April 4, 2008

Randi Rhodes Suspended

From Shakesville:
Why? "[F]or making inappropriate statements about prominent figures, including Senator Hillary Clinton, at a recent public appearance on behalf of Air America in San Francisco which was sponsored by an Air America affiliate station."

Those "inappropriate statements" would be repeatedly calling Hillary Clinton "a big fucking whore"

Definitely not work friendly!


  1. Who pays these people? I guess, in one way we do, because we laugh. I'd love to see this country get a little more dignity. I know we're not the only Nation with this kind of crude entertainers. but we could be the first to say "enough".

  2. That's a terrible thing to say. Hillary's not that big.

  3. Randi was not on the air and she certainly did not say anything that is not true.
    I can't believe Air America folded to the demands of the Clinton machine. Do we have free speech or not?
    I agree that Hillary is a (corporate) whore and Geraldine Ferraro needs to STFU and go back to obscurity. As a woman I am embarrassed by their actions.

  4. Do we have free speech or not?

    How did you feel about the Nappy headed hoes at Rutgers?

  5. A politician who takes corporate money and gets cozy with Murdoch and Richard Mellon Scaife puts herself on the line to be judged.
    By their very nature politicians are fair game-listen to the neo-con hate radio hosts who are still on the air everyday.
    Young ladies who play college basketball are not political figures. The Rutgers students are not in the public domain and should not be insulted in an way.

  6. Randi was not on the air and she certainly did not say anything that is not true.

    Randi was speaking at an Air America event and was speaking as a representative of Air America. The company is fully within its rights to suspend her. As to the second part, unless Rhodes has evidence that Hillary is having sex for money, than what she said is in no way, shape, or form "true".

    Do we have free speech or not?

    The last time I checked, Bush and Cheney have not gotten around to voiding the First Amendment (yet). So, yes we do have free speech.

    How did you feel about the Nappy headed hoes at Rutgers?

    I hadn't realized a garden implement could be "nappy headed". Are they doing some sort of bizarre research at Rutgers?

    The Imus case is even more open and shut. Imus made his comments on the air and was therefore representing the radio network. They were fully within their rights to can him.

    The cases of Don Imus and Randi Rhodes are NOT about free speech. Both have the right as private citizens to say anything they want, no matter how offensive.

  7. The last time I checked, Bush and Cheney have not gotten around to voiding the First Amendment (yet). So, yes we do have free speech.

    Except for the McCain–Feingold Campaign finance regulation.
    But it is a blow to progressive free speech.

    If you do criticize anything a progressive says, they will accuse of violating their free speech.

  8. I hadn't realized a garden implement could be "nappy headed". Are they doing some sort of bizarre research at Rutgers?

    So, You're the little Spelling Bee Champ! Spelling words gets you a nice applause and a certificate fit for framing in the fourth grade. Using words to express meaningful dialog(or dialogue) is another thing. Work on it, OK? I said it, and you got me. You get the certeificat.

  9. Except for the McCain–Feingold Campaign finance regulation.

    I keep forgetting that conservatives take the phrase "money talks" literally.
