Democracy Has Prevailed.

July 8, 2008

Drinking Liberally Pittsburgh Tonight

WHAT: Drinking Liberally Pittsburgh
WHERE: Buffalo Blues on 216 S. Highland Ave. in Shadyside
WHEN: TODAY! Tuesday, July 8th, 7:00PM in the upper deck

For more information, check out the Drinking Liberally Website:

or email


Anonymous said...

John K; I called two of my conservatives friends, and we will be there also. Of course you won't know because we will act liberal. This should be as much fun as watching Kucinich introduce articles of impeachment. LOL Oh yah!

Anonymous said...

KGC says..

Now I wish I had a Club Gitmo shirt or a Rush Limbaugh shirt... then I'd think about showing up.

Wonder how they pay for their drinks? Have the richest person pay for his and most others while at least 50% get theirs free? /rimshot :)

In all seriousness, I think I'd like to try to have a honest intellectual discusssion of issues with these liberals, but.....

Anonymous said...

But what?

Quick show of hands -- how many people have "honest" OR "intellectual" come to mind if the subject is the current Republican administration?

If you want an honest or intellectual discussion in today's United States, is there any point to inviting a conservative?

Unless, of course, you believe that nothing says "fiscal conservative" like record deficits" or that "American exceptionalism" means warrantless surveillance, unconstitutional detentions and torture . . . with lying about torture as the most patriotic form of honesty.

Anonymous said...

KGC says..

I agree somewhat with you about the current Republican administration.. Bush has been disappointing in certain aspects (not on the WOT, though); the Republicans in Congress have also been disappointing. Bush and many Republicans have moved to the left instead of standing up and having the b*lls to counter the liberal Democrats. Certain Republicans "lost their way".

That being said, the prospect of an ultra-liberal Obama Administration combined with an ultera-liberal Congress is not attractive to me... or many. McCain is not the 1st choice of Conservatives, but he is far better than Obama.

Anonymous said...

I customarily favor divided government, and hope that the Republicans regain their footing to a point at which they can compete for a Senate majority in a few years . . . but the Republicans have earned exile not by being moderate or liberal but instead by pushing the worst of the right-wing agenda: social intolerance enforced by big-brother government, faith-based disdain of science, not only supporting authoritarian regimes but actually importing authoritarian practices, etc.

The most damning point was attacking the wrong country, the one most likely to be responsible for costing Republicans the election is the economy, but the list of failures is so extensive that the Republicans have only themselves to blame.

Let's hope they peel off from the religious zealots and bigots, regain their relationship with competence and fiscal restraint, and put themselves in a position to be a responsible contributor to our federal government soon.