May 2, 2008

How Much Time Left?

As of this writing, by the clock on the right there are only about 260 more days left to this administration (barring some unconstitutional shenanigans, of course).

Bad news for John McCain from CNN. His republican president, the man whose policies he wants to continue, is not doing too well.

A new poll suggests that George W. Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush his handling his job as president.

"No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president's disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

While dubya's low low low approval rating (28%) is still higher than the all time lows for Truman (22%) and Nixon (24%), but neither Truman or Nixon ever had disapproval ratings so high.

He's more unpopular than Nixon was just before Tricky Dick resigned.


  1. John K. says: So even though Truman had lower approval ratings, you still found a quirk to prvoe your premise. Weak as it is. LOL LOL Now left wingers add the numbers together. Truman may have left with 22%, but he has much higher standing now. YOU LOSE!

  2. And just think, Hillary and her BFF Sen. McSame both love that gas tax holiday. Despite the universal opinion among economists that it's a really stupid freakin' idea, she's now effectively calling out Democrats in Congress to say whether they support this asinine proposal.

    Great leadership. Yep, she's ready for office on day one, ready to maintain the proud record of GWB, pushing disastrous ideas for purely political reasons. Wonderful.

  3. John K. says: Since someone (who clearly has never taken even a basic class on economic) brought up the gas tax, can someone from the left explain to me how taxing oil windfall profits add more barrells to the supply? Anyone lefty care to explain the Sen. Schumer idea?

  4. What are you talking about, John K.? The gas tax holiday or taxing windfall profits? Because you insult Fillippelli over the tax holiday and then bring up a totally different issue.

  5. Ahoy, kookville! Permission to come aboard!

    Sooooo, the elitist pseudo-intellectuals that support Obama, who have wealth guilt, are totally opposed to the gas tax holiday.

    And, the blue collar middle class, who would LOVE a break, any break at all, are supposed to be against this.

    During vacation season yet.

    And you nuts wonder why McCain will clean your collective clocks this fall.


  6. Whoever the above anonymous poster is, you're the fucking kook.

    First, I support Obama and I make $12,000 a year, so, yeah, no wealth guilt here.

    Second, blue collar workers will see no significant relief as a result of a gas tax holiday. In fact, it is more likely - and most economists agree - that the oil companies will simply keep the price where it is and pocket the difference.

    But it will hurt Americans because it will mean losing $10 billion in revenue that is used to support our highway system. It will put thousands of people out of work.

    How does it benefit the American people to give them the false hope of a temporary gimmick meant to score votes at the expense of our already degrading infrastructure?

    It doesn't even come close to addressing the energy situation or the price of gasoline.

    It's not a solution. It's a gimmick. And anyone who confuses it for genuine leadership is a fucking moron.

    What will happen after the holiday expires and Americans have reaped the benefits of what most economists mock as a piddling $35?

    Gas prices will be exactly where they are, because the oil companies aren't going to lower them after you temporarily suspend the taxes.

    Why not just write a $10 billion check to corporate oil? Wouldn't it be easier, because that's the only thing that a gas tax holiday is going to produce.

    Americans will still be paying $3.60/gallon, they'll still be paying that when the holiday is over and we'll still not have a genuine solution.

    If that's what John McCain has to offer - mindless, simplistic pandering - the only clock that will get cleaned this fall is his own.

    I must say it is amusing to hear and read so-called "conservatives" support John McCain, a man not that long ago I'm certain they were chastising as a RINO - Republican in name only - and not a true conservative.

    How quickly they surrender their precious conservative principles to back a "false conservative," proving that their just as full of shit as the rest of us.

    And to do it in support of a third-rate presidential candidate who's about as inspiring as Bob Dole.

    I guess all we've really learned is that conservatives can be bought off for a very, very low price.

  7. Retired Millhunk says:
    Anon 4:37, This has to be Einstein again. Vacation season yet!!! A $5.00 savings on gas will determine whether you go on vacation or not? I recommended to you before to get your head out of your butt. By reading your post you've had it entrenched for years.

  8. John K. says: Of course $5 a gallon gas will deter summer vacations. How do I know? Because every left wing media outlet tells us that. LOL LOL And they can't be wrong can they. LMAO After all the DOW is above 13,000 and unemployment dropped yet we are in a recession. LOL LOL LMAO So of course it will.

  9. John K. also says: By the way no lefty has yet explained how taxing windfall profits on oil adds oil to the fuel supply. Just like no one, Obama included, can explain what constitutes a windfall profit.

  10. Jaywillie? On 12 thousand a year, where did you boost that computer. let me in!

  11. John K -

    No one here has said that the Windfall Profits Tax would add barrels to the existing oil supply (at least, not that I have read). The Windfall Profits Tax is supposed to step in for the gas tax, to make sure the government doesn't lose revenue for highways. I haven't read Senator Clinton's proposal, I don't know how she is figuring "Windfall Profits". Since a number of oil companies have a degree of vertical integration (i.e. extraction, refining and distribution), she may have a valid argument there. Still, figuring the effect of the gas tax holiday based on the 18 cents per gallon, some people are projecting an average savings of 30 some dollars over the summer for people. Meaning the person driving the beat up Metro will get less, and the person driving the Navigator will get more. Except the person driving the Metro pays less anyway. Adding the Windfall Profits Tax to the Gas Tax Holiday and you might come up with a wash. But Bush will never sign a Windfall Profits tax, so it won’t be an issue. And anyway, people talk about the Gas Tax Holiday as if gas prices are going to be static this summer. I believe they are expected to rise. The most the Gas Tax Holiday might do would be to flatten the curve of the price rise. And even if the Gas Tax Holiday works, why are we encouraging more consumption of gas? And before you cackle John K, remember that McCain is calling for a Tax Holiday too, and it is his plan that is likely to pass.

    Hmm, why didn't you mention Nixon's approval ratings? Or his current standing?

    It’s funny that you see this as a competition. I thought the point was a reasoned discussion about different ideas. Nothing we say here is likely to have an effect on anything. So if you are interested in being the King of Commenters, more power to you.

  12. Jaywillie and millhunk prove that a lack of income is proportional to a lack of intelligence.

    Don't worry though willie, welfare's just around the bend.

  13. Fuck you, whoever the above anonymous poster is.

    I work part time you fuck while I finish by 2nd bachelor's and master's degree.

    But nice that you just insult people without making an argument.

    Another dipshit conservative that thinks the sun shines out his/her asshole.

  14. Isn't it cute, too, how the conservative blowhards who post here couldn't respond or refute anything I posted.

    John K. brings up some issue we're not even discussing here.

    And the anonymous posters just insult w/o providing any sort of counter argument at all.

    So, clearly, they have proven their intellectual superiority to me.

  15. John K. says: Sen Chucky Schumer says taxing oil will add more oil to the supply. Once again can anyone in here define windfall profits and why do they only apply to oil. What about PNC bank, a favorite recipient of money from the Democrat Gov. Money that could be used to, oh I don't know, fund inner city schools, build bridges and repair highways. LMAO Your hypocrites and I got you!

  16. Retired Millhunk says:
    Chill Jaywillie. Anon 1:22 feels a little big headed right now. He just got a promotion on his job. He used to be a greeter at Wal-Mart, they just moved him up to a stock boy after only 4 years. That's a huge step up for poopsie.Another .25 cents an hour. His dream job is to run that cart collecting machine. Dream away Poopsie. Just think poopsie, with that .25 cent raise and .18 cent gas tax holiday you'll be rolling in the dough. You might have enough in a few years to get your GED. Mommy will be so proud of her poopsie.I know I will.
