March 12, 2008

WAPO answers the important Spitzer question!

The Washington Post's The Reliable Source answers the most important question about the Eliot Spitzer, uh, affair:

The governor of New York allegedly paid $4,300 for an N.Y.C. call girl who traveled to D.C. Could he have saved by hiring locally?

Hard numbers are tricky: The D.C. Madam charged $250-$300 for fantasy dates; a scan of Washington's Craigslist for "erotic services" finds a "sexy kitty" available for $250, a "busty brunette" for $180 an hour. That's much more than streetwalkers (who averaged $27 per hour in a Chicago economic survey) but way less than high-end escorts; former N.Y.C. prostitute-turned-novelist Tracy Quan claims she made $400 per hour. Escort fees fall under the economic theory of "Veblen goods" -- the higher the price, the more desirable a commodity.
Personally, I do think that it should be noted that as the governor of NY, it is laudatory that he employed a fellow New Yorker.


  1. Maybe the (soon to be ex-) gov is a closet furry. Maybe all the money he spent is/was to keep that on the down low. I mean, as long as we're speculatin' here...

    - Shawn

  2. There seems to be a missing word in this post.
    Democrat/Democratic [Governor Eliot Spitzer]

    Your co-blogger dayvoe (the Independent who subscribes to the "the Nation") was not so reluctant to name the party of the last whoremonger.

    I caught this on last night's Countdown. Our favorite whoremonger, Republican Senator David Vitter, was on KO's worst person list last night.

    BTW, dayvoe, can I subscribe to National Review/The Weekly Standard and call myself a Independent?

    Surprised you haven't joined Firedoglake in calling this the “swiftboating” of Eliot Spitzer.
    This is the result of Bush/Rove/Gonzales handpicked U.S. Attorneys to prosecute prominent Democrats by digging through their private lives.

    Prostitution laws are for little people. It is different with high class hookers when you pay 5 grand a pop.

  3. Heir to the Throne says: MY pee-pee is just as nice as John K's but even bigger! Look at MY pee-pee! Lookie! Lookie!

  4. To anon 2:46, Heir to the throne had a sex change operation years ago. She or he used to be named Heiress to the throne. I may have missed it but when did Vitter or for that matter Craig resign? Spitzer should have never resigned. Resign for what? Wah Wah Wah.

  5. can I subscribe to National Review/The Weekly Standard and call myself a Independent?

    Are you kidding? You couldn't call yourself an independent if you subscribed to The Daily Worker, The Druid Chronicler, Volkstreue, Haaretz, Jugs, and The Weekly World News.

    Prostitution laws are for little people.

    Can we just leave midgets out of this argument?
