May 7, 2008


While Dayvoe is out, I am being hampered by needing to deal with dial-up for the next couple of days. I have something started on the primary race but likely won't get it posted until late tonight (after work).


  1. Save yourself the trouble. No more excuses, please.

  2. Maria, F....k those stupid commenters. so Hillary might,(still might) have to fold, but their baby bama will not be a man and a leader. He has been a soft, gentle man, with no strangth or self confidance. He will only do what he is told to do, gently and sincerely, but with much naivety and belief that any leg up will be helpful. Rev. Wright gave him that first leg. Who is giving him the next one? I bet he can't make any decision without consulting every NOW powerful person in Washington. So go get em guys, you wamt to beat a woman? You have voted for a pansy.

  3. Retired Millhunk-
    That's right we want a pansy. We had a beer drinking, brush cutting, war starting, lyin sob, so called tuff guy for eight years damn right we want a pansy. We also don't want a pandering,lying,war starting, shot and a beer drinkin so called tuff gal either. Other than cuttin brush not much difference in Hilliary and Bushie is there.

  4. Anon 8:15 - Your comment is embarrassing. I can't say I understand Maria's support for HRC given what I feel is unacceptable behavior during the campaign, but I have to assume that it has nothing to do with her perception of Sen. Obama as a "pansy." She seems a bit more thoughtful than that.

  5. thank you, retired millhunk.

    you took the words right out of my fingers.

  6. What primary race?

  7. Retired Millhunk-
    My pleasure cathcatz.

  8. I have to say I'm for Clinton.So Hillary wants to end the war too quickly and F-up the healthcare system, I don't believe the leader of our nation should be a minority that gets votes only on the fact that he is a minority. (ooo, a pseudo-racist statement, shame shame.)

  9. You don't give yourself enough credit, Bob. No "pseudo" about your racism. You're the real deal.
