March 13, 2008


You heard it here first:


3:30 call time
5:45 program begins

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall
4141 Fifth Avenue
Oakland section of Pittsburgh, PA

UPDATE: If you want to volunteer for this event, please contact:
Stephanie Rex at 937.520.4178 or


  1. thank you Maria for your brave stance on this blog. I am so sick of the sick mysogeny that dominates this page. Hillary's laugh? How mean can they get. I read Obamas book. As a child he sees pictures of a black man trying to bleach himself white. He was enlightened!!!! I would like to have heard him say, "oh my God! I'm black" Get far men. You hate strong women.

  2. I love strong women, and they are all pushing me to vote for Obama.

  3. And I am so sick of people who can't spell misogyny (and who can't tell the difference - at least in the case of most Democratic voters - between misogyny and anger over abhorrent behavior).

  4. fillippelli the cook, how pretensious is that? I admit I had to look up the meaning of the word since it started being battered around so often, but my point is overlooked. Read the man's book and you will see a deeply conflicted personality who s easily led and pushed around by strong women. His father, he discovers, was a drunk,was politically corrupt and had more wives than he could handle. His search of his black roots sent him back to his white folks quickly. This is not a strong man. If strong women make you cringe, wait for Mischelle to lead.She tells Obama to squat to pee, and he'll say "rght now, here?" Now, fillpp, your real name is Phil, the burger Phlipper, right?

  5. 4:56 -- Wipe the egg off your face.

    If you are going to present yourself as a psychologist, you could at least learn to spell. And make a joke.

  6. Obama has a spiritual mentor:
    He's been listening to that for 20 years. No wonder Michelle Obama said its the first time she's felt proud of her country.
    This coupled with his refusal to show respect for the victims of 9/11 by wearing the US Flag pin on his lapel as well as his US Senate vote of NO to ban physical desecration of the US flag speaks volumes about how he feels about htis country.

  7. 4:56 AM. That's alert! I think you do have a point as CNN had a special on Michelle this morning. She does rule his world. Made him quit smoking, had him begging for a date, (according to her brother), complains about his stinky underware and, at one rally, told him to "get out there and don't f***k it up". I read the book too and liked it. I could vote for him. He is really cute. Swoon!!!

  8. Hillary was brilliant...
    I hope you look at your daughter, or sister, or mother, when you make these sexist remarks, how can you belittle women like this, sad I hear women do this too...
