May 5, 2008

Monday Morning Rebound

If only Jack Kelly had waited a few days.

Yesterday I wrote about his weekend column - the column in which he wrote:
Support for Sen. Barack Obama has plunged nationally and (more importantly) in North Carolina since Rev. Wright confirmed at his National Press Club appearance Monday that he does indeed hold racist, lunatic, anti-American views, and implied that Sen. Obama has been insincere in separating himself from them. "He had to distance himself, because he's a politician," Rev. Wright said.
Well, there's a new poll out. Here's the story from CBS:

Democrat Barack Obama appears to have rebounded from some of the damage caused by the controversy surrounding his former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll.

On one key measure, Obama has seen a big reversal since his denunciation of Wright’s remarks on Tuesday. He now leads presumptive Republican nominee John McCain in the hypothetical fall contest by eleven points, 51 percent to 40 percent.

If Jack had only waited a few days, he wouldn't look like such an idiot now.

Some other findings of the poll. Among registered voters who'd heard of Wright, 60% approved of the way Senator Obama handled the situation (23% opposed.). When asked the question:
Have Wright's statements made your personal view of Obama...?
2% said "more favorable", 22% said "less favorable" and a whopping 75% said "not changed".

Indeed, there's been a bit of an uptick in the Obama's support in the last few days (Kelly said it had "plunged"). On April 30, his favorable/unfavorable numbers were 39/34 percent. As of this poll, they're 44/30 percent.

Going back to bed: IT'S EARLY!


  1. John K. says: Doesn't matter. Both will be kept in the race till Denver and then we will watch Hillary Clinton steal it from him and recreate68 is off and running.

  2. John K you and others who keep saying Hillary is going to "steal" the nomination are just plain stupid. You must get tired hearing yourselves. Do you think Bush is responsible for the first American coup? I've heard that said. Why don't you think instead of just shitting out words.

  3. John K. says: Of course Hillary is going to steal the nomination. She doesn't have the popular vote. And remember in 2000 it was all about Florida and the popular vote. That is what counted. In fact, Sen Clinton teamed up with Specter and tried to find a way to nullify the electoral college. That failed. Her argument was it was all about the popular vote. But now that she is down in the popular vote, it is all about the delegates. So will she steal the nomination in Denver. Yep, and she has the best vote stealer in the nation to help her. Ed Rendell. Oh this is going to be fun.

  4. Ah, John K., I see you decided to leave your head firmly implanted up your ass...well, change comes in time.

    I think it's probably only fair to you to point out that this oxycontin-delusion known as "Operation Chaos" has had no significant impact on the race. What has kept Clinton in the race has been exceptional turnout among white females - it staved off a defeat in NH, it gave her an edge in PA.

    And this notion of recreating the '68 convention is just ludicrous.

    MI and FL will not be seated at the convention with their current results. I expect the DNC to outmanuever the Clinton camp and seat MI and FL with a compromise(currently, the MI Dem party is floating a split that would not net a significant gain in delegates for Clinton).

    If Obama splits the remaining superdelegates 50-50(which is being generous to Clinton considering the recent trends) and finishes with only 36% in all of the remaining contests, he will have a few more than the 2024.5 required to secure the nomination.

    Of course, he will do much better than that.

    So, I'm afraid John K., that there is a very good chance this is all wrapped up on June 4th.

    You're delusions of granduer will have to wait.

  5. John K. says: Wrapped up by June fourth. LOL LOL LOL Operation Chaos Rules!

  6. Who cares about Reverend Wright? Seriously, people seem to be mystified by the preacher-man in the funny clothes. But it seems to be a sticky-note for Clinton supporters to draw attention from her monumental gaffes which include her saying she would "obliterate" Iran.

    Good Job!

  7. Rev Wright is important because Obama's relationship with him proves Obama is anything but the Uniter he claims to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for ending the partisan divide in Washington...but Barack Obama is not the man for the job.

  8. John K. says: Yah who cares about Rev Wright or his ties to the Weatherman Terrorist group. That stuff means nothing for an Obama supporter. And it would have remained hidden, especially if Cullen had her way. Liberals always get elected by being something other than they really are. But Operation Chaos brought out the real Obama. And it ain't pretty. LOL

  9. Jeremiah Wright has ties to the Weather Underground?


    Now that proves how much John K is paying attention.

    Hey, John! I think Major Andre STARTED the Weather Underground!
