March 12, 2008

The Only Answer!

With comments about "tea parties" and "claws out" about Hillary and Barack being "very lucky" to be a black man . . .

With 92% of Mississippi black voters supporting Obama and 70% of Mississippi white voters supporting Clinton . . .

With younger people overwhelmingly for Obama and older people overwhelmingly for Clinton . . .

With older white women for Hillary and angry white males bouncing back and forth between both campaigns . . .

One thing has become perfectly clear.

Barack Obama must drop out.

Hillary Clinton must drop out.

America can't handle identity politics. Race Vs. gender is too much for the Democrats.

There is only one answer:

The Democrats have got to nominate this guy!

Well, not necessarily that guy, but, yes, a white guy!

So, Edwards, Biden, Dodd, etc.,* dust off those running shoes -- we apparently can only coalesce around a white guy!

* Richardson, not so fast. After all this crap with a chick and a black dude, we don't even want to think about getting into the whole Latino thing, OK?


  1. It has become an absolutely rediculous fight. America is supposed to be forward thinking but instead we make personal attacts on each other and cry foul when the other guy does it. I fear the outcome with either "contender".I do believe we will see change, but I'm not sure we will like it. Can this country show some maturity in honest assesments? We better get off our "high horses" and look at all the sh** we're letting collect on the ground. Come on America, we deserve better.

  2. John K says: LMAO I love watching liberals act like liberals. This is so funny. Look at you folks, bringing up race, gender, etc. I love when the left acts like the bigots we know them to be. Eliot Spitzer rules! LMAO LMAO

  3. John K: I have a little weenie and a need Rush, Sean and Bill to help me pee.

    They bring their own tweezers.

  4. Maria,

    What about the WI and MD numbers, before Hillary went scorched earth?

    You conveniently leave out that showed how many Rethugs crossed over to vote for Hillary (25 %), the great majority (80%+ )of which said they would never vote for her in Nov.

    I know, you need these votes in a universe in which the laws of basic arithmetic are immutuable, in order to give aback room super delegate rationale for stealing the election, extinguishing the hope of the unprecedented youth vote and giving 90% + of African Americans themiddle finger.

    Keep up the good work, my friend.

  5. You forgot Al Gore - I just saw a bumper sticker that said: Re-Elect Gore 2008! Personally I'd love a Gore/Obama ticket.

  6. 25% of all Hillary supporters were Republicans intent on voting for John McCain. When you exclude them, the White Independent and Democratic vote went 65-35 for Clinton. Considering this is the deep south, where polarization is most present, that isn't a terribly divisive number. Obama did win the white vote in Maryland; he won white working class counties, like Baltimore, Frederick, Harford and Anne Arundel Counties. Obama did win the white vote in Wisconsin. Obama did win the white vote in Wyoming, North Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Iowa, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, Virginia, Vermont, Maine, Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois, Colorado, and Utah. Don't even go there, as it is extremely damaging to the party.

    By sowing racial and gender divisions, the Clinton campaign--and this includes Hillary herself, Bill, Geraldine Ferraro, and now you--is only preventing your dream (a woman President) from becoming a reality. If the result of this campaign is a bitter divide between upper class white feminist women and African Americans, you can be assured that no woman or African American will be elected President in our lifetimes. By continuing this campaign in the scorched earth manner she has been doing--by continuing a campaign that has no chance solely for her own ego--Hillary Clinton is permanently damaging the causes she claims to care about. Food for thought...

  7. I don't want to see a coronation of anyone but it seems as though Obama followers are just fine with that scenario. They keep whining that Hillary can't win so she should drop out. Well, He can't win unless she drops out.

  8. Dream on.

    I am astounded by the Clintonistas capacity to delude themselves.

    They are obstinate and obdurate in their ignorance

  9. We finally have someone that is showing that they have what it takes to fight for our votes and oops it's a she... can't have that

  10. Senator Obama is winning. This is what Senator Clinton wants. This is the argument she wants everyone to be having. I am disappointed in this argument.

    Let us return to an argument that is of extreme importance to the American people -- how are we going to right this ship of state? Senator Obama is the only candidate running who has answered this question. All we have to is listen.

  11. If you're looking for a white guy to nominate, I volunteer! I need a pay raise and promise to do a more gooder job than the current white guy in office. Also, a man with yinzer blood, I can promise that Donnie Iris will play the Inaguration. I will also make the mullet America's official haircut.

    Just think about it, is all I'm sayin'.

    - Shawn

  12. I guess we need a little levity, but I have to be serious in my comment.

    How is Obama ever going to explain Wm. Ayers?

    Ben Smith in the online political blog Politico talked about Obama’s early leaning on William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn as they held a fund raiser for him:

    “I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,” said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. “[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor.” ***

    Smith added that:

    But — unlike some other fringe figures of the era — they’re [Ayers and Dohrn] also flatly unrepentant about the bombings they committed in the name of ending the war, defending them on the grounds that they killed no one, except, accidentally, their own members.

    Dohrn, however, was jailed for less than a year for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating other Weather Underground members’ robbery of a Brinks truck, in which a guard and two New York State Troopers were killed.

    “I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough,” Ayers told the New York Times in 2001.

    Wait, there's more . . .

    “A substantial portion of Ayers' book Fugitive Days discusses the author's penchant for building and deploying explosives. Ayers boasts that he "participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972." Of the day he bombed the Pentagon, Ayers says, "Everything was absolutely ideal. ... The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them."

    Bernadine Dohrn’s most famous statement is probably this one, which I'll put into some context: In his book “Hippie”, a detailed description of the musical and social scene of the 60’s, Barry Miles wrote on page 312, about the formation of the Weather Underground:

    “They held a National War Council in Flint, Michigan, where a huge cardboard machine gun hung from the ceiling and the speeches were about “organizing a city-wide anti-pig movement...”. Participants romanticized Manson’s killing spree. Speaking of the LaBianca murders, Bernadine Dohrn, who became the organization’s spokesperson, said, “Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room as them. Then they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach. Wild!”

    Those victims were Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, a middle-aged couple who were not cops or FBI or otherwise obvious oppressors. Leno was stabbed 12 times with a knife, and 14 times with a carving fork. Rosemary was stabbed 41 times. See comments at which offer a valuable correction of the events. See also

    Do any Obama supporters on this site want to address this stuff? To me, it's alarming.

  13. Shawn,

    Congratulations! You're it!

  14. Shawn and Maria,

    This may not be the wiset Clintonista move.

    From ABC News.

    Opting to leave any attacks on the issue to the GOP may be wise, as attacks from Clinton could backfire. In his final day in office, President Clinton pardoned another one-time member of the Weather Underground, Susan L. Rosenberg, after she had served 16 years in prison on federal charges.

    Rosenberg had been arrested in 1984 while unloading 740 pounds of dynamite, a submachine gun and other weapons from the back of a car.

    Rosenberg admitted the materials were to supply others for politically-motivated attacks. Authorities had been searching for Rosenberg since 1981, for what they believed was her role in the robbery of a Brinks truck in Rockland County, N.Y. The attack, for which Rosenberg was thought to have aided with surveillance and getaway driving, left two police officers and a guard dead.

    Rosenberg has denied playing a role in the Brinks heist. In arguing for a pardon in 2001, she noted that she had been a model prisoner.


    Where are those White House tapes from the last days of 2000, whenever pardons were for sale? All, I forot: held in the Clinton Library, blocked for public release by none other than Bill and Hillary!

    Where are the tax returns from the last 7 years?

  15. John K. says: Now who posted the "I would love the Gore/Obama ticket?" Talk about racism within the Democrats. Black people can only go so far but not all the way just yet, eh Democrats. Obama cannot stand on his own without the help of the white man. Gore/Obama LMAO LOL LOL That is just so typical bigoted Democrat.

  16. John K. says: Waaaaaaaa! Nobody is looking at my weenie! Waaaaaa! Look at my weenie or I'll hold my breath until you disappear! Waaaaaaaaa!

  17. Maria,

    Thank you for the endorsement! To be gender-specific for a moment, I promise the women of America a subsidy on Aqua Net. (Of course, Brett Michaels will be eligible for this program as well.) This, along with my plan to restore the mullet, will take us back to the 80s, but with a Democrat as President. Hair will be big, music will be overproduced, acid wash will once again rule the land, and Michael J. Fox and Eddie Murphy will be huge stars once again! I also promise to pass a law requiring the Replacements to put out a new album. Dream big, America!

    - Shawn

  18. "Angry white males" -- nice unfair gender stereotyping. Because everyone knows white males hate women and blacks. Right.

  19. Here is the Chicago Sun-Times answer to the "Ayers" thing in its entirety including the headline:

    "Clearing up another empty shot at Obama

    March 3, 2008
    And now, by our count, we have Phony Flap Number 6,537,203: Barack Obama Consorts With Known American Terrorist!

    Conservative talk radio hosts are in a dither over the non-news that Obama is "friendly" with a fellow named William Ayers, a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Thirty-five years ago, it seems, Ayers ran with the Weather Underground, a guerrilla band of deluded "revolutionaries" who protested the Vietnam War, racial injustice and "The Man" by setting off bombs.

    We know the nation's press can't be entirely familiar with Ayers, who is pretty much a Chicago boy, so allow us to fill you in.

    Ayers was, indeed, a Weatherman. He bombed the U.S. Capitol, a bathroom in the Pentagon, and even cased out the White House.

    He went on the lam in the 1970s, lived under an assumed name with his radical wife, Bernardine Dohrn, and gave himself up in 1980 Since then, he has built a respectable career as an academic and an advocate for troubled children.

    Ayers, it is true to say, remains sadly unreflective about his Weatherman days, as revealed in his memoir Fugitive Days. "I can't quite imagine putting a bomb in a building today -- all of that seems so distinctly a part of then," he writes. "But I can't imagine entirely dismissing the possibility, either."

    But Ayers, it is also true to say, has since followed in the footsteps of the great Chicago social worker Jane Addams, crusading for education and juvenile justice reform. His 1997 book, A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court, has been praised for exposing how Cook County's juvenile justice system all but eliminates a child's chance for redemption.

    Is Barack Obama consorting with a radical? Hardly.

    Ayers is nothing more than an aging lefty with a foolish past who is doing good. And while, yes, Obama is friendly with Ayers, it appears to be only in the way of two community activists whose circles overlap.

    Obama's middle name is Hussein. That doesn't make him an Islamic terrorist. He stopped wearing a flag pin. That doesn't make him unpatriotic. And he's friendly with UIC Professor William Ayers. That doesn't make him a bomb thrower.,CST-EDT-edit03a.article

    Now, for anyone curious, Chicago politicians (especially if they are Democrats) generally know this guy. As the article shows you, it would be difficult not to know him.

