June 16, 2008

John McCain, Friend of Women Everywhere

Anyone Remember Tex Antoine?

He was the weather-guy at WABC New York for many many years. Then one day in late 1976 he reportedly followed a story of a violent rape of a 5 year old girl with this:

With rape so predominant in the news lately, it is well to remember the words of Confucius: 'If rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it.'

As I recall, he was gone from the station a very short time later. Apologies all around.

I told you that story in order to better frame this one.

On June 13, ABC reported:

Sen. John McCain on Friday abruptly cancelled a Monday fundraiser that had been scheduled at the home of a Texas oilman, after ABC News contacted the campaign inquiring about a verbal blunder the Texan made during an unsuccessful 1990 campaign for governor.

Clayton Williams stirred controversy during his 1990 campaign for governor of Texas with a botched attempt at humor in which he compared rape to weather. Within earshot of a reporter, Williams said: “As long as it's inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it.”

Cancelled. Good for them. Perhaps they should have vetted Mr Williams a little better, but good for them for cancelling the event.

Or did they?

June 14, the Houston Chronicle reported:

McCain's campaign late Friday said it had pulled the plug on a fundraising event scheduled for Monday at Williams' Midland home after reporters contacted the campaign asking about remarks made by the Texas Republican during his 1990 race against Democrat Ann Richards.

But Saturday afternoon, the McCain campaign told the Houston Chronicle that the Midland event had been postponed until this summer and would be held in a public venue.

Seems that there was a compromise:

Items posted Friday evening on the the Houston Chronicle's "Texas on the Potomac" blog, along with Web pieces by ABC News and the Washington Post, triggered nearly 24 hours of sometimes-tense communications between the McCain campaign and the Williams camp.

Late Saturday afternoon, a McCain aide confirmed to the Chronicle that the Midland event had been postponed but had not been taken off the calendar. The compromise allowed McCain to say he had not held a fundraiser at Williams' house; it gave Williams an opportunity to say that the event he organized had not been canceled.

I mean the man had already raised $300,000 for Mr Straight Talk. You don't let a little thing like an offensive rape joke get in the way of money like that, do you?

So remember, a Vote for McCain is...

Nah, I won't even bother.


  1. John K. says: So when Sen. McCain finds out about problems with some of the people who work for him or are associated with him, and cancels appearances he still gets criticized? And Hussein Obama was a member of Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and gets a pass? LOL LOL

  2. Hey, John, did you miss the part about how the McCain campaign backtracked on the cancellation??

    It's now only postponed.

    Did you miss this part?

    The compromise allowed McCain to say he had not held a fundraiser at Williams' house; it gave Williams an opportunity to say that the event he organized had not been canceled.

    Learn to read gooder, John. It'll help you anser kwestjuns gooder soone.

  3. John K. says: Speaking of that anyone got the number to Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide. I want to get in on that deal that Dodd and Conrad as well as that VP search guy Johnson got. And can you get me the number to Rezko? Maybe he can help with some real estate sales? At least Sen. McCain acts in an honorable manner.

  4. It takes a special kind of honor for a man to call his own wife a "cunt" in public. Now that's whatcha call honorable.

    Another honorable thing Sen. McCain did? He cheated on his first wife while she was in the hospital, divorced her, then married big money.

    But I guess the most honorable thing he ever did was to make an anti-American confession to the North Vietnamese.

    What a guy, huh? It's not like he did something really sleazy, like get a good price on a 10-foot strip of land.

    (Note to John: This is one of 573 refutations that we never do.)

  5. John K. says: I get it. Obama lost the female vote when Sen. Clinton challenged him. These types of articles are an attempt to woo the Clinton female voters back into the Obama camp. So the effort is clearly to make it appear McCain hates women. LOL LOL LOL See how easy it is to figure out how the liberal mind works. Accuse your opponent of doing exactly what it is you are doing. And never let the facts of the case interfere with that accusation. LMAO

  6. Excellent refutation, John. You sure showed us.

  7. Schmuck Shitrock said...
    .Excellent refutation, John. You sure showed us.

    US? Schmuck are you speaking for others?

    The only thing that i can agree with Schmuck:
    It takes a special kind of honor for a man to call his own wife a "cunt" in public.
    And thank you so much for hammering that tidbit home any chance you get Mr. Shitrock you too are an honorable guy.

  8. Thanks, Anonymous. As an honorable guy, I promise to continue hammering home not only the fact that McCain called his wife a cunt in public, but also that he cheated on his wife while she was in the hospital, and that he betrayed his country by creating propaganda for the North Vietnamese.

    I mean, why would I, being honorable and all, not continue hammering home not only the fact that McCain called his wife a cunt in public, but also that he cheated on his wife while she was in the hospital, and that he betrayed his country by creating propaganda for the North Vietnamese?

    It seems only right that an honorable guy like I should continue hammering home not only the fact that McCain called his wife a cunt in public, but also that he cheated on his wife while she was in the hospital, and that he betrayed his country by creating propaganda for the North Vietnamese.

    So thanks for asking me -- Schmuck Shitrock, Honorable Guy -- to continue hammering home not only the fact that McCain called his wife a cunt in public, but also that he cheated on his wife while she was in the hospital, and that he betrayed his country by creating propaganda for the North Vietnamese.

    Was there anything else I, the Honorable Schmuck Shitrock, could do for you aside from continuing to hammer home not only the fact that McCain called his wife a cunt in public, but also that he cheated on his wife while she was in the hospital, and that he betrayed his country by creating propaganda for the North Vietnamese?

    Be sure to let us know whether you'd like us to help out in some other way than continuing to hammer home not only the fact that McCain called his wife a cunt in public, but also that he cheated on his wife while she was in the hospital, and that he betrayed his country by creating propaganda for the North Vietnamese.

  9. Retired Millhunk-
    You could also state that McCain finished 895th out of 899th in his graduating class. You could also state that McCain wrecked 4 other planes before he was shot down. You could also state that his injuries were not from being held captive, it was from not ejecting properly. Never would have been allowed to fly in the first place but his father being an Admiral allowed this.

  10. What is the point of this post? I don't prefer Mccain, but cmon, this post is a bit retarded. BTW, I don't prefer Obama either, the dumbass can't even answer an unscripted question.

  11. Bob, the point of those posting is to act like mean little chicken-shit bullies. Hiding behind the curtain of anonoymous posts. I think if Obama supporters are not any more mature than these guys, I have to consider his popularity as no more than any other "Pop Star". We all know how shallow that can be.

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