March 7, 2008

Some Obama Numbers

From the NY Daily News:

Barack Obama flexed his fund-raising muscles Thursday in a show of strength following Hillary Clinton's big wins Tuesday, announcing he had raised a record-shattering $55 million last month.

Obama's February windfall is $20 million more than Clinton raised in the same period and nearly $20 million more than he had raised the previous month - a stockpile of cash for the seven-week war ahead of the April 22 Pennsylvania primary.

In all, Obama has raised $193 million for his White House bid.

Some other numbers from The Politico:
  • Contributors: 727,972
  • First Time Contributors: 385,101
  • Total Contributors — Campaign to Date: 1,069,333
  • More than $45 million raised online in February
  • More than 90% of online donations were $100 or less
  • More than 50% of online donations were $25 or less
  • More than 75% of online donors in February were first-time online donors
  • More than a third of those new online donors in February went on to engage in volunteer activity on (planning their own offline events, making phone calls from home, joining local grassroots volunteer groups)
Greg Sargent, over at TPM Election Central, had this to say about these numbers:
Remember, when the Hillary campaign announced they'd raised in the neighborhood of $36 million for the month, the Obama camp played it close to the vest, saying only that they'd raised "considerably more." They held off on releasing the figures until now -- after the March 4th voting -- which prompted speculation that they were hoping to release the numbers to either shift the story away from Hillary's victories or put a final nail in the Hillary campaign's coffin had she not had a good showing.
Senator John McCain, however, isn't do as well. From the Politico last February 19:

John McCain raised $11.7 million in January, according to documents filed tonight with the FEC.

McCain also borrowed another $950,000 during the month.

He now has just over $5 million cash on hand, but is still carrying significant debt.

He still has a little problem with the FEC:
The government's top campaign finance regulator says John McCain can't drop out of the primary election's public financing system until he answers questions about a loan he obtained to kickstart his once faltering presidential campaign.
The problem?
By accepting the public money, McCain would be limited to spending about $54 million for the primaries, a ceiling his campaign is near. That would significantly hinder his ability to finance his campaign between now and the Republican National Convention in September.
Oh, the ties that bind...

But back to Senator Obama. He'll probably be needing all that cash in a few weeks. Pennsylvania's at the very least leaning towards Maria's Candidate, Senator Clinton. Again, from the Politico:

Pennsylvania, where the Democratic campaign heads on April 22 for a dramatic and possibly decisive showdown, is another must-win state for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

But it is also a should-win state.

Like neighboring Ohio, where Clinton won 54 percent to Barack Obama’s 44 percent, Pennsylvania’s population is older and whiter than the rest of the nation. Its residents make less money than the national average, and are less well-educated.

The issues that rank high on their list of priorities — like health care and the economy — are the ones on which Clinton tends to draw the most support.
And just as in Ohio, much of the state’s political establishment is aligned with Clinton, led by a popular Democratic governor who’s pulling out all the stops on her behalf.

Should be an interesting month and a half don't you think, Maria?


  1. John K. says: Now the really amusing part. It doesn't matter who supports who in the Democratic party on this blog. You left wing kooks can vote over and over again. The nominee is going to be determined by super delegates like Altmyer and Masloff. Your vote doesn't count for squat in the Democratic Party. LOL LOL LOL The party of the people LMAO. Grow up and support McCain, where your vote does count.

  2. John K. also says: Be sure to vote in the Democratic Primary. The super delegates want you to feel as if you matter. LOL LOL

  3. John K. says: See my pee-pee! See my pee-pee! Look at my pee-pee! LMAO LOL

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I found it funny that one of Barack Obama's staffers referred to Hillary Clinton as a "monster"...and then resigned LMAO...this civil war is intensifying. If if gets any worse, you guys might have to consider a timetable for wthdrawal from the democratic primaries...why get in the way of two candidates who are determined to destroy one another?

  6. Which civil war has been worse, C.H. -- the bickering between the Democratic candidates or the one Bush Jr. (McCain's godfather)blundered into precipitating in Iraq?

    Just wondering what the convervative take on that one would be.

  7. C.H., I'm sure you're also enjoying the camaraderie
    between your heroes -- Rush Limbaugh and John McCain. And Mr., I mean Ms. Coulter is so fond of your war monger she is offering to raise money for Hillary.

    I will admit, however, that your imitation of John K. is improving. Time to go buy a raincoat.

  8. 5:27,

    I'm sorry, my friend, but I do not know what "civil war" you are talking about in regards to Iraq. Perhaps you are referring to the noble liberation that was sabotaged by the forces of terror and political extremism...the enemies of Islam, Iraq, and America better known Al-Qaeda and the Takfiri murderers. God willing though, we will be able to defeat them, so long as we all work together in doing so.

  9. John K. says: So how much did Tony Rezko contribute to Osama Obama?

  10. John K. says: See my peenie waving at you! I love my peenie! Watch me play with my peenie!

  11. Perhaps you are referring to the noble liberation that was sabotaged by the forces of terror and political extremism

    And even Mortimer Snerd saw that one coming, but not Bush, Cheney, or C.H.

    God willing though, we will be able to defeat them, so long as we all work together in doing so.

    Apparently, "God" is not willing. He created the world in six days, but couldn't defeat a disorganized rabble in five years. Well, maybe he will get around to it in a hundred years and keep Sen. McCain entertained with bloodshed and dislocation.

  12. Bushie vetoed the torture bill, stating that by torturing we foiled many plots against us and saved many American lives. Using this logic while McCain was held prisoner and allegedly being tortured, how many North Vietnamese lives were saved and how many of our missions were foiled.
