March 3, 2008

Props to Fred Honsberger

This afternoon, I got a chance to listen to a little KDKA while I was at work.

My friends, I have to give credit where credit is due because Fred Honsberger - conservative radio guy at KDKA, Fred Honsberger - former panelist on OffQ, Fred Honsberger - the subject of my previous blog "Honsberger is a liar" was DEFENDING Senator Barack Obama against the "Obama is a Muslim" smear that's swirling around the toilet bowl of wingnut rhetoric these days.

Fred held no punches when callers tried tactic after tactic to push the smear onto the public. (Isn't "push a smear" a mixed metaphor? I'm just asking.) One guy insisted on saying he hadn't made his mind up even after hearing Senator Obama profess his Christianity - his argument seemed to be that since you can't trust Muslims to tell the truth, Senator Obama could be a Muslim and still say he's a Christian. So hearing him say it is no proof of anything. I think he was the same caller who said that electing Obama president would be like electing someone Japanese after Pearl Harbor.

I kid you not, that's what the caller said.

Now Fred and I have disagreed on any number of topics (go read the blog and you'll see) and we'll probably still disagree on many more but today I was proud of him. He's on the side of the Truth with this one.

Good going, Fred. We may save you from the Dark Side yet.


  1. Good going, Fred. We may save you from the Dark Side yet.

    Now you've gone too far.

    Fred would love to play Darth Vader to Rush's Emperor, except that Fred claims Rush stole the act from him. The Force will never be with him.

  2. It's a sad day when Fred outclasses one of the two people who will be the Democratic Nominee for President. When asked about the same thing, Hillary Clinton's response:

    "I take Senator Obama at his word...No, no, there's no reason to doubt far as I know."

    Then there's the fact that she is running a faux news update on the radio in Ohio, peddling bogus charges against Senator Obama. Finally, there's the fact that she said John McCain is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama.

    Good citizens of Pennsylvania, when it is your turn, please don't fall for this. We had to endure the phony charges and the smear machine in Maryland. We sent a resounding message that the age of divisive politics is over on February 12th. I hope that our good neighbors to the north will do the same on April 22nd.

    Side note: went up to Franklin County to check in on the Obama campaign there (Chambersburg/Waynesboro). 25 volunteers (including a few locally influential people) and their goal was 7. I think Obama could do well in Pennsylvania. Strong support for him in Chambersburg is unexpected.

  3. John K. says: Heard the same broadcast. Question is, just who is saying Obama is a muslim and just who is publishing those pictures in Kenyan garb? Bob Kerry first derided him on his middle name. Sen. Clinton raised the subject of his heritage. And who defended him? Gosh, just who are the bigots here? I give you one guess.

  4. John K. also says: And just who is running a phony picture of the Vice President on their blog and trying to imply it is Cheney. LOL LOL LOL You bigots are so funny.

  5. Gosh, just who are the bigots here? - John K.

    Well, John, I'd say at least one of the bigots was the person who said this:

    "That's okay. Hussein Obama has accepted the endorsement of Osama Bin Laden (D-Pakistan). Along with that comes some 15 super delegates from the Al Queda wing of the Democrat party in the mid east."

    Oh yeah, that's right, it was YOU John!

    *sigh* You're not even trying anymore, are you?


    - Shawn

  6. Trinity United Church of Christ is the church that the Obamas attend.

    Muslim church -- think not...

    Discussion over - research works
