May 14, 2008

Gee, That's Nice

From the Politico:

For the first time, Bush revealed a personal way in which he has tried to acknowledge the sacrifice of soldiers and their families.

“I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf,” he said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.”

Bush said he made that decision after the August 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, which killed Sergio Vieira de Mello, the top U.N. official in Iraq and the organization’s high commissioner for human rights.

“I remember when de Mello, who was at the U.N., got killed in Baghdad as a result of these murderers taking this good man's life,” he said. “I was playing golf — I think I was in central Texas — and they pulled me off the golf course and I said, ‘It's just not worth it anymore to do.’"

That's right. Dubya's given up golf to "acknowledge the sacrifice" of the troops he sent to Iraq.

4,000 dead, tens of thousands maimed, even more suffering PTSD and to balance things out, dubya's decided not to hit a Titleist into a little hole in the grass.

Other dubya news from the same article:
The president said global warming has “been more clearly defined as a problem” during his eight years in office, and when asked if it is real, Bush said: “Yes, it is real; sure is.”
So now do I get to call Mike Pintek and quote dubya at him when he calls global warming a hoax?



  1. “I was playing golf — I think I was in central Texas — and they pulled me off the golf course and I said, ‘It's just not worth it anymore to do.’"

    hmmm.... any chance those minders that pulled him off of the course REALLY meant that it's just not worth it anymore to be in iraq???? was it really just about golf? what a doosh.

    thanks for your sacrifice there georgie.

  2. i could start to scream and never stop!

  3. Hey, hey, boys and girls, it's time once again for


    Today's quote is disturbed and disturbing even by John's standards:

    "he [sic] left is not opposed to the war in Iraq, they just wish they were in charge to get all the credit.""

  4. John K. says: Yep again. Bill Clinton has said he wished 9-11 had occurred on his watch. And the Democrat controlled Congress with the Democrat controlled Rep. J Murtha has made no move to pull funding from the war in Iraq. In fact there are more troops and a bigger budget for Iraq now than when Rumsfield ran the show. And, neither Democrat candidate has stated they would stop the war in Iraq. Why? Because if they win in Nov. then they can claim victory in Iraq. The left is not opposed to the war in Iraq. They just do not like a Republican getting credit for it. It is nice to see some other liberal in here agrees with me.

  5. The entire staff here at THE JOHN K. IDIOTIC COMMENT OF THE DAY wishes to thank John for confirming this latest example, and for expanding it with new idiotic claims.

  6. Thanks Sage for elevating John K. to celebrity status. You are a fool.

  7. john k... it's DEMOCRATIC controlled, not DEMOCRAT controlled. it's DEMOCRATIC candidate, not DEMOCRAT candidate.


  8. The DEMOCRATS control the DNC and there is nothing DEMOCRATIC about the way they are conducting this election. Not allowing the millions of votes from Michigan and Florida? Having Super Delegates who get to over-ride the will of the people? How come the Super Delegates get to vote TWICE?
    Democrats belong to the DEMOCRAT party because as I've said earlier: THERE IS NOTHING DEMOCRATIC ABOUT THEIR LEADERSHIP.

  9. Thanks Sage for elevating John K. to celebrity status. You are a fool.

    You are perspicacious, Anon, to point out that The Wizened Sage has adopted the role of jester (often referred to ironically as "fool") to point out folly where he finds it. May I suggest you begin using an identifiable handle so that we might give you your due credit?

    Either way, thank you for the hat-tip! The Wizened Sage and his entire organization always appreciate both kudos and sincere, constructive criticism.

  10. did i rile you up so much that you forgot to start your rant with "john k. says:"? or are you someone else?

    as far as michigan and florida are concerned, it's their own fault for moving their primaries without the authority to do so. they were told the results would not count. they went ahead with sham primaries anyway. they are not valid, period.

  11. It might be noted that the Republicans also punished MI and FL for the same reason.

  12. John K. says: So the Republican punished MI and FL? LMAO oh man that is funny. Remember, lefties, every vote counts or so you say.

  13. Not sure why you find it funny that the Republicans are punishing MI and FL, but, hey, whatever gets you through the night, Johnny Boy.

  14. The Republicans punished Florida and Michigan by halving their delegates. By doing so they diminished the number of delegates but the will of the people still held clout. The Democrats denied those two states any power of determination at all. The term disenfranchised is often used to describe the Democrat voters for Mi and Fl. The DNC used poor judgment which exemplifies their style of management.

  15. Retired Millhunk-
    So the repubs used better judgment in halving their delegates.... does this mean they were half right or were they half wrong? If someone or thing breaks rules I thought they were to be held responsible for their actions.This would deter future missteps.Using your nonlogic just break the rules it doesn't matter.Why have rules then.
