January 25, 2008


From the Miami Herald:
Rudy Giuliani has hit the skids in a Florida freefall that could shatter his presidential campaign and leave a two-man Republican contest in the state between John McCain and Mitt Romney, a Miami Herald poll shows.

Despite hovering over Florida voters for weeks, Giuliani is tied for third place with the scarcely visible Mike Huckabee in a statewide poll of 800 likely voters.


"Giuliani for all intents and purposes has virtually no chance to win in Florida," [pollster Rob Schroth] said.
Couldn't happen to a bigger prick nicer guy! (I say this as a former New Yorker.)

(h/t to Shakesville)


  1. P.S. nine-eleven, nine-eleven, nine-eleven.

    Rudy's decision to ignore the very earliest primaries, and focus exclusively on Florida -- far from his home turf, even if portions are populated with former New Yorkers -- has always defined common sense.

  2. I am ever the master of the typo. But this one was worse than most.

  3. ...But only because it completely reversed the meaning. LOL

  4. Okay, so you don't like Rudy? That's fine. But you could at least show a little respect for him. I can't stand Hillary and Bill Clinton, but I'll never use hate/expleteive laced rhetoric to describe them.

  5. No, I cannot show "a little respect" for Benito Giuliani because I have no respect for him and he deserves no respect.

    I lived in NYC for 15 years. I am very familiar with RG.

    I will never forget that when he was running against Dinkins he was part of a police riot on City Hall in which a bunch of white officers from Staten Island hung the black mayor in effigy and roughed up a black City Councilwoman on the very steps of City hall.

    Rudy is a thug who surrounds himself with thugs.

  6. Okay, so you don't like Rudy? That's fine. But you could at least show a little respect for him...I'll never use hate/expleteive laced rhetoric to describe them.
    Someone else is using your ID, C.H. He has been sneaking in here saying things like "Ron Paul sucks" and claiming that Roman Catholics are political extremists. You should sue.

  7. Shitrock...

    I was quoting Maria when I said Ron Paul Sucks. Then I added that I agreed. Seeing as the man is encouraging some blatantly misguided poliicies that could inflict tremendous harm upon the world, saying that he "sucks" is pretty much hitting the nail right on the head. If I described him by saying F%$# this and F%$@ that, I would be overstepping my bounds.

    Also, I pointed out Hillary and Bill Clinton as people I will show some respect for even when I disagree with them. Because Bill Clinton is a former president, I respect him. Ron Paul however, is an isolationist kook who has lost touch with reality.

  8. I see, C.H. It's justifiable when dis people who you don't like -- people such as Ron Paul and Catholics -- but if someone else does it they are using "hate/expleteive laced rhetoric." No hypocrisy there.

  9. Shudda been "when YOU dis people," obviously.

  10. correct

    As the noble leader of wingnuttia, I am entitled to those specific benefits.

  11. John K. says: Good thing a Republican did not write those comments about Guilani. You left wing kooks would be calling them a racist. Now the left wing is prejudiced against italians?

  12. I'm just curious, John. Did you use some sort of random word generator to come up with this comment? Usually, you are ridiculous but at least make contact with something that exists in reality. This one seems to have come right out of your ass, aimed at nothing that anyone has written here.

  13. John K,

    Damn! You found us out!

    Yes, I, Maria Theresa Helena Lupinacci, am anti Italian as is my blogging partner David DeAngelo.
