April 23, 2008


From the Women and Girls Foundation:
Did you know that southwestern Pennsylvania has one of the most dramatic wage gaps in the country?

  • Nationally, women make 80 cents for every dollar that a man earns.
  • In Pennsylvania, women earn 73 cents per dollar.
  • In southwestern Pennsylvania, women only earn 69 cents for every dollar that a man makes.

    We will work for equality...will you?
    Join us for an Equal Pay Rally and make your voice heard!

    April 25 - Noon - Market Square

    Women and Girls Foundation

  • This year's speakers (in order of appearance) are:
    Cecile Springer Board Member, Women & Girls Foundation
    Ayana Ledford Exec. Dir. of PROGRESS @ CMU Heinz School
    Tiona Jones Ellis student, PROGRESS intern, Teen Council leader/Reign of Aquaria game
    Monica Shaw High School Student, Teen Council leader/Reign of Aquaria game
    Rich Fitzgerald Pres., Allegheny County Council
    Vivien Luk Gtr Pgh Non-Profit Partnership
    Magdeline E. Jensen Executive Director, YWCA
    Susan Nitzberg Incoming Pres., Nat'l. Council of Jewish Women
    Esther Bush Exec. Dir., Urban League
    Heide Tappe Representative for State Rep. Chelsa Wagner
    Sen. Jim Ferlo State Senator
    Jeanne Clark Representative of NOW
    La'Tasha Mayes Representative, New Voices Pittsburgh
    Betsy Magley Chair, PA Commission For Women
    Karen Myres Representative, Executive Women's Council
    Ed Gainey Representative for Mayor Ravenstahl
    Doug Shields President, Pgh. City Council
    Bill Peduto Pittsburgh City Council member
    Rose Bonesso Working America
    Frances M. Wright Pres., SWPA Coalition of Labor Union Women
    Kim Ellis Activist
    Sara Radelet Executive Director, New Hazlett Theater
    Vanessa German Poet, artist, activist
    Sala Udin Executive Director CORO
    Deborah Lyles Student representative, Chatham University
    Liz Rincon Executive Director, PA League of Young Voters
    Celeste Taylor Rep. Black Political Empowerment Project
    Joanne Quinn Smith President Nat'l Assn. Bus. Women (NAWBO)
    Heather Arnet Executive Director, Women & Girls Foundation

    The Women and Girls Foundation invites you to join them today through Thursday, (April 24th), in Market Square, from Noon to 1:00 PM. They will be raising awareness about the need to wipe out the wage gap once and for all.



    1. Did you know that southwestern Pennsylvania has one of the most dramatic wage gaps in the country?

      Those statistics are false. They take the AVERAGE pay for women and compare the average pay for men. When you compare wages between the sexes for the SAME jobs then women are paid the same as men.

      I smell a "Women are victims" agenda.

    2. WRONG:

      For years, women have outnumbered men on college campuses. Overall, they get better grades than men. And yet, just months after they toss their mortarboards into the air at college graduation, men start to pull ahead of women in pay.

      Though the pay gap between men and women is well documented, it is startling to discover that it begins so soon. According to a new study by the American Association of University Women, women already earn 20 percent less than men at the same level and in the same field one year after college graduation. Right at the beginning, before taking time off for childbirth or child-rearing, women find themselves behind.
