January 21, 2008


It's my understanding that the Inauguration for the next President of these United States (barring any more unconstitutional hanky-panky from the current regme) will occur on January 20, 2009.

That means that we're less than one year away from living in a post-Dubya America!


  1. John K. says "barring any hanky-panky"? In 2000 the Dmocrats tried to steal Florida and in 2004 they tried to steal Ohio. Now in 2008 the Clintons are whining that Obama is trying to steal elections. Hanky-Panky LOL LOL LOL remember the Democrats and Chicago and Philadelphia.

  2. The troll's capacity for projection is staggering. Which party was running the show in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004?

  3. ACtually, one year away, seeing as we have an extra day in February this eyar.

  4. John K. says: Remember in 2000 they did not count votes. The networks estimated votes thru exit polling. Which is why they tried to call Florida prior to the polls closing. After 2002, the networks were forced to actually count votes to maintain any credibility. Notice how many more votes Bush got in 2004 than Kerry when thet actually counted them. Even though Kerry was declared President at 2:00PM EST simply based on polls. So you have to keep your eyes on Democrats and vote counts. One they can't count past 11 anyway and two they usually just estimate. Bill Clinton knows this. Which is why he went on the attack in Nevada. Hanky-Panky with vote counts. Just ask Bill Clinton the master.

  5. The troll repeats the old right-wing boilerplate about the 2000 election. The news consortium determined that Bush would still have won had there been a limited recount in selected counties. However if there had been a full statewide recount in Florida, Gore would have won.

    As to Ohio in 2004, there is strong evidence that the Republicans suppressed and/or switched votes.

    The poor troll is so far removed from the facts it is beyond pathetic (we're still waiting on that "proof" that the NIE on Iran has been discredited--but we're not holding our breath).

  6. John K is right, because Major Andre personally counted all the votes.

  7. John K. says: I am right, thank-you for recognizing that. If you doubt me, who is whining about vote counts? Why the Clinton's, of course. I rest my case. In 2008, count the votes this time lefties. This ain't 1960.
