January 29, 2008

Meet-and-Greet with Beth Hafer Tonight

Meet-and-Greet with Beth Hafer

WHAT: Meet-and-Greet with Beth Hafer
WHEN: Tuesday, January 29, 6:00PM
WHERE: Shadow Lounge, 5972 Baum Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15206


Please join host Bill Peduto in meeting-and-greeting Beth Hafer, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 18th Congressional District.

Beth is businesswoman and former teacher.

Come to learn more about Beth Hafer and her campaign for Congress.

The 18th Congressional District is currently held by Republican Tim Murphy and includes much of the South Hills in Allegheny County as well as parts of Beaver, Washington, and Westmoreland County.
R.S.V.P. here



  1. John K. says: LOL LOL Now there is an idea, don't worry about accomplishing anything on your own. Run on mom's name and record. Typical bunch of Democrats. You whine about change but continue to run candidates whose only claim to fame is the gene pool they were born into. Can we also say Hillary Clinton.

  2. Geez, I wish i could think of any republicans who fit that mold...nope can't think of one...or 41...or 43

  3. Another logical extravaganza from John K.

    John: What do you call one of those things that's stuck in the ground, can't pronounce words, and deserts from the armed forces?

    (Hint: George Dubya.....)

  4. Nice comments fellas...
    All of them are in line with the simple reality that "the other card didn't work too well with unknowns" which is all of the other candidates DUMMIES. That's a reality you fellas can't seem to escape of hide around and choose to attack in for your "unknown's" political gain. Hafer will take naughty Tim back to class for ethics 101. Accomplishing anything on your own... does that mean stealing from non-profits and tax payers???? Hmmm... there's only one candidate that fits that mold and its not a "she". Beth Hafer is obviously the top candidate in this race if democrats are serious about defeating naughty tim.
    I thought the democrats were the party of the "uniter"? It's true... we are, and these previous comments do nothing more than to really sink us progressive democrats in "the mud". Totally disgraceful and obviously delivered with a reason.... Go Hafer! She's by far the best candidate here in Washington co. to be elected.

  5. Whoa easy tiger...
    Some bloggers were critical of dudding... see his meet the candidate. You're referring to O'Donnell with the non-profit line??? I saw on another blog something about a court case and a bankruptcy. If what you are saying is true then it deserves merit to check out. I do however think even though you need to tone it down that Dudding and Hafer are the best candidates.... we do need to pick the best one for the race. I think they each have their strengths.
