January 9, 2008

More On The Surge

Here's a quiz. This hit the blogosphere today. Any guesses as to who said it? It's a statement about the future success of The Surge:

2008 and beyond will be a success, the surge will be a success, if the gains in security can be translated into gains in stability. And stealing Stephen Biddle's comment, if I had to put a number to it, maybe it's three in 10, maybe it's 50-50, if we play our cards right. It is certain that the next year will be far more difficult as it depends far more on the Iraqis themselves to show progress on key legislation, on their economy and on reconciliation. Of note, to recognize that this will be the next phase, that this will be done in 2008 rather than 2007, is a bit of a disappointment as the new way forward envisioned that progress in politics and reconciliation would occur in parallel with progress in security. To see such significant progress in security with only the foundations of progress in reconciliation is a bit disheartening, not to mention sobering.

If you guessed that it's a Pentagon official (and who wouldn't??) you'd be absolutely correct. The video can be seen at thinkprogress.

And according to Kevin Drum, it looks as if this Pentagon official, Mark Kimmet, is reading off a prepared statement. Drum presumes it's a "considered and vetted" position.

But taking a closer look at the wording, it's obvious that there's at most a 50-50 chance for the surge itself to succeed, as success is defined by the Pentagon as political stability in Iraq.

And still American troops die.


  1. John K. says: We are winning. And we launched a new offensive in Dyala Province to kill more of those al queda people Bush recruited. Bush is a genius. Do something that causes islamo thugs to get all emotional and upset. Lure them into the open and then bomb them. What a guy.

  2. So far this month, seventeen brave American soldiers gave their lives to promote the serious sickness of the White House. This is the highest death rate since last October.

    I'm not one to make predictions, but one has to wonder if this is not the start of another spike in American fatalities in Iraq. The year 2007 was our bloodiest so far. Will 2008 set another new high?

  3. I have concluded that John K is a sock puppet, employed by the blogmasters to enliven the discussion.

    The risk of parody is to go too far. And in this circumstance the excessiveness is the tattletale.

    A few of the more addled right-wing fringers will mouth the "we are winning" foolishness from time to time, but even the most committed chickenhawk steps back before uttering "Bush is a genius."

    Only a sane person attempting to emulate neoconservatism would go that far.

    It was a worthy effort. Refraining from tossing in a reference to God wanting the U.S. to win because this is a Christian Nation was a nice touch.

    But there is no way John K is for real, unless we can establish by timing logs that he never posts while elementary schools are in session.

  4. Love the handle, Infinomynous.
