April 1, 2008

Olbermann's Worst Persons, Last Night

The Bronze goes to Walmart. Here's the story from CNN. Go read it and then try to tell yourself that Walmart is a good company that has the best interests of its "associates" at heart. I especially like the part where Walmart claims to be doing this "out of fairness" to it's other associates.

The Silver goes to Municipal Judge Richard Bernat. A million dollar bond for petty theft from two decades ago.

But even with all that, our Governor takes the cake.

Here's a transcript:

But our winner? Governor Ed Rendel of Pennsylvania, who was the chairman of the Democratic National Committee when it lost the White House to George Bush in 2000.

He went on "Fixed News" this morning and first said, "During this entire primary coverage starting in Iowa and up to the present, Fox has done the fairest job, has remained the most objective of all the cable networks. You hate both our candidates, no I'm only kidding." And unfortunately he did not stop at, "I'm only kidding." Going on to tell the Fox Noise people that, "You actually have done a very balanced job of reporting the news."

Governor, seriously. If you think the network that still brings up Vince Foster as if his death was Senator Clinton's fault has been balanced towards your candidate, if you think the network on which Dick Morris regularly says Senator Clinton completely fabricated a story about her daughter and 9/11 has been balanced, if you think the network whose commentators speculate whether Senator Clinton as president would be subject to, quote, "PMS and mood swings" has been balanced to her, if you think that the network whose supposed newscaster asked Senator Clinton about Iraq, quote "Why are you so determined to declare defeat?" as been balanced towards her, if you think the network which suggested Senator Clinton's moment of emotion in New Hampshire made her likely to break down during a time of national crisis has been balanced towards her, if you really think Fox News which has done all of that in just the last three months has been "very balanced" about reporting the news about Senator Clinton, then Governor Rendell you are not only no friend of Senator Clinton's, but you are also an idiot.

Governor Ed Rendell and Fox News, today's worst persons in the world.

Fox "News" fair and balanced. Even Ed Rendell says so!


  1. John K. says: Gov Rendell is right about that. The ratings prove it. The problem is Olbermouth thinks the greatest threat to world peace is Bill O'Reilly. Which is why his ratings pall besides Fox News ( 4 -1 ) and he is so full of hate.

  2. I don't think the Gov. meant FoxNews was being nice to Hillary. I think he was making the point that they have been equally mean to both Hillary and Obama. Whereas MSNBC and CNN have been sniffing Obama's throne for the past year and saying basically mean things to Hillary.

  3. I'll ask the question again: are most of the Democratic legislators in Pa. total, corrupt idiots, or just the vast majority?

    Aside from his Iraq votes and a few other items, Altmire has done an OK job. Same for Casey. Rendell is a hack.

    The rank-and-file Democrats in Harrisburg are a total disgrace. Sneaky pay raises and secret bonuses for staff doing illegal campaign work. My gosh. Perhaps they should band together and start a new party with Tom Delay and Ted Stevens.

  4. Sounds like Olberdork has a touch of envy.


  5. The ratings prove that Fox News is balanced? I think the ratings prove Fox News is entertaining to watch. I kind of agree with Anon 8:42, except I watch none of the three channels. It's all I can do to catch the News hour every few days, skim the online NYTimes and PG, and catch the occasional Off-Q, Washington Week and the Sunday news magazines.

  6. Let's face it, none of the mainstream media reportis fairly on anything or anyone progressive. BUT,msnbc is TOTALLY anti-HILLARY and CNN is close behind the in expressing anti-HILLARY sentiment. Eddie just calls it as it is. WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT. I can't stand Olberman's pompass ass personality anyway.yX

  7. Fox is popular because American's have to be amused. Amused to Death. It doesn't matter much to the majority weather reports are right, or fair. Just dig some dirt. We all feel superior that way. Gone are the days of real news, just make us laugh, drool and poke fun at somebody.
