March 7, 2008

Some Recent Clinton Missteps

Just wanted to point to Samantha Power's reaction to her "monster" comments:

Here's how she begins when asked whether she regrets her comments:
Of course I regret them, I can't even believe they came out of my mouth. The campaign was getting very tense, and I -- in every public appearance I've ever made talking about Senator Clinton, I have sung her praises as the leader she's been, the intellect. She's also incredibly warm, funny. I've spent time with her. I think that I just had a very weak moment in seeing some of the tactics, it seems, that were getting employed. I was just afraid really that the campaign would not stay at the level it had been on and I let out in a wave of frustration.
She added a few sentences later that it was "100% thoroughly" her fault. She ended by saying that while she'll continue to support Senator Obama to be the nominee, if Senator Clinton becomes the nominee, she'll support Senator Clinton with the same enthusiasm with which she would have supported Senator Obama.

Just so it's on the record.

Now from Thursday's Countdown:

Having last Saturday in Austin suggested that she and John McCain will each be able to campaign on their lifetime of experience. But Barack Obama will only be able to put forth a speech in 2002, having last Monday in Toledo stated, she and Senator McCain will each bring that lifetime of experience to the White House, but Senator Obama would only have that speech, having today in Washington announced that she and Senator McCain have each crossed the commander in chief threshold but you‘ll to have ask Senator Obama with respect to his candidacy.

Our fifth story on the COUNTDOWN tonight: Begins with a rhetorical question, hyperbole for sure, but maybe not that much hyperbole. Would Senator Clinton really prefer to see McCain become president than Obama? And it‘s, oh, would that not make her a Lieberman Republican or maybe a McCain Democrat?

A little bit later:
Earlier in the day, in what was originally thought to have been high water mark of jaw-dropping behavior from the Clinton campaign, senior adviser Ann Lewis, absent any hint of irony, first challenging Senator Obama to start running a more positive campaign. Then communications director Howard Wolfson comparing the Illinois Democrat to, and if you have food in your mouth spit it out or ingest it now, Kenneth Starr of Whitewater independent counsel infamy.
All this over the Obama campaign's call for the Clinton campaign to release her tax returns. Here's how Keith views it:
A multimillion-dollar investigation into the real estate dealings run amok that bled into this Monica Lewinsky [farce] equals a request to release there tax returns? I mean, I think, I maybe uniquely qualified in saying, I cover Ken Starr, and, senator, you‘re no Ken Starr. How does this not make the man who says this and the candidate he works for look nuts?
She has this praise for the foreign policy experience of Republican Presidential candidate - a Senator, by the way, who says it would be OK for US troops to be in Iraq for "100 years" that he would have invaded Iraq even if he knew that Saddam Hussein had WMD and that the war was not a mistake. Take a look:

Considering all this, I gotta ask: What was she thinking?


  1. John K. says: You liberals need to start reading what Obama and Clinton say about Iraq. We ain't going anywhere. Both say we are pulling out and at the same time say we are staying. I would also remind you that this Democrat congress, even send em to Okinawa Murtha, hasn't pulled one troop out of Iraq or cut one cent of funding. I have told you this before, the Democrats are not opposed to invading Iraq. They just want a Democrat to take credit for the success. And in the eyes of Bill Clinton, he would do just fine. LMAO Live in your dream world lefties. LOL

  2. John K. says: Look at me! Look at my dicky! Watch while I wave my dicky at you!

  3. She is thinking that she is trailing.

    That she is trailing for a reason, and late in the game.

    That she must shake the race to have a chance to win.

    That she is willing to do just about anything to get that nomination.

  4. HIllary Clinton is the victim of being a competent woman. And, in 35 years of experience of course will have made mistakes.I have always taught my children to not be afraid of mistakes, learn from them. Hillary has done that and has voted to withdraw troops whereas Mr. anti-war Obama has not. You don't hear Hillary whining about what super delegates should be supporting her, as the Obama continues to do. For instance, look at Mass., where she won. If the MEN scardy Kerry and Whiny Kennedy would support the will of their voters they would be in the Clinton column.That is just two examples.
