January 8, 2008

Tales of City Council

(I am admittedly blogging late on the changes in Pittsburgh City Council. This was in part because I attended the funeral yesterday of former City Council President Eugene "Jeep" DePasquale as I have known his son Mark for nearly thirty years. It was a lovely service and it was good of City Council to recognize DePasquale at their meeting.)

A hearty congratulations to Doug Shields on retaining the presidency of Council, to Bill Peduto for getting the Finance post and to Ricky Burgess for being named President Pro Tempore.

I believe that Carbolic best captured the Ravenstahl Administration's reaction to the changes here.

When Shields announced the Standing Committee chairs yesterday, he said that he "didn't want anybody to read much into this." We'll let you decide.

Pittsburgh City Council Standing Committees:
Ricky Burgess, Committee on Planning, Zoning & Land Use Council Chairperson, President Pro Tempore

Dan Deasy, Committee on Housing, Economic Development & Promotion Council Chairperson

Patrick Dowd, Committee on Parks, Recreation & Youth Policy Council Chairperson, Committee on Agendas (new committee -- not really certain of its name)

Darlene Harris, Committee on Public Works & Environmental Services Council Chairperson

Bruce Kraus, Committee on Public Safety Services Council Chairperson

Jim Motznik, Committee on Engineering, Fleet and Forestry Council Chairperson

Tonya Payne, Committee on Facilities, Technology and the Arts Council Chairperson

Bill Peduto, Committee on Finance, Law & Purchasing Council Chairperson

Doug Shields, Committee on Hearings Council Chairperson, City Council President
Here were the old assignments:
- Committee on Finance, Law & Purchasing Council Chairperson - Daniel Deasy
- Committee on Public Works & Environmental Services Council Chairperson - Jeffrey S. Koch
- Committee on Facilities, Technology and the Arts Council Chairperson - Bill Peduto
- Committee on Engineering, Fleet and Forestry Council Chairperson - Darlene Harris
- Committee on Planning, Zoning & Land Use Council Chairperson - Tonya Payne
- Committee on Housing, Economic Development & Promotion Council Chairperson - To be appointed
- Committee on Parks, Recreation & Youth Policy Council Chairperson - Jim Motznik
- Committee on Public Safety Services Council Chairperson - Len Bodack
- Committee on Hearings Council Chairperson - City Council President Doug Shields
While five Council members were sworn in yesterday and, consequently, got to make speeches (most hitting the note of "we'll all gonna work together"), I thought that both Bruce Kraus and Ricky Burgess tried to take their comments to a higher level.

As someone who helped Kraus' campaign the first time he ran (I was too sick to help the last time), it felt really good to watch him being sworn in. And, because his people made it available electronically, I put up a full copy of his remarks to Council here.


  1. This is the first bit of electronic communication from Bruce Kraus to the world in a long, long time.

    I dare not call the release of the text of his address a 'blog post.'

    Thanks for posting it.

    I would LOVE to see a speech cloud of all the talks so as to give to Patrick as he does an the early work on a 'legislative agenda.'

    Any others release their statements?

    I got Onorato's -- via my blog.

    Michael Lamb's address about the exploits of picking up girls. Well, at least that was the most interesting part, IMNSHO.

  2. My vote for most provocative statement, Shields' thou-protest-too-much moment re his committee appointments, he "didn't want anybody to read much into this."

    Doug! When you say something like that you're practically inviting people to speculate... I know I am.

    Most nonsensical & simultaneously aggravating statement, Dowd, re the excruciating pain he experienced voting for Shields for President, "...a very difficult vote, to be honest. I really want to try to end the politics of personality and was hoping we could find a way to do that with Councilman Shields. I still think we're not out of the woods on that."

    What the??? That doesn't make a lick of sense. Knock it off already.

  3. Excruciating because he really wanted to be able to vote for himself, and even working with Luke he couldn't get the five votes. Not to mention that he would have seen his political career end if he had voted for Motznik. When you put the old and new committee assignments side by side you can see why Tonya walked out - her relatively important committee went to Ricky Burgess.

  4. I rather think Pat Dowd is turned off by all the Luke Ravenstahl hatred.

  5. Dowd was yanked off, IMHO, because he wanted a public discussion of a legislative agenda from possible candidates -- before the vote.

    It didn't happen.

    So, he was forced into a vote without justification, without real merit.

    He turned in his vote without doing the homework. Or, really, a better view would be -- he was the 'teacher' and he turned in a 'passing grade' to the student (Doug) without the student doing any of his assigned homework. Teachers don't give out grades lightly. It was painful for Dowd to give out a vote without merit. The basis of the vote was plain old politics of the past and of the person.

    That was Dowd's first step. Leaving the 'high road' was done. Perhaps he can return to the high road, bailing out himself, by forging a common legislative agenda in the days and weeks to come.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. FYI: I removed the above 2 comments as they were either spam or gibberish.

  9. Bill Clinton is telling everyone that he never said bad things about Barak Obama. What Obama should do is to step up to a group of reporters and say: "Bill Clinton says 'I never said any untrue things about that Man, Senator Obama' " while Barak is wagging his finger Bill Clinton style. That iconic finger wag and carefully nuanced Clinton type denial will remind voters of the "twofer" they will get if they elect Hillary.

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