January 13, 2008

Jack Kelly Sunday

Today, Jack's got a pair of columns posted at the P-G. One for the Republican primaries and the other for the Democratic primaries.

Neither requires a lot of fact-checking. Paint me a bit dissapointed. This is what gets me up on Sunday mornings!

Anyway The first column starts with this:
Democrats will nominate for president the candidate they like the best. Republicans grumpily will settle upon the one they dislike the least. That's why I think journalists who wrote Mitt Romney's political obituary after the New Hampshire primary may be as wildly premature as they were when they wrote Hillary Clinton's before it.
And ends it with this:

The Democratic contest will be settled Feb. 5, because their race has effectively narrowed to two candidates. But if more than two GOP candidates are viable after Florida, the mega-primary likely will produce mixed results, because no candidate has enough money to compete in all the primaries that day, so each will cherry pick. This means that for the first time since 1976, the GOP candidate could be chosen at the national convention.

In a brokered convention, the candidate who's disliked least has the best chance. I'm not sure who that is.

In between J-Kel does a mostly substance-free "if this happens then that might happen" dance around the first-tier Republican candidates. Not enough Republicans seem to like any of them. And he doesn't have an idea on how the story will end.

Which is a bit of a shift from the 23rd of December, when he was at least hinting that Fred "The Tortoise" Thompson might be the nominee:
If Mike Huckabee's been the hare in this race, Fred Thompson is the tortoise. In Aesop's fable, it was the tortoise who eventually won.
Amazing the difference of three weeks. Thompson isn't even mentioned by J-Kel this week!

The Democratic column is mostly about Senator John Kerry's timing in endorsing Senator Barack Obama. (He thinks the timing was "weird.") If Kerry had endorsed BEFORE the New Hampshire primary, spake Jack, things might be looking different. And so on.

As I said there's nothing much to fact-check.


  1. I think Kerry may have been surprised by the errant polls in NH like most of us.If he jumps on before the NH primary and the polls prove true,then there's no perceptible impact from JK's endorsement.Now with NH in HRC column,JK has the opportunity to be perceived as a kingmaker for Obama.

  2. ...And the truth is, nobody really cares a wit about Kerry's endorsement. He is a failed standard bearer and no one wants to share the podium with a loser...

