January 4, 2008

One Hill CBA Coalition has its say

Two press releases from One Hill CBA Coalition presented in their entirety.

From yesterday:

One Hill CBA Coalition response to the Mayor's proposed CBA

Pittsburgh, PA: The One Hill CBA coalition has not yet received from the office of the Mayor a letter of intent regarding a proposed version of a Community Benefits Agreement. However One Hill is pleased to hear a number of their planks represented in the proposal, including a grocery store, a job training center and a YMCA/community center.

Yet it appears that vital planks have been expressly ignored. The Mayor has stated that he is not in favor of a Community Improvement Fund controlled by the Community. Contrary to statements appearing in the press, One Hill has not requested "a blank check" but has proposed the creation of an independent board that would include, but not necessarily be entirely limited to, members of the Hill Community to consider proposals for community improvement and empowerment. The creation of such a board would allow the community to have real input on projects and improvements in their community rather than leaving it in the hands of "government entities."

The other side has drawn a line in the sand calling the fund a "hand out" and misrepresenting the concept of community control. One Hill is willing to negotiate on this plank, but it is a crucial part of the Blueprint for a livable hill.

The Penguins are receiving "a handout" in the form of parking revenue from the publicly owned surface parking lots in the Hill. This revenue results in nearly $3
million in revenue for the Penguins a year all accruing from public assents in the Hill District without providing any benefit to the community.

One Hill will conduct a Tour of the Hill on Tuesday January 8 to highlight what types of community projects might benefit from such a fund.
From today:
ONE HILL CBA Tour of "Blueprint for a Livable Hill" Sites for Media, Elected Officials and Community Leaders

January 8, 2008

On Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. ONE HILL will lead a tour of the Hill District to demonstrate how a Community Fund, directed by the Hill community, could be the basis for a whole new democratic approach to development in communities. The 30 minute tour will include several spots that illustrate portions of the Blueprint for a Livable Hill, the basis for the Community Benefits Agreement that One Hill is negotiating with the Penguins, the City and the County. The tour will also view effects of the original arena development in the sixties.

The tour is highlighting the Blueprint for a Livable Hill because the CBA proposed by the Mayor and County Executive which was released yesterday falls short in many areas, such as the Community Fund, and needs to be the subject of ongoing negotiations.

The tour will demonstrate how a Community Benefits Agreement such as proposed by the Blueprint for a Livable Hill can be a new model for development - one in which Pittsburgh will be a national leader. This model allows communities to take charge of their own destiny, rather than leaving it in the hands of government or outside agencies.

For reference:

Arena plan leaves Hill leaders skeptical, P-G



  1. A fund overseen by an independent board, with strict guidelines to decrease the risk of money being used to grease the pockets of board members, seems to be a good idea.

    They make a good point about "handouts." When it's poor people, their called handouts, when it's big corporations, they're called incentives or subsidies.

  2. Does anyone know how much subsidy from the state and from Don Barden was earmarked for "Economic and Community Development"? You would figure it would be easy to take a fair percentage, call it the community fund, and arrange for a board just like Fillippelli says above.

    Of course, that would be stealing food from Ron Burkle's wenches mouths.

  3. Payne just turned to burnt toast as far as her 2009 election is concerned when she endorsed the plan, written by the Penguins and delivered by the Mayor. She's got a heAP of trouble with about six different coalitions in the hill and she is non existant in the North Side.

    let's play who's gonna knock off Tonya Payne in 2009?

    Luke can"t do anything to save one of his 2 votes in Council and both Payne and Motznik have big targets on thir backs.

  4. "I think it's a good document," said city Councilwoman Tonya Payne.
    P-G quoute.

    Well, it's been good to know you Tonya. You just lost your election in 2009. Maybe you and your dear friend Jim Motznik can open a consulting firm specializing in how best to commit political suicide.

    Way to represent Tonya. For what? Free cokes at the new arena? Maybe a free ipod from the Pen's too? Payne is now completely bought and paid for by Mayor Opie (Our Glorious Leader - See Admiral Turners posts) and the Penguin organiztion. Candidates are lining up to do what Tonya cannot do. Do what?

    For starters, represent the district's constituents and build consensus.

    And, not be the lap dog for the monied intrests that line the Grant Street halls of Our Glorious leader's office who are about to cash in big time on the Hill.

  5. I understand that half of the Hill District is about community programs and agencies already. I'm no fan of Mayor Fluke but he has a point. Lets work with existing programs already up and running. Why have competing start up agencies working against each other? We are duplicating services that already exist, for a power trip from One Hill.

  6. The One Hill Coalition makes me puke everytime I hear about them. Can someone on the Hill send a truckload of paper towels for clean up asap? After all, it's OHCs fault that I'm puking...

  7. Does anyone know where I can get the actual text of these proposals? I would like to read them and decide for myself what stance to take. My guess is both sides are being silly

  8. I just had a brainstorm; let's broaden the consensus by manifesting a call to action for an African American Families of SouthWestern Pennsylvania for Community Benefits Agreements (CBA); thereby let the present political shot callers know that they can't expect the majority African American family vote for Governor, Mayor, ect. until all development using public support must comply with the CBA. Afterall, when you disengage from the African American family with all the existing disparities that have been documented then you obviously aren't competent to be serve as the Mayor, Governor, etc. of all people in City of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania as a whole.

  9. The Hill does benefit, they get the arena, and since the majority of people that work there are Hill residents (Not including the "ticket brokers"), and beside the fact there is private money going into building it. The Pens are paying rent $7.5 mil a year to go towards the bonds that are being floated. If they want development, try cleaning up the area. It starts with the residents, and then the city. Not the Penguins. The last think I want to see is 9 unelected, unaccountanle, Rev's with a couple million on their bank account.

    There is a reason no one has put a store in the hill, it will not make money, I already pay for them to live, and my taxes already pay for there food.

    It would be like the developers of the Don Allen car dealership site to have to pay to support shady side and bloomfield. If the CBA people in the hill want a store, put your money were your race card is.

  10. There was a "community" meeting on homelessness in the North Side last night. It was a joke. Tonya Payne's so called community engagement was really a forum for the service providers, who made up about 75% of those in attendance, to preach to the residents that actaully deal with the issues. Tonya Payne said she "couldn't turn her back on the homeless" and Commander McNeilly honestly said "there is nothing the police can do" when homeless are breaking the law, to the gasp of the residents. Uh, when will these people figure it out that it is the taxpayer residents that are actually keeping this City from collapse. Does Payne really want them all to leave? Does anyone remember the fifth grader that was murdered by a homeless man on the North Side a few years ago? Well, the plaintiff's lawyers are licking their chops for the next incident - Payne gave them lots of ammunition that the City has sold out families.
    Northsiders are certainly waiting for Tonya's opponent so that we can pour in money and votes to his/her campaign.
