January 25, 2008

Some Old Friends Return...

From the pages of the Post-Gazette:

Former Allegheny County Councilman Ron Francis of Ben Avon, has dropped out of the Republican race to take on U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire, D-McCandless, this year, leaving Melissa Hart, who lost the seat in 2006, as the sole contender for her party's nomination.

In a letter to supporters this week, Mr. Francis, a partner in the Downtown law firm Reed Smith, said he didn't want to divide the GOP as the party seeks to defeat Mr. Altmire, a freshman lawmakers who is a top target for national Republican leaders.

"To defeat Congressman Altmire and reclaim the seat, we need to be united from the beginning behind one candidate," he wrote. "I have concluded that a majority of Republican primary voters in the Fourth Congressional District believe that Melissa Hart deserves a second chance to beat Congressman Altmire. I respect that opinion."


I am so looking forward to this.

Some initial obstacles facing the lovely and talented Missy Hart.

The NRCC at present has next to no money. Take a look. As of last September, they had $1.6 million on hand and $3.85 million in debts. The DCCC on the other hand had $28 million and only about $3 million in debts. That means the DCCC looks to be about $28 million ahead.

As far as the latest data from the FEC, we see that Missy Hart has about $219,000 on hand and no debts. Representative Jason Altmire, on the other hand, has $733,000 on hand about $1,100 in debts.

Obviously, the numbers will change. But she's starting out about a half million dollars behind with little chance of any help (at present) from the NRCC.

Good luck, Missy.


  1. the lovely and talented Missy Hart
    That's cold, Dayvoe. Cold.

  2. Have any of you political geniuses wondered why Francis would drop out just a couple days before the 4th quarter fundraising reports are due to the FEC? Sounds like Melissa is going to post a big number. It won't take millions anyways for someone who already has high name recognition to get the message out in the 4th district. Money will not be an issue in this race.

  3. Yea. Name recognition in a disctrict where she's ALREADY LOST.

  4. In 1996, the Democrats were able to convince two incumbents who had previously lost in 1994 when Republicans took over Congress...Both won.

  5. Sorry, meant to say Democrats convinced two previous incumbents to run again. Both won.

  6. Ah, the queen of mean returns. After ignorning Altmire the last time, wanna bet she runs a campaign that's neck deep in mud?

  7. altmire has been great about answering my e-mails and sending out info on-line and in the mail.

    i've been impressed in a good way.
    now, that might be because he is new. i hope not, but so far, i think he's been really working hard and has done some good things.

  8. Sherry gets treated well because of her basic goodness.

  9. thanks, but somehow i doubt that and i truly doubt my goodness. ; )

  10. While some old friends are returning, some are close to leaving.

    I wish to note that on Monday, Jan.28, 2008, President Bush will make his FINAL State of the Union address.

  11. This is one circumstance in which Republican discipline (party leaders put the word out some time ago that Francis was not to be supported because Hart was the horse, and Republicans tend to respect those edicts) leads to a weak GOP nominee.

    Francis would have been a much better candidate (from the perspectives of electability and capability if elected), but the GOP braintrust went with Hart. Maybe they figured that clearing the way for Hart this time around would likely solve some problems (putting her to pasture once and for call, for example, and reducing the temptation to direct substantial resources of the greater party to this race) without making much of a sacrifice (2008 is shaping up as an across-the-board meltdown for Republicans, for good reason, and that district should be be particularly tough for Altmire's opponent).

    Altmire has earned another term. The Republicans aren't doing much to prevent him for getting it. I expect Hart to work this time, but it is hard to see her succeeding.

    On the bright side for Francis, he avoids the 2008 bloodletting and can preserve his reputation and energy for a better spot. Plus he earns some GOP spurs for waiting his turn. And collecting (earning) a Reed Smith salary in the meantime isn't exactly brutal punishment.

  12. As attractive as that sounds, Infinonymous, I can't see the local (or statewide) republican party offering up Melissa Hart (who let's not forget was being groomed to take over Specter's seat) as a sacrificial lamb.

    But you could be right.

  13. You are talking, of course, about the era of Republicans' "permanent majority" giddiness, when Mary Beth Buchanan's future was a tossup between the Third Circuit and a run for governor or senator. When Melissa Hart was considered senator material. When even the dopiest of local hard-core right-wingers was being groomed for a destiny of faithful public servantship.

    I don't think anyone, including the most reality-disdaining Republicans, is talking like that anymore. Locally, about the only remnant of those days is Art Schwab's corrosion of the federal bench.


    P.S. To anyone who believes that Ms. Hart is too high-quality a piece of political meat for such dismissive treatment, I ask: Have you ever met her?

  14. John K. says; And remember, Altmire is owned by George Soros. He does what the man says. Moveon.org owns you lefties and tells you what to think.

  15. John K. says; And remember I'm owned by Senator Larry Craig and if he says spread my legs farther I do what he says.
