March 15, 2008

Hillary Clinton to March in St. Patrick's Day Parade Today

If you missed the rally, you can see Hillary Clinton at the parade.

Parade details:
The parade, which begins at 10 a.m. and is scheduled to conclude about 2:30 p.m., will cause some street closures, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The parade will begin at Crawford Street at Centre Avenue and continue via Centre Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Grant Street and the Boulevard of the Allies before concluding at the intersection of the Boulevard of the Allies and Commonwealth Place.
DO expect to hear chanting/booing by Obama supporters. They were chanting "Hillary go home" when she had a press conference today at a gas station in Bloomfield.

(I guess that's all part of the new kind of politics of change and hope and whatever -- stay classy, guys!)


  1. Excellent!

    The St. Patty's Parade can also be her "I Am Going Back To Being A F/T Senator From NY Shortly" Farewell Celebration.

  2. Are her super-donors going to be there, who are threatening to withhold monies from the DNC if the Florida delegation does not get seated?

    Progressive Populist or Corporate Shill?

  3. Maria;

    I think I have to cry "foul" on this one.

    What evidence do you have that the people chanting "Hillary go home" were Obama supporters? Do didn't say. Couldn't they have been, oh I don't know, MCCAIN SUPPORTERS?

    A lot of people just don't like Senator Clinton--her negatives are just under 50%, aren't they?--so why couldn't it be those who were chanting?

    Why automatically assume Obama supporters?

  4. John K. says: If your aim in life is to take the stuff of other people and blame them for your failures in the process, then Obama is your man for President. His entire campaign rests on the hope that he can be elected and then the hope that he can make laws that deprive people of property.

  5. "What evidence do you have that the people chanting "Hillary go home" were Obama supporters?"

    The Secret Service.

    Is that good enough?

    My friend was inside the garage and heard them chanting. She also heard a Secret Service guy say over his mic, "We have Obama protesters here."


  6. Actually, NO, not good enough.

    So your friend told you what she heard from the Secret Service. How reliable a witness is your friend. I don't know.

    It's all heresay, isn't it? You don't have any direct knowledge of anything, do you?

    How do you know the Secret Service guy was right? Did he just look across the street and ascertain the political position of the people chanting?

    It's too much of a stretch to make that sort of charge.

    Dn't get me wrong. If there were any news reports where someone walked over and, you know, actually ASKED the chanters who they supported and they said "Obama, of course!" then you'd be completely correct (and I'd be completely wrong and I'll apologise).

    Until then, you just smeared some of the very people who your side will need to win in November in the unlikely event that Senator Clinton wins the nomination.

    Good going.

  7. Admit it, you wouldn't believe it if there was video of Obama himself chanting.

  8. So you don't have any evidence other than what your friend told you she heard a Secret Service agent say.

    No news report?

    No KDKA tape with John Delano talking up an "Obama chanter?"

    If there were, I'd be right beside you on this one.

    But if there isn't, it's a smear.

    Admit it.

  9. I hope she doesn't melt.

  10. Hillary and Bill Clinton have made a significant issue about how the press is treating Hillary unfairly in their hyper-critical reporting on her and their “softball” reporting on Barak Obama. Hillary maintains she has been fully investigated by the media and Barak hasn’t!

    As the Tony Rezko trial begins in Chicago, Clinton and her surrogates are linking Obama to Rezko and the media is speculating about whether Obama will be called to testify as a witness in the case. Obama has always admitted he received $85,000 in contributions from Rezko which Obama has now donated to charity rather than keep.

    Yet the civil fraud trial of Bill Clinton for defrauduing Hillary’s largest donor in 2000 into giving her campaign more than $1.2 million, pending in Los Angeles courts since 2003, is now preparing for a November, 2008 trial. The discovery that is now proceeding after a February 21 hearing, and the pending trial, have NEVER been announced by the mainstream media.

    Hillary was able to extricate herself as a co-defendant in the case in January, 2008 after years of appeals to be protected by the First Amendment from tort claims arising out of federal campaign solicitations she made. Her abuse of the intent of California’s anti-SLAPP law after the California Supreme Court refused to dismiss her from the case in 2004 is emblematic of her contempt for the Rule of Law.

    Hillary will be called as a witness in both discovery and the trial according to the trial court Judge who so-advised Hillary’s attorney David Kendall when he dismissed Hillary as a co-defendant in 2007. A subpoena is being prepared this month and will be served personally on Hillary, along with Chelsea, Pa Gov. Ed Rendell, Al Gore and other well known political and media figures.

    Yet the media has refused to report about this landmark civil fraud case- brought by Hillary’s biggest 2000 donor to her Senate race, regarding allegations that were corroborated by the Department of Justice in the criminal trial of Hillary’s finance director David Rosen in May, 2005. That indictment and trial was credited as resulting from the civil suit’s allegations by Peter Paul, the Hollywood dot com millionaire Bill Clinton convinced to donate more than $1.2 million (according to the DOJ prosecutors and the FBI) to Hillary’s Senate campaign as part of a post White House business deal with Bill.

    The media - except for World Net Daily- has also suspiciously refused to report on Hillary’s last FEC report regarding her 2000 Senate campaign, filed in January 30, 2006. In a secret settlement of an FEC complaint by the plaintiff in Paul v Clinton, Peter Paul, the FEC fined Hillary’s campaign $35,000 for hiding more than $720,000 in donations from Paul, and it required Hillary’s campaign to file a 4th amended FEC report.

    In that report Hillary and her campaign again hid Paul’s $1.2 million contribution to her campaign and falsely attributed $250,000 as being donated by Paul’s partner, Spider Man creator Stan Lee, who swore in a video taped deposition he never gave Hillary or her campaign any money.

    Lee did testify to trading $100,000 checks with Paul to make it appear he gave $100,000 to Hillary’s campaign (admission of a felony) but none of that has been reported by the “overly critical” media!

    Where is the outrage from Obama that the press is engaging in a double standard relating to his possible role in the Rezko trial and his refunding the $85,000 contributed to his campaign by Rezko- which Obama has always admitted taking. The media makes no mention of Hillary’s role as a witness in Bill’s fraud trial for defrauding Hillary’s largest donor- and Hillary’s refusal to refund the $1.2 million she illegally received from Paul, which she has denied taking from Paul ever since the Washington Post asked her about Paul and his felony convictions from the 1970’s before her first Senate election in 2000?

    Let the truth be told, see the video of Hillary commiting crimes at

    And to those that like to get brainwashed by the media, like CNN (Clinton News Network) lets be real. We know churches are not 20 years talking about the same thing, the media gathered up those few clips. Do I think the pastor is a bit racist, there's no doubt about it. But to link Obama with the Pastor, No. First of all, people are forgetting (Maybe because of his color) that OBAMA is WHITE and BLACK! As much as people want to make Obama un-American.... he is not. Youtube videos showing him not Pledge to the flag? First of all he and the audience were the only smart people that knew the national anthem is not the pledge of allegiance, plus was the only one singing it when Clinton and the others didn't even know the song. I friend of mines I knew for 23 years murdered two people, I hate him for doing such stupidity, but he was part of the family, and I see him like twice every year. But that doesn't make me a murderer. It didn't make my wife switch her mind on being with me, that because I'm my own person. People should pay attention to what Obama says and not his pastor, so as much as you want to make it look like Obama is un-American. That is such a Clinton!!! in other words such a LIE!

  11. The Pittsburgh Newscrapers have not been fair in their objectivity. Well, that's not a good argument. Who reads them anyway. "Lukey,the good old boy" wants credit on his public service to pay off his student loans. Well, that's exciting. Oh,Oh, now you know I'm a reader. I did learn that both papers are so elite that they skip over the Wright issue. I'm so pleased to be among the elite.

  12. My report: I made a beeline down William Penn Place / Cherry Way to get to work. Saw a few teenagers walking down 6th with "O'Bama" signs, yelling drunkenly, "Barack Obama is Irish! Barack Obama is Irish!"

    It's not my style, but I don't think there's anything wrong with booing Hillary / Dan / Luke at the St. Patty's Day parade. It's a happy holiday for everybody to enjoy, why does it have to be morphed into a political campaign rally? You step out in public and seeks votes, you takes your chances. There are worse things in life than a little booing. If people were throwing batteries, well, that would be bad.

  13. You are shedding credibility at an unsustainable rate, Maria.

    Please recalculate your course.

  14. As the queen of taking special interest money then lying about it, who is Hillary pandering to now? Maybe she can spin more tales about how she brought peace to Ireland

  15. I agree that any politician who tries to use a non-campaign event to grab some publicity is fair game for the boo-birds.

    In this case, there could be more specific reasons for boos.

    Onorato has been jeered repeatedly, and deservedly so, at public events since New Year's Eve. If Sen. Clinton rode with or near him, the day after accepting his endorsement, that was a political mistake. The boos were predictable.

    Because many in the crowd were not city residents, and because those living outside the city are especially likely to regard the mayor as an unqualified boob emblematic of the city's long-term failures, sticking close to Mayuor Ravenstahl at the parade would also have been a tactical blunder.

    (Caution: I don't yet know who, if anyone, she rode/walked with or near.)

    A candidate with Sen. Clinton's disapproval ratings should be particularly careful about uncontrolled public environments, and her two new pals in local government would aggravate the situation.

    If she wanted to avoid boos, Sen. Clinton should have skipped the parade.

    It would have been tougher for Dan Onorato to be a no-show, so he probably was fated to face the music -- and, I am told, many anti-drink tax signs, not only along the route but also on many of the parade vehicles. Ouch.

    The mayor, as seems so often to be the case, was mainly just along for the ride.

  16. Repeated, because I am interested:

    How come all the local politicians you like and respect are lining up behind Obama, and all of the local politicians you seem to loathe are lining up behind Clinton?

  17. Two things...
    I was at the gas station yesterday, and yes, there were Obama supports shouting, "Obama! Obama!" and, "Hillary go home."
    Second, I was at the parade today, walking with our next President, and heard many more cheers than jeers.
    I am a Hillary supporter. I have met her on a number of occasions, and I believe that she is the best PERSON for the presidency.
    That is all.

  18. I can't be sure whether that question was directed to me, Bram, but if it was:

    Are you suggesting that I have morphed from being Patrick Dowd to being Barack Obama?

    That's ridiculous, of course. The fact is that I have irresistable powers of persuasion, particularly with respect to the weak-minded, and I have brainwashed all of the lesser local politicans into backing Sen. Clinton, so that they will be marginalized when Pres. Obama takes office. Better public officials will overtake them, delivering a successful future for our fair region.

    It might not seem like much of a plan to you, but you must admit it has to work better than anything Mayor Ravenstahl could come up with.

  19. Maria must be an eight year old. Wah wah they booed Hillary wah wah they booed Hillary. We don't live in Communist China, not yet anyhow. I thought we had a few constitutional rights left. I guess not if you're an eight year old Hillary Clinton supporter.Maria must follow the neo-cons policy. If you don't agree with what they are representing they don't allow you to attend. They put you 1/4 mile down the road and rope you off to a designated area. The reason that all the politicians that you loathe are lining up behind Hillary is because they are Democrats in name only. Forty years ago they were called main stream Republicans. There are very very few true Democrats left. Obama is not one of them. He's the lesser of two evils as far as I'm concerned. Feingold and Kennedy are the only Democratic Senators we have. Take a 8 month sabbatical Maria until the election is over. That will help you get those neo-con ways out of your mind.

  20. No, Inifinonymous, that question was for Maria. Sorry if that was not clear.

  21. No problem. Your question followed my message, and it is true that the officials I respect tend to support Sen. Obama, so I figured you might be inquiring of me.

    I should have known, on the other hand, that you wouldn't be interested in what I think.

  22. Anon. 8:30,

    You're right. I remember typing that they should be put behind the chickenwire and waterboarded, but it somehow turned out "stay classy, guys."

    Blogger can be so weird sometimes.

  23. Bram,

    You want to direct me to any actual endorsements?

  24. Um, Luke, Dan, Ed for Clinton...
    Shields, Dowd, Kraus, Peduto, Burgess, Chelsa Wagner for Obama (check Dayvoe's post below).

  25. Gee, chanting "Hillary go home" is so much worse than a major campaign surrogate reducing Obama's candidacy to a fad with the black guy, suggesting that he's only where he's at because of his race.

    Now that's classy.

  26. Oh yeah, plus Lamb for Obama and Payne for Clinton.

  27. wow, I am just LMAO at this civil war that is wrecking havoc on the left-wing and splintering the democratic party into factions. The far-left internet character assassins who would normally be targeting Mccain are setting their sights on one another.

  28. Bram,

    I said endorsements, not who showed up to a particular campaign event.

    Can you point me to actual endorsements?

  29. CH says: Lookie my biiiiiig peenie! Lookie!

  30. OK enough already with the penis "humor." It was funny the first 14 times or so...

  31. Who do Mike Doyle and Altmire support? Those are the ones that count because they have a vote. Anyone know who they endorsed?

  32. Oh come ON! Now it's head in the sand time? You're telling me you don't believe those officeholders support those respective candidates?

    Shields is a delegate for Obama, Payne is a delegate for Payne. Lamb has been on record as supporting Obama for some time. We know Luke Dan and Ed endorsed Hillary. We can take Doug's word about his fellow councilmen or not, though it sounded like the event at which he and Patrick attended was for volunteers and supporters, not lookie-loos.

  33. Doi -- Payne is a delegate for Hillary. Freudian slip, sorry.

    And man, oh come ON! looks more rude in print than it was in my head. :-$

  34. I observed the secret service warning that there were Obama protestors. I am not a liar. I was also at the parade. At the very end a bunch of Obama followers jumped the rope that the secret service kept between the crowd and officials.I realize that people act on their own. But this immature and dangerous behavior seems to come more from the Obama campaign.

  35. Oh, I also heard the mean spirited chants "Hillary go home. We don't want you here." This type of behavior does not help Obama. Have Obama followers, who engage in these tactics, get that they are self destructive?

  36. I'm not from Pennsylvania. I don't know if people in Pennsylvania know Molly Ivons. I found this today and I decided I had to get it out to women everywhere. I hope you do not mind my interference too much.

    If you don't know about Molly Ivons, I am sorry. You would have liked her I am sure. She was one of the funniest, wisest, most outrageous political Democratic writers Texas ever produced -- male or female.

    I miss the voice of Molly Ivons and I hope my fellow women out there who can still hear me will click this link and hear Molly Ivon's wise words of warning:

    These words of Molly Ivons were published January 20, 2006. God took her away from us way too soon. Were Molly Ivons still with us, she could have opened so many eyes and ears that I will never be able to reach. God rest and bless your brilliant, funny soul, Molly. How I miss you!


  37. Sorry -- there was a typographical error of the worst kind in my post. I misspelled Molly "Ivins" name. It is Molly Ivins, not Ivons. Sorry! Kimberly

  38. Note: When I comment, my profile link appears.

  39. Altmire is on the front page of the Sunday New York Times quoted as being uncommitted. Doyle I don't know.

  40. I also saw altmire on one of the national TV shows last week talking about being uncommitted.

  41. Doyle is uncommitted as well.He's looking for coattails for House members across the country in seats that the Dems might be able to pick up. Clinton is no help in this area - in fact she fires up the Republicans to get out their base and that turnout hurts Democrats down the ticket. Obama could be a big help. He is close to Bill Richardson and will probably go whichever way Richardson goes.

  42. Bram,

    I have been told by at least one elected person who was at Obama's Pgh office opening that they have not declared for anyone. That's the only reason that I asked who's actually endorsed. I agree with you that following have made actual endorsements:

    Shields, Payne, Lamb, Luke, Dan and Ed.

    Add Dan Frankel for Hillary as he was phonebanking for her before the Ohio primary, as was I.

  43. Oh, yeah. Add Valerie McDonalds Roberts for Obama.

  44. Two seperate groups told me (I was marching) that they heard people chant "Shame On You, Shame On You" when Hillary went by during the parade.

  45. I don't think someone can legitimately complain about sexism when she refuses to post a video of John McCain's spiritual adviser just because it doesn't serve her candidate's purpose. It's apparently no big deal to say that Planned Parenthood is a genocidal organization, but a deal breaker to chant "Hillary Go Home!" Only makes sense in Clintonland.

  46. you babies! This blog is ssssssoooooo,, excuse my stttttttutttter, so self-indulgent. I'd rather read Dr. Seuss. He had a point or two.

  47. you babies! This blog is ssssssoooooo,, excuse my stttttttutttter, so self-indulgent.
    Welcome! You'll fit right in!
