April 1, 2008

Bush: "We do not torture"

Cognitive dissonance:

1) Bush: "We do not torture."




  1. John K. says: We don't. Next subject.

  2. I believe our great President George W. Bush - "We do not torture"
    End of story

  3. Huh, notice how the snark dried up with this one. Usually Johnnie K. has something to say and here he just tries to shut it down and move on.

    I think you struck a nerve with this one.

    Funny how the truth'll do that to some people.

    - Shawn

  4. Now, this one is cognitive dissonance. How tired I am of fighting with fellow Democrats who agree with me on just about everything but which candidate to support. The other thing you posted about Senator Obama -- not cognitive dissonance. Can we go after the real corrupt, incompetent and pathetic actions of the current administration, rather than each other? Please?

    -- Kim

  5. We did. Next president.
