April 7, 2008

Pittsburgh Hearing on Constitutional Amendment (SB 1250) Thursday

Courtesy of Steel City Stonewall Dems ... Please try to attend.

Value All Families - Keep Discrimination out of Our State Constitution!

Please come to the public hearing in Pittsburgh on Thursday, April 10th and tell Pennsylvania Senate Members to vote NO on Senate Bill 1250.

Senate Bill 1250 is a Constitutional Amendment which would ban gay marriage AND civil unions in Pennsylvania. On Thursday, April 10th there will be a public hearing in Pittsburgh to discuss the impact this amendment would have on the Commonwealth. In past hearings, supporters of this discriminatory bill have been extremely active and vocal. It is crucial that we outnumber them this time around. We urgently need people to come to the hearing so senators know that people from the Pittsburgh area don't want our General Assembly to legislate hate.

Date and time: Thursday, April 10th, 2:00 pm

Location: Allegheny County Courthouse, Gold Room 437 Grant St., Downtown Pittsburgh, Corner of Grant and Forbes

*** We will have lapel stickers at the hearing. Please be sure to pick one up to show your opposition to the marriage amendment***

Call (412) 681-7736 for more information.



  1. So where do you draw the line?

    Couple in love persecuted

    They are consenting adults (39 and 61) who can’t understand why people won’t just leave them alone to enjoy their life as a normal family. They are even barred from marriage due to teh hypocrisy!!1!1!

    When will we stop this hating? This prudish bigotry?

  2. If only your parents had been prevented from breeding, HTTT.

  3. I'm not sure where to draw the line.

    In some cultures, a daughter's marriage is to be arranged by her parents, even today.

    In our country, blacks and whites were forbidden by law to marry (and by mobs to date, or perhaps whistle at one another), well within the memory of many living Americans.

    Although our country still has some work to do on racial issues, today's bigotry seems to be focused on gays (except when right-wingers find it more electorally advantageous to bash Hispanics or Muslims).

    Perhaps the precise line will be drawn someday. Perhaps humans will never reach it. But first we must overcome irrational and/or ignorant and/or politically convenient hatred with respect to homosexuals.

  4. One more example of how our country tends toward the better, and can overcome its bigoted misteps: Americans classifed Italians as non-white not that long ago.

  5. So where do you draw the line?

    For one thing, you don't use bizarre examples from Australian tabloids as evidence to support your case.

    You draw the line at amending the Constitution such that you are DENYING a right to a segment of the population.

    You draw the line at amending the Constitution such that an entire group of law-abiding adults are legally defined as second-class citizens.

    In short, you draw the line at backing narrow-minded bigotry with the rule of law.

  6. you draw the line at backing narrow-minded bigotry with the rule of law.

    Isn't that what the law is for?

  7. Isn't that what the law is for?

    Wow HTTT you get it! The law is writing homophobia into the Constitution.

  8. OK, that wasn't really HTTT. It was just a joke.
