April 8, 2008

McCain Iraq Happy Talk Speech Interrputed by Mortars Hitting The Green Zone

As MSNBC was covering St. John McCain's speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars where he was making the case for the “unmistakable progress” in Iraq, they had to cut away to breaking news out of Iraq to report that "at least four mortars have been fired into the heavily-fortified Green Zone."

It'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic. Think Progress has the video here.


  1. Don't you think they "cut away" because it was yet another opportunity to turn this into propaganda. They don't have to report every single bad thing that happens over there, they choose to.

    Shame on them, and shame on all of you for thinking this is "funny".

    How about rooting for America for once...or better yet, the people of Iraq.


  2. Disgusting.

    But 2PJs put up with you anyway.

  3. What's "funny" is talking about "progress" in Iraq and the "success" of the surge while the LONE allegedly safe place in Baghdad is being bombarded.

    What's "funny" -- in that ironic/sarcastic/terribly sad way that you don't seem to understand, C.H. -- is that the man who wants to be president of the United States, based largely on his alleged foreign policy expertise, is so willing to step up to the podium and lie about "progress," while simultaneously demonstrating time and again that he doesn't even understand the nature of the conflict in Iraq.

    That's what's "funny," just not in the Chris-Rock-at-the-Met kind of way you seem to think it's being used. But, then again, you really do understand how it's being used, only, per usual, you can't help but be a fraud.

    BTW, enlisted yet?

  4. And John K. Says: And you left wing kooks fell for it. LOL LOL LOL LOL

  5. John K. says: See me! See me! My pee-pee! My pee-pee!

  6. Now which people in Iraq should we be rooting for C.H.? Should we be rooting for the Iranian-influenced Maliki faction or the upstart Iranian-influenced Sadr faction?

    - Shawn

  7. John K. Says: And tonight on Olbermouth he will run some of the testimony and break away for breaking news from Iraq that some soldier stubbed his toe and we need to withdraw now. LOL LOL Run a Gen. Betrayus ad you left wing loons.

  8. John K. says: Lookie! Lookie! See me wiggle my dickie! Lookie!

  9. Fellipelli,

    It is YOU people who do not understand the nature of the conflict in Iraq. YOU guys are out there trying to portray Iraqis as nothing but a bunch of suicide bombers lusting for blood. You can go on about how this is nothing but some civil war, but the facts continue to tell a different story.

    For one thing, I have time and time again linked to stories from independent journalists who talk about the progress in Iraq. You people and the ones like you choose to dismiss them because they get in the way of your agenda.

    When you here about these things, it devastates you, so the only way to get around it is to brag about JAM's attacks in Baghdad and go searching for the bad things happening in the world. Have you ever read the news ticker on CNN or MSNBC? They pick up EVERY single bad thing that happens in Iraq each day and beam it into the homes of Americans. Tell me, how does that do any good? At the same time, they avoid the stories of hope and progress like the plague, so much so that their viewers like you prance around proclaiming there has been no progress, even though millions of Iraqis are risking their lives every day to resist the evil that is Al-Qaeda, the baathists, and political extremism.

    Another thing I'd like to ask you. Do you think the consequences of our giving up in Somalia in 1993 were funny as well? Do you think the reign of terror being inflicted on Mogadishu by the Al-Shabaab insurgency is as humorous as Mookie's attacks on the Green Zone? Back during the Somali conflict, we went with the “get the hell out” approach, and look what it lead to.

    The fact that you are jumping up and down over the Sadr’s apparent offensive against the stability of Iraq shows that you are one sick individual.

  10. C.H.

    Why don't you just go over Little Green Footballs and whack off to the war in which your own cowardly neck would never fight?

  11. They pick up EVERY single bad thing that happens in Iraq each day and beam it into the homes of Americans. Tell me, how does that do any good?

    You mean aside from keeping us informed? Don't worry about it, though. After the first hundred years, the media will get tired of telling the truth about our rape of Iraq.

  12. Typical wingnut: Losing an argument, so completely mischaracterize the other side's argument.

    First, nobody has ever characterized the Iraqis as blood thirsty suicide bombers. Nice projection, though.

    Second, I, and others, have acknowledged that there are pockets where there is some stability, but they are few and far between, and, as we have now seen, they are easily vanquished.

    Third, these are America's sons and daughters fighting over there in a war that you just can't get enough of. It's also a war that has sapped our economy, taken resources away from vital programs that have an immediate impact on people's lives. So we better damn well keep hearing about what's going on in Iraq. The fact that the negative stories outnumber the positive stories should tell you something about the "progress" being made.

    Please tell me how Somalia and Iraq are in any way comparable? Were we in Somalia for 5 years? Did we waste hundreds of billions of dollars there? Did we lose 4,000 soldiers? For that matter, did we go into Somalia based on lies and political opportunism?

    Nobody is celebrating the attacks on the Green Zone. But they are supreme examples of the hopelessness of this mission. And that's not the fault of the soldiers who have been put into this mess. It's the fault of this administration and of warmongers like you who can't get enough blood but aren't willing to strap on a helmet and rifle and back up your words with actions.

    And people like you completely fail to even address the consequences of this failed war. The military is devastated. The economy is crumbling. We cannot afford to make badly needed repairs to our country's infrastructure. We cannot afford to fund vitally needed medical research. Programs for our country's most needy are being slashed (but the subsidies and tax cuts for big biz keep on going, don't they!). And that's just on the domestic front.

    As usual, C.H., you are wrong, you know you are wrong, but you don't have the nuts to admit it. Once a fraud, always a fraud.

  13. Fill, C.H. has already told us that he doesn't care how many Americans die nor how bankrupt our country becomes. We must keep fighting in Iraq until we kill every single stinking Muslim, according to C.H., or until Dubya is assumed physically into heaven to sit at the right hand of the father.

  14. I'm curious Shitrock, where did that one come from? When have I ever indicated I am some evangelist nut? When have I indicated I want to "kill every stinking Muslim"?

    It's especially strange you are saying that because it is you people who portray them as angry murderers who are running around killing each other. You are anxious to hand them over to the forces of political terrorism and stand back and do nothing. I recognize that Iraq's people are under siege from terrorists, the same terrorists who are killing people across the broader Muslim World.
    Something you have failed to do.

    By the way though, its good to see you are back. FTC was trying to take your place, but between you and me, he doesn't know what he's doing.

    So here's what you need to do...now that I've called you are your misguided beliefs, you need to respond by attacking me over some fictitious position on illegal immigration I have not taken and try and make me defend it.

    Its what I've come to expect.

    By the way, Somalia and Iraq are very similar. For one thing, we listened to your approach there...and after we left, no one seemed to care what happened...at least it didn't "ruin" our economy, right? Never mind that most of the capital city was reduced to rubble and an Al-Qaeda inspired insurgency was born, an insurgency that is capturing towns one by one and raining mortar shells down on markets on a daily basis. Where's the news coverage now?

  15. you people who portray them as angry murderers who are running around killing each other.

    You just don't get it, C.H. We already were aware of your inability to make any argument except ad hominem, your inability to process logic, your inability to express yourself clearly, and your unthinking, bottomless devotion to the neocon deities. Now you confirm our suspicions that you are completely deaf to irony as well.

    Tell ya what, C.H., maybe this will help you to understand the point I was trying to make: I will point to all the places you have advocated killing all those sub-human infidels as soon as you point to the place where I referred to them as angry murderers.

    (Maybe you thought I was referring to Iraqis when in fact I was discussing Dick Cheney's merits.)

    You are a bit slow on the uptake, aren't you?

    Somalia and Iraq are very similar.

    Well, not yet. But they will be similar when "you people" start "supporting" American troops in Somalia by killing them by the thousands, and wounding them by the tens of thousands. They will be even more similar when the United States starts spending $3 billion there every week. But all that will have to wait awhile. We Our military is tied up displacing people in Iraq for the next 100 years.

    BTW, how's that enlistment paperwork coming along for you? I understand they keep lowering the standards and paying bigger bonuses, so someone with an IQ above 50 should have no problem enlisting.

  16. Oh yeah, another similarity between Iraq and Somalia: Both disasters were begun by a dim-witted close relative of Barby Bush.

  17. Well think about this: C.H. said....at least it didn't "ruin" our economy, right? Never mind that most of the capital city was reduced to rubble .....
    What will happen here when our economy is ruined. A civil war over rescources-in a few years our organized religion will claim rights in the name of their God (kinda like what this Christian Nation did to the American Indian. who was it that said killing Indian babies was like killing baby rattlesnakes, they just grow into big ones?)
    The more I think of it the more I favor ending the war. We cannot save the world and we better start thinking of saving ourselves. I did think McKane would be better at managing the war, but I'd rather see a democrat try to get us out. Good to have this long campaign. I might have not done this much thinking.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I'm afraid your incorrect. Isolationism is never, and has never been, the answer to solving the world's problems. If the international community and the people of this country truly want to triumph over those who are doing everything they can to make this world a darker place, then we can.

    But then there's the old phrase "United we stand, divided we fall". Unfortunately, that has managed to seep into this.

  20. More dishonesty from our friendly neighborhood neocon warmonger and Bush worshipper.

    Despising gratuitous, imperialist war and its constituent death, destruction, and displacement is hardly isolationism.

    OTOH, turning the nation's back on universally beneficial international treaties, such as the Geneva Conventions and the Kyoto protocols IS isolationism in its most pernicious form.
