December 12, 2007

No Defeat, No Surrender!

Fighting the Good Fight Against The War on Christmas

We here at 2pj are happy to report that there are many citizen soldiers who are willing and able to defeat the evil forces who are waging a War on Christmas.

Case in point #1:

Via Atrios:
On Friday, Four Jewish subway riders who wished other people Happy Hanukkah were pelted with anti-Semitic remarks before being beaten, New York police and prosecutors said.

The incident was being investigated as a possible hate crime.

The four were on a train in Manhattan on Friday night, during the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights, when they were approached by a group of 10 people who offered holiday greetings. The victims responded, Happy Hanukkah and were assaulted by the larger group, police said Tuesday.

Police caught up with the train in Brooklyn and arrested eight men and two women, aged 19 and 20. They were arraigned Saturday on charges of assault, menacing, riot, harassment and disorderly conduct, the Brooklyn district attorney's office said.
One can only hope this band of holy warriors makes bail quickly and returns to the trains to remind any and all infidels and heathens of the reason for the season.

Case in point #2:

And, this from closer to home:

Video of Debbie Hardy's Westmoreland Mansion Decked Out For Christmas

No chickenheart she, Debbie's obviously spent tens of thousands of Joe's her own money to commemorate the birth of Baby Jesus -- or is it the Wizard of Oz? (see video)

Well, it's something all right and it includes red feather boas and more sparkle and glitz than the eye shadow on a Miss Teen Texas pageant contestant. Proof that money can buy happiness and taste!

According to an MSNBC article:
Hardy-Ucman's candy-themed Christmas tree is topped off by none other than Joe Hardy dressed as Santa Claus.

"This is a specially designed ornament depicting Mr. Hardy as Santa with an 84 Lumber banner," said Neth.
We can't think of anything more appropriate to top a candy tree than a big old Sugar Daddy! (Although she may have gotten a bit confused thinking that the "J" in "WWJD" stood for "Joe.")

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