April 14, 2008

McCain Protest Tomorrow!

From Planned Parenthood of Western PA:

Help Expose John McCain’s Lifetime ANTI-CHOICE Record at an anti-McCain Rally!

It’s been a while since Pittsburgh has had a good Pro-Choice protest rally…and now the perfect opportunity has presented itself! John McCain will be at the Omni William Penn Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh on Tuesday April 15th at 12pm.
We all know John McCain has crafted his image as a “maverick” and that many people think he’s “independent” on many issues, but his record on women’s health issues aligns him directly with the farthest right-wing, anti-choice hardliners.

Check out the McCain record on women’s health issues:

- VOTED AGAINST requiring health care plans to cover birth control (3/11/03 Roll Call 45)
- VOTED AGAINST comprehensive sex education (7/25/06 Roll Call 214)
- VOTED AGAINST international family planning funding (3/14/96 Roll Call 35)
- VOTED AGAINST Roe v. Wade (3/12/03 Roll Call 48)
- VOTED AGAINST funding to prevent unintended pregnancies and teen pregnancies (3/17/05 Roll Call 75)
- VOTED AGAINST funding for public education on emergency contraception (3/17/05 Roll Call 75)
- VOTED AGAINST restoring Medicaid funding that could be used for family planning services for low-income women (3/17/05 Roll Call 58)
Channel your inner rage and join us downtown for a good old fashion protest!! Let everyone know John McCain is bad for women’s health and bad for America!

What: an anti-John McCain rally, exposing his record on women’s health issues
When: Tuesday April 15th; 12:00pm
Where: Omni William Penn Hotel, 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
What Else: Signs will be provided, but if you’re feeling creative feel free to bring your own! Also, please RSVP so we know how many signs and t-shirts to bring.
To RSVP: Contact Molly Johnson, Volunteer & Intern Coordinator, Planned Parenthood of Western Pennslyvania @ mjohnson@ppwp.org , 412-434-8957 ext. 126

More Canvassing to Make a Difference in this Election

We are continuing to show our support for PPWPAF endorsed candidates Brenda Frazier and John Paul Jones. Please indicate the day you’d like to participate and reply via email!

What: Canvassing, of course!
When: Saturday April 12th, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday April 19th, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday April 20th, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
To RSVP: Contact Molly Johnson, Volunteer & Intern Coordinator, Planned Parenthood of Western Pennslyvania @ mjohnson@ppwp.org , 412-434-8957 ext. 126

Planned Parenthood National Phone Bank on the McCain Record
Planned Parenthood Action Fund recently did a poll of 1,205 women in 16 likely battleground states, and found:

*51% of women say they do not know enough about McCain's views on abortion to say whether he is in step or out of step with their own outlook.

*46% of women supporting McCain over Obama/Clinton want to see Roe v. Wade upheld.

*36-38% of pro-choice McCain voters in a McCain-Obama/McCain-Clinton matchup say they are less likely to vote for McCain when told that he opposes Roe v. Wade. That translates into the potential to diminish his total vote share among battleground women by about 17-20 points.

We need to get the truth out about McCain! Join us for One Million Strong Nat’l Phone Bank Week!

During national phone bank week, you’ll be able to:

- Educate supporters and voters about John McCain’s lifetime ANTI-CHOICE record!

- Be part of the plan to reach ONE MILLION voters!

- Spend the entire volunteer shift (minus time for eating pizza) actually connecting with supporters and voters! Anyone who has phone banked before knows how frustrating it can be to make hundreds of calls and only reach a few people. During this week, we’ll have access to technology that will make multiple calls for you simultaneously and connect you only when some picks up. Generally you’ll be able to speak to about 40 to 50 people per hour!

So, sign up for a shift or two, bring a friend/family member/co-worker if you can, and be part of this historic effort to make an impact and elect a pro-choice president in 2008.
When: Sat., April 26th 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Sun., April 27th 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.; Mon., April 28th 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Tues., April 29th 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Wed., April 30th 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Thurs., May 1st 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
To RSVP: Contact Molly Johnson, Volunteer & Intern Coordinator, Planned Parenthood of Western Pennslyvania @ mjohnson@ppwp.org , 412-434-8957 ext. 126

Last chance to help elect pro-choice candidates in the PA Primary…

Pro-choice candidates Brenda Frazier and John Paul Jones NEED YOU to help with poll-working (passing out information at the polls) on Election Day. Reply to this email with the time you’re available and we’ll place you at the polling location most convenient for you. Again, please indicate the shift you would like to volunteer your time and reply via email.

What: Poll Working on Election Day
When: April 22nd, 7 to 10 a.m.; 11:30 to 4; 4 to 8 p.m.
To RSVP: Contact Molly Johnson, Volunteer & Intern Coordinator, Planned Parenthood of Western Pennslyvania @ mjohnson@ppwp.org , 412-434-8957 ext. 126


  1. Someone found an issue I actually agree with McInsane on. Go figure.

    "a good Pro-Choice protest rally"? No such thing.

  2. BTW, those of us on the pro-life side of politics don't trust him, either. After, he voted in favor of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I trust Mccain because he understands just how dangerous the world is and how we need to deal with it. To be honest, abortion is an issue I don't put much thought into. I wouldn't do anything to change the current laws, but I wouldn't go out in the streets to defend them either.

    Its not something thats on my mind when I go to the polls, but thats just me.

  5. I wouldn't trust McCain to run a McDonald's, let alone the country. He's a warmonger and a lousy naval officer, a bad combo for the commander in chief of the armed forces. The world is indeed a dangerous place and it'll only be more dangerous with a belligerent neocon like McCain continuing Bush's legacy of cowboy diplomacy.

  6. Eric, I couldn't help but notice you're a supporter of Ron Paul (or at least your link is). Tell me, how dangerous would it be to have a president who believes that non-intervention is the right way to go?

    The isolationist, extreme right (ie Paul, Pat Buchanan) are the most dangerous of all. In fact, I would put someone like my dear friend Schmuck Shitrock or his protege Fillipelli the Cook in charge of this country any day over them. May god help us if this country ever took a turn towards embracing anything that Ron Paul believes in.

    Basically, the "isocons" believe that all we need to do is build a wall around our borders, pretend that terrorism, tyranny, and genocide do not exist, and focus on the events that only impact our lives.

    History has shown us that such a strategy is a miserable failure...and it always will be.

  7. Eric W,

    Interesting that you're against abortion, but you're also against the following:

    - requiring health care plans to cover birth control
    - comprehensive sex education
    - funding to prevent unintended pregnancies and teen pregnancies

    I mean, you are if you agree with McSame.

  8. John K. says: You left wing kooks are protesting McCain. Three months ago you were telling us what a great guy he was for standing up to Bush. LOL LOL Make up your left wing mind.

  9. C.H., non-interventionism is not the same as isolationism. Bob Barr sums the idea up nicely (though any summary necessarily glosses over finer points):

    * For far too long and at the cost of American blood and treasure, our great military has been too willingly and quickly used for purposes other than national defense. Our fighting men and women deserve better and the integrity of our nation must be restored.

    * Our National Defense policy must renew a commitment to non-intervention. We are not the world's police force and our long, yet recently tarnished, tradition of respecting the sovereignty of other nations is necessary, not from only a moral standpoint, but to regain the respect of the world as a principled and peaceful nation.

    * The proper use of force is clear. If attacked, the aggressor will experience firsthand the skillful wrath of the American fighting man. However, invading or initiating force against another nation based upon perceived threats and speculative intelligence is simply un-American. We are better than the policy of pre-emptive warfare.

  10. Maria, I do not believe requiring health care plans to cover birth control, comprehensive sex education, or funding to prevent unintended pregnancies and teen pregnancies are (or should be) within the purview of the federal government.

  11. That's not true. As the world's greatest superpower, America and the free world have an obligation to work to end suffering around the world...to take a stand against what is wrong and stand up for what is right. It requires an effort from everyone though, on both sides of the Atlantic ocean, on every continent, and yes, in both Congress and the White House.

    Are you saying we were right to stand back and do nothing in Rwanda because the Hutu regime that was supporting the killings of 1,000,000 people made it a soverieign state?
