December 6, 2007

The Most Absurd Item Of The Evening

I caught a little of Mike Pintek again this evening.

During a brief discussion of Governor Romney's faith, my friend Mike said that he didn't care if a candidate was Mormon or Buddhist or Atheist as long as that candidate can get the job done, that person's religion shouldn't matter.

Good for him for showing some religious toleration.

But then he had to go and ruin it by adding that he wouldn't feel the same way for a Islamic candidate. He said that he'd be concerned that that candidate would have to choose between patriotism and the jihad.

Mike Pintek on Night Talk on PCNC.


  1. Here's a much better speech regarding faith and politics from a presidential candidate.

  2. After visiting a mosque recently, I can tell you with absolute certainly that Islam is a religion of peace and that its followers here in the USA are just as patriotic as all Americans are. The terrorists committing Jihad have hijacked Islam and use it to accomplish a political agenda.

  3. John K. says: LMAO this is too funny. I knew you lefties would freeze up when you heard the word God. Oh no, a politician mentioned God. Never mind that Roosevelt did and enjoined America to pray after crucial events in World War Two. LMAO man are you lefties warped.

  4. John K. says: Islam is a religion of peace? Never mind the head tax for jews and christians. Never mind the statements of Ahmadinajead and his threat to wipe out Israel. Never mind the fact that christians in Iraq are being killed for attending church. Never mind the beheadings of non-believers in Afghanistan under the Taliban. Yepper, that is some religion of peace.

  5. The words "religion of peace" constitute an oxymoron. This is not in relation to Islam in particular.

  6. Now this is pretty funny...usually I get attacked by the far-left when I comment, but I guess Mr. John K. is one of those right-wingers who has obviously never met anyone who embraces the Islamic faith. I absolutely believe their is a terrorist threat, and that Ahmadinejad and his mullah puppeteers must be confronted, but to tie those nuts together with an entire religion is absurd. The vast majority of Muslims are good people.

  7. Crazies to the left of me, ignorance and isolationism to the feels so good to be a moderate.

  8. Moderate like the right-most 30% of the population, Mr. Omnitheist? By your standards, I suppose Mussolini was a bit pink?

    I am interested, though, in hearing about what you call "crazy" on this blog.

  9. Me thinks this proves beyond any doubt SS=JK.

  10. I like it, Anonymous, but I'm simply not clever enough to look as stupid as John K.

    You just hang on to your little delusion, though, if it gets you through another gloomy day.
