April 3, 2008

Even Worse Than Being a Democrat?

Wait, wait. I'll get to it.

From Talking Points Memo:

The Department of Justice's inspector general continues to conduct its wide-ranging investigation of the U.S. attorney firings and the general politicization of the Department under Alberto Gonzales. And as we reported back in August of last year, one area of focus by investigators is allegedly political hiring practices by Monica Goodling. The inspector general and Office of Professional Responsibility sent out a questionnaire to anyone who had interviewed for a job at the DoJ during Gonzo's tenure. One thing investigators wanted to know about was whether the interviewer had asked about the applicant's sexual orientation.

NPR today provides some more evidence that Goodling and her associates might have decided that being gay was a disqualifier. Leslie Hagen was the liaison between the Justice Department and the U.S. attorneys' committee on Native American issues until her contract was suddenly discontinued in October of 2006.

And then from NPR:
The Justice Department's inspector general is investigating whether a career attorney in the department was dismissed from her job because of rumors that she is a lesbian. The case grew out of a larger inquiry into the firings of U.S. attorneys and politicization at Justice under former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. [emphasis added]
Wait, wait. It can't be something as stupid as that can it? There must be some other reason she was let go, right? (I know, I know - we're talking about the Bush administration here. But let's keep playing. It's kinda fun.)

How was she doing at her job? From NPR:
Hagen received the highest possible ratings for her work as liaison between the Justice Department and the U.S. attorneys' committee on Native American issues. Her final job evaluation lists five categories for supervisors to rank her performance. For each category, a neat X fills the box marked, "Outstanding." And at the bottom of the page, under "overall rating level," she also got the top mark: Outstanding.
You can even see the evaluation here. Maybe the issue was political (as illegal as that might be). Maybe Hagen was a Democrat or something. Nope:
But by all accounts, Hagen was a GOP loyalist.
There's more:

The Justice Department's inspector general is looking into whether Hagen was dismissed after a rumor reached Goodling that Hagen is a lesbian.

As one Republican source put it, "To some people, that's even worse than being a Democrat."

Life inside the ultra-politicized Bush "Justice" Department. Where torture is justified but lesbians (even Republican lesbians) are worse than Democrats.


  1. As an attorney, it was this sort of abuse of our justice department and U.S. Constitution that first led me to consider switching parties. It was Senator Obama who clinched the deal for me.

    Everytime I hear another abusive story like the one you just posted I shudder for justice in this country. How many more were fired with no good cause? How many more were incarcerated or persecuted for no crime, but their political affiliation?

    Come January 9, 2009 there must be a Democrat in the White House! I sincerely hope everyone can put aside their personal preferences and support the Democratic nominee. This is one we as a Country cannot afford to lose. Senator Obama has shown himself to be the stronger candidate and leads in everything. Shouldn't we at least agree not to throw mud at him? Cannot we leave that to the Republicans? I am not suggesting Senator Clinton must quit-- I am simply suggesting that she should tell us why she would make a great President; instead, of throwing the kitchen sink at Senator Obama. Just a thought.


  2. Nice that the DOJ is pretending to do its job. Now we need to make sure that those questionaires are saved, because they will tell us exactly who WAS hired by this corrupt administration and they can be fired when we start to clean up bushies mess that used to be the United States government.

  3. Well, we were warned by a conservative Republican that teh gayz are a worse threat than the islamofacists. Therefore, a lesbian in the DOJ is worse than Osama Obama. I mean, jeez, don't you people ever read?

    - Shawn
