March 6, 2008

2 Political Junkies At War!

Yes, 2 Political Junkies are at war -- with each other!

OK, not really. First of all, neither of us wants to see a [gulp] President McCain.

But, while Dayvoe sees Barack "They Even Applaud When He Sneezes" Obama as the best chance for salvation from the forces of evil in November, Maria believes that Hillary "Comeback Kid Part II" Clinton and her Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants [Suits] can redeem mankind and womynkind.


Seriously folks, we have a split here and we're going with it. However, that does not mean that we want to turn 2pj into a battleground. One of these two will end up being the Democratic nominee and both of us will support the eventual winner, so no scorched earth blogging or comments, please (right, like that's going to happen).

We just thought that our readers had a right to know where we stand (apart for now).


David DeAngelo
Maria Lupinacci



  1. If only Gary Gygax were still with us. HE'd have found a way to medieate between these two.

    - Shawn, being geeky

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Or about how it was Clinton's people who were the ones that called the Canadian embassy and said, "Disregard what we have to say about NAFTA, like always the Senator supports NAFTA, we're just trolling for votes in Ohio." Remember the 1990s, remember that the Clintons sold out the labor movement and signed free trade agreement after free trade agreement, remember that the Clintons sold us out on so many progressive issues remember to never trust a Clinton. Vote for Obama!!!

  4. "the best chance for salvation from the forces of evil"

    When I hear that, I'd like to believe you are referring to the real force of Omar Al-Bashir's Sudan, or the murderous Takfiri nutjobs who blow up children in Iraq and Algeria...or the Taliban militants who detonate nail bombs at funerals and take the lives of so many innocent people.

    But no, instead, you are actually suggesting that a good man like John Mccain, a man who is willing to confront these aweful people, is really "the force of evil".

    While the far-left and right ideologues divide this country and tear it apart, the real bad guys wouldn't want to have it any other way.

  5. the real bad guys wouldn't want to have it any other way.

    As their spokesman, you are in an excellent position to make that statement.

  6. Um, C.H., I haven't heard John McCain say a goddamn thing about Sudan or the Takfiri or, for that matter, the Taliban.

    Here is what I have heard:

    1) We're staying in Iraq, even if it means we have to continue paying and arming insurgents who have previously killed American soldiers and innocent Iraqis

    2) I support continued tax cuts for the rich

    3) There is little need for fundamental change in our health care system, other than maybe some tax credits that may help some people buy really crappy individual health insurance (assuming they have no pre-existing conditions)

    4) I welcome the support of sick motherfuckers who say Katrina was a punishment to New Orleans because gay people were going to have another parade

    5) Torture, while it may be terrible - and I should know, because I was tortured and used to be against it - is just okey-dokey. Works for Jack Bauer, doesn't it?

    6) I really have no education policy whatsoever.

    7) Did I mention that I will keep us in Iraq, pretty much in perpetuity, and we will continue to flush hundreds of billions down the drain and have American soldiers die, while Afghanistan crumbles, Al Qaeda becomes resurgent, our military is crippled, and the American economy turns into a big pile of pooh?

    That's what I have heard from John McCain. Please educate me about where I am wrong.

    And, for Pete's sake, develop some semblance of a sense of humor and realize that "forces of evil" was a (somewhat) sarcastic statement.

    And, for the record, I'm not convinced that either Obama or Hillary can save anybody from anything. They are simply less odious than the only other viable option.

  7. This is indeed a difficult choice. We have to decide whether or not to choose a woman who:

    -- Has a position on the First Amendment to the right of Antonin Scalia.

    -- Voted to authorize the Bush invasion of Iraq when even idiots such as I knew that he WOULD invade come hell or low poll numbers, and that there were no WMDs.

    -- Voted to authorize Bush to invade Iran.

    -- Is willing to dismember her party with negative advertising.

    -- Would prefer a war-happy John McCain as president to Barak Obama.

    (Feel free to challenge me on any of these. I can quote chapter and verse.)

    Maria, I love ya, but I will not vote for Hillary in April nor November.

  8. Thanks for making clear this will be a good clean fight, and you'll each support the eventual nominee. I was alarmed by McIntire's assertion that Barack folk will vote for Hillary, but Hillary folk are more likely to snub Barack in the general.

    Wonder why that could be?

  9. Right wing talk radio is beating up on Obama to enable Clinton to win, not because she will be easier to defeat in the general election. It's because you can't lose when you have two republicans vying for the same position. The only difference is the gender.

  10. Right wing talk radio is beating up on Obama to enable Clinton to win.

    Which is why I love it when I read things like this

    On the local conservative radio stations, many Republicans are calling and complaining about feeling “disenfranchised”.

    Apparently, they didn’t realize that by implementing Rush Limbaugh’s strategy of voting for Hillary in the Primaries to prolong the Democrats fist-fight, they would not be allowed to vote for any of the Republicans on the rest of the ballot.

    Boo frickin' hoo!

    BTW, I just got a Hillary push-poll call. After I hung up I sent some money to Obama's campaign (I'll do the same for Hillary if I get an Obama push-poll call). I'm still undecided but I have to say I was pissed off when the Hillary pollster tried using the "Obama contacted the Canadians about NAFTA" story.

  11. But no, instead, you are actually suggesting that a good man like John Mccain, a man who is willing to confront these aweful people, is really "the force of evil".

    And of course we all know that conservatives would NEVER say anything like that

  12. John K. says: Limbaugh is the Man! He convinced all those Republicans to cross over and keep Frau Hillary in the race. Now we get to watch you two bash each other into a pulp as well as spend a lot of money. Conservatives rules!

  13. John K. says: See my pee-pee! See my pee-pee! Look at my pee-pee! LMAO LOL
