May 7, 2008

PA Senate Tables Anti Gay Amendment

From the Post-Gazette:
HARRISBURG -- A bill that would amend the state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage is in a deep coma and is probably dead, at least for the rest of this session.

Faced with staunch opposition to the measure in the Democrat-controlled House, the main sponsor, Sen. Michael Brubaker, R-Lancaster, asked the Senate last evening to table the bill indefinitely, and it agreed.
Sue has more on this.

Kudos to all who called their senators on this and a hat tip to Fumo for rubbing their noses in the "protection" excuse.


  1. ahh... elections. time to scare people with the gay marriage stuff again.

    gotta love the real issues that are addressed during the elections.


  2. "...table the bill indefinitely..."

    I'm tempted to send the Senator a can of Raid, so he can kill that bill once & for all.

  3. yeahhhhhhhhh! so far so good. Let the hippocrates stew. Most of those traditional marriages don't last any longer than their dicks! So make the children suffer,but don't let committed couples have the same rights as you do. Abandom your women for a new Piece, let the kds deal with it. But oh yeah, it's a church/state sanctioned union.

  4. Once again the tyranny of opposite-sex marriage is stayed.

  5. John K. says: To Fumo? The Democrat who is under indictment? LOL LOL LOL and the left used the word hypocrite. LMAO By the way, does anyone know how long a gay relationship lasts. I know. Till they get a guest appearance on the Springer show.
