March 30, 2008

Bush Throws Out The First Pitch

And goes booed (via

Worst. President. Ever. And the fans at that ballgame know it.


  1. It would be better to inhabit a world in which courtesy toward elected officials were more appropriate, but I salute those who have booed Bush, Cheney, Onorato and other public officials who rarely stand before voters or answer questions.

    These elected officials live in heavily insulated environments, surrounded by sycophants, selling access, avoiding dissenting views and protest. Those boos might be the only dose of reality that has penetrated Bush's world in some time.

  2. considering he deserves i war crimes tribunal, i too welcome these fans' reactions.

  3. John K. says: You left wing kooks are really sick. It is a baseball game and you hate Bush so much that no matter what the guy does you have to find the negative. Your hatred is consuming you. It is a baseball game! LOL Limbaugh is right, you can't think clearly anymore. LMAO at just how dumb you folks are.

  4. John K. also says: Now the warped mind of a lefty. Bush deserves a war crimes trial but Saddam Hussein did not. Sickos

  5. Someone, perhaps, should remind John K that Saddam Hussein is dead. He was executed AFTER his trial for "crimes against humanity." He was executed in December, 2006.

    Someone else should also ask John K whether anyone at this blog (writers or commenters) ever claimed that Hussein did NOT deserve a war crimes trial.

    Perhaps John K should go do his homework before speaking out and looking like a complete idiot.


  6. John K. says: You lefties are sick because you won't look at my peenie. I keep waving it and you keep not looking. Sick! Lookie!

  7. Whoever the schmuck is that continues the John K dick/peenie posts does nothing but discredit those of us who disagree with John k and I wish he would stop it.

  8. Asshole says: Look at me! I have a peenie too!

  9. John K. says: Saddam is dead. No thanks to the left wingers. You defended him and blamed it all on Bush. Saddam was never threatened by war crimes trials during the 1990's. So try that one again. Perhaps on a Bush hating lefty. Bush threw out a baseball and you left wing kooks want to try him for war crimes. LOL LOL I don't even have to work to make you lefties look loony.

  10. John K. also says: Personally I like the guy who posts the "look at my..." stuff. He exposes you left wingers for who you are. Not very good at refuting evidence or facts but okay at using racial slurs and sexual statements. Like I said a few months ago. This is way too easy. LOL

  11. John K. says: Look at me! Look at my wanger! Lookie! Lookie!

  12. There was nothing negative about this.

    Bush Jr. tossed the first pitch, as is his right in response to the Nationals' invitation.

    The crowd booed, as was appropriate.

    It's all good. Not perfect -- in a perfect world, Bush would recognize that he has earned public opprobrium and would stay home rather than bring a cloud upon opening day, or our president wouldn't be such a loser that people are justified in booing him. But still, all good. No one got killed, and by Bush administration standards that's a very good day.

    I agree that it is difficult to determine which is worst -- John K.'s juvenile rantings, his dopey shadow's equally juvenile rantings, or the moderators' failure or inability to control the situation. Had I the necessary skill, i might set up a poll.

  13. 30-50 years from now you will be eating your words. Move to China you communist/socilaist wackos!

  14. John K. says: Nope try again. This blog never endorsed removing Saddam Hussein from power. The left wing was happy to endorse him and blame it all on Bush. In fact, the left rallied to his defense. Remember Bush lied and all that stuff. So now that Saddam is dead, thanks to Bush, you lefties want in on that band wagon. LOL LOL LOL I told you Rep. Abercrombie tried that stuff after Desert Storm. Didn't work then will not work now. You left wingers loved Saddam Hussein just like you love Castro. Only people you think should be tried for war crimes are the O'Reilly crowd. So run that line among yourselves. Does not fly with the rest of us.

  15. John K. says: Maybe I can get Castro or Saddam to admire my peenie. It sure isn't working with you guys.

  16. Bush was Right:

    We don't have 30-50 years to solve the world's problems. We need somebody to fix them, not make them far worse and pass them on to our children. Bush was WRONG and in 30-50 years, Bush will be little but a historical pinata.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This act at the baseball game was shows just how divided this country really is. To me, this is a tragedy. It's one thing to have legitimate debate, but now its nothing but anger, hate, and smear campaigns.

    My greatest fear is that this country will elect someone like Barack Obama into the White House and the four years that follow will become the "what can we do for ourselves?" era, meaning we'll put the issues that are happening around the world on the back burner and only focus on the things that are happening in this country. Even worse, the fact that Obama, a man who embraces a hater like Jeremiah Wright, has a very real chance of becoming president would be a tragedy in its own way.

    But the most disgusting, shameful act of all is the failure to recognize progress in Iraq, while exploiting the accomplishments of terrorists for political reasons. Think about people like Keith Olbermann, or the cast of the "Today Show"...these last few months, they have been terrified of progress in Iraq, because its inflicts a tremendous hit on their propaganda campaign to repeat the same basic phrase over and over again: "Bush lied people died".

    They have very little time to talk about any of the good news, but when AQI or Al-Sadr's forces succeed in their mission of chaos, the cameras are there to get every single detail.

    No one it seems, cares about the innocent people many, this is a political issue. If I'm wrong, why is it that Al-Sadr's fighting against the Iraqi government dominates the headlines, while human tragedies of equal proportions are ignored, like say, Sri Lanka for instance.

    How many of you people know what has been happening on that Island in recent months. But what does it matter right? It's just some God forsaken island after all, and telling the world about what is happening in the jungles of that country isn't going to bring down the Bush Administration or bring about "Change" in America.

    It seems that these days, people are most concerned with their everyday lives above all else. Let's face it, the overwhelming majority of Americans would prefer to watch "American Idol" or hear about Brittany Spears than hear about ethnic violence in Africa, Sri Lanka, or somewhere else...its just the way it is.

    ..and in the meantime, this country, which is the greatest force for good in this world, is attacked on an hourly basis by media figures, politicians, bloggers, and misguided Americans.

  19. What does religion have to do with anything? The first appointed Pope, I forget his name, made two important decrees that still resonate. The Romans were not having enough kids, so he ordered a ban on abortion and a financial grant for each child born to a Roman. Does this sound like a Republican Catholic to you? This decree had no biblical reference, it was determindly political.

  20. Anger ... hatred ... oh the humanity!

    Unpopular leaders should be booed. Case closed.
