravenstahl supporters.

    But either way, if you don't know there's an election today, you deserve to be made fun of. And a lot more viciously than I just did.

  7. Holy cow! Thanks for reminding me it's election day, Chad! I almost missed it.
