Democracy Has Prevailed.

July 2, 2008

McCain on The G.I. Bill

Yesterday, I mentioned Senator McCain taking credit for something he actually opposed. That's a very serious charge. One that needs to be expanded upon.

Take a look:

The bill he's discussing is the "Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008." Here's the roll call vote. Scroll down a bit. Notice which names aren't on either the "yay" or "nay" list?

Senator Kennedy (who is recuperating from brain surgery) and Senator John McCain. McCain was campaigning that day in Ohio and couldn't be bothered to show up for the vote.

McCain, let's remember, opposed this bill and said that it would lead to a decrease in enlistment of 16 percent. This came from a misrepresentation of a CBO analysis of the bill. In fact, according to this analysis from the CBO:
CBO estimates that S. 22 (as modified) would more than double the present value of educational benefits for servicemembers at the first reenlistment point—from about $40,000 to over $90,000—implying a 16 percent decline in the reenlistment rate, from about 42 percent to about 36 percent. [emphasis added]
A few paragraphs up on the very same page we find:
On that basis, CBO calculates that raising the educational benefits as proposed in S. 22 would result in a 16 percent increase in recruits. [emphasis added]

So he lied about the bill, opposed it, failed to show to even vote for (or against) it and now that it's passed, he's claiming credit for it.

That, my friends, is hypocrisy.


Anonymous said...

John K: Question, is this the same, less or more hypocracy than shown by Obama when he decided to not take public matching funds. LOL LOL LOL LMAO hypocracy. Hello, they sent the bill back and changed it. McCain is taking credit for a revised bill more to the President's liking.

Justin said...

What don't you understand about the matching funds issue, John? The part where McCain tried to have his cake and eat it too, or the part where he tried to back out of accepting matching funds after he had already taken some?

Obama said he'd take matching funds with the stipulation that McCain would as well. It's a simple conclusion to draw that Obama meant that McCain had to take them legally. He didn't, so there's no obligation.

It's like if I bought you a candy bar with the stipulation that you paid me back, but you ended up giving me half the money back and said that you upheld your end of the deal because you did pay me back something.

Anonymous said...

John K: So Obama backing faith based initiatives led by the White House is what. Oh yah, a liberal may be running it this time. Huge difference. LOL

Justin said...

Depends on who you ask. Ask a Christian conservative, and he's not doing enough. Ask someone who's hard-line against any government contributions to faith-based organizations (I hate that term, but I don't know a better one), and he's doing too much.

Ask someone who understands what he's saying, especially one intimately familiar with the current state of non-profit organizations, and they'll tell you that it makes perfect sense.

Anonymous said...

John K : Yippee, sidebar here and off subject. Limbaugh extended his deal with Clear Channel thru 2016. And MSNBC is going nuts. Yahoo I WIN!

cathcatz said...

well of course he extended his deal. we're going to have a democrat in the white house.

a dem in the white house is the best possible scenario for right wing radio. now, instead of avoiding the defense of their candidates, they can go on the offense against the dems.

small price to pay. he's a legend in his own oxycontin riddled mind.

Anonymous said...

This bill was NOT to the President's liking. This bill was veto-proof and dangerous politically.

Senator Webb had the votes -- there wasn't anything that the President or Senator McCain could do about it, but lie and claim Senator McCain was a "mover" of this bill and equally appalling fail to credit Senator Hagel (who was a prime mover of the G.I. Bill) with anything.

If you want that sort of government, then by all means vote for Senator McCain.

As for me, this is MY Country and I am done listening to lies, distortions and watching the mounting criminal indictments.

I am voting for Senator Obama -- who by the way, is accepting more public funding than any other candidate in history (it just isn't coming from that check box on your tax form).


(by the way -- again, I really like that clock on the home page and you both do a great "blog."

Anonymous said...

John K: The quote, "This is my country and I am done..." So what? You don't think this is my country? You don't think I am tired of listening to lefty lies. Like Gen Betrayus. What is with you lefties that you have to lecture Americans on patriotism and then yell that this is your country. Its mine also and the Constitution stands as written.

Anonymous said...

Liberals lecturing people on patriotism?

Oh, how dare they...

Come off it, Johnny K. You're all too well versed in disparaging the patriotism of other people.

Nice feigned outrage, though.

Can dish it out, but can't take it, eh?

And get off the Constitution, that tired old rag that has been abused by everyone who's ever tried to contort it to suit their own ends.

"Written as stands" - except that it is also written to permit changes to, I'm not even sure what you're point is or why you even bring it up, as if the Constitution is a bedrock of conservative principles alone.

Why don't you actually read up on the founding of the country, unless your too afraid to learn that the Founders were not so often the defenders of your conservative delusions?

You're probably one of those chaps that fancies himself as a "strict" constructionist, but the truth is you are a "conservative" constructionist. There are no strict constructionists, just those that twist the Consitution to comport to their will.

I'll leave you with a quote from John Adams; as staunch an endorsement for "lefty" values like public education as you'll ever find:

"Laws for the liberal education of youth, especially for the lower classes of people, are so extremely wise and useful that to a humane and generous mind, no expense for this purpose would be thought extravagant."
- John Adams in "Thoughts on Government"

Bram Reichbaum said...

Actually, I'm finding John K surprisingly lucid today.

I think a lot of his stuff here (diminishing returns as the thread veered off-topic) merits even a post-length response, Dayvoe.

No I'm not high. Or if I am it wouldn't make a difference.

Anonymous said...

well, I finally know what Obama means by "change". He beats Hillary and changes into Bush right before our eyes. This morning I read his encouragement of serving by enlisting in the Military. Does that mean the sweet little mama with her sweet little boy telling McKane he can't have her son (Obama's Ad)will have to send him now?

Anonymous said...

"There are no strict constructionists, just those that twist the Consitution to comport to their will."

Aparently you've never heard of libertarians.

"Laws for the liberal education of youth, especially for the lower classes of people, are so extremely wise and useful that to a humane and generous mind, no expense for this purpose would be thought extravagant."
- John Adams in "Thoughts on Government"

Was this an endorsement of federally funded public education or at the state or local level? (honest question)

P.S. Just because a founding father thought something was a good idea doesn't mean the Constitution grants federal powers to fund and regulate it.

Anonymous said...

Quick question...why aren't "strict constructionalists" all members of the ACLU? Doesn't the ACLU work toward a strict interpretation of, primarily, the first ammendment?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:57:

That is not an accurate representation of what the ACLU is about.

Anonymous said...

John K: July 4th must be tough for you liberals. Especially you ACLU lefties. People waving flags with their hands over their heart, singing God Bless America. Cooking over charcoal, a fossil fuel oh my. And eating meat and all. And then using gunpowder for a celebration. You lefties are probably in your little enclaves, all angry and saying, "You just wait till Obama takes over, you just wait. We will start with that God Bless America stuff and go from there. Obama will get you." LMAO Did I get it right lefties? I know I did. LOL

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July all!
John K, I want you to know that my democratic active duty military family is flag waving and cooking out today. We celebrate the service of members of our family in all branches of the military from WWII to the present. We are patriotic Americans who do not use mean spirited lies to put down others.
Maybe you should put your money where your mouth is and join the military. We all might be able to respect you if you weren't such a lying coward.

Anonymous said...

John K; Whoever wrote the anon post fell right in there with the liberals. First the individual scolds me for "mean spirited lies" and then closes out the post by doing exactly that. See how easy it is to ferret out the left. LMAO. They hide under the guise of patriotism and deny it to others except on their terms. You lose homer. LMAO

Anonymous said...

John K: I was just wondering to anon there. Since Dean dodged the draft, and was proud of it, and Clinton, either one, and Obama have no military service. How do you classify them? LMAO Man that was easy. LOL

Anonymous said...

The draft, aka conscription, is just another form of slavery. Taking the liberty, controlling the lives, and making government property of young men goes against the very principles draftees are supposed to defend. It makes about as much sense as fornicating to preserve virginity. I applaud those who dodged the draft, though I have greater respect for those who willingly endured the legal consequences of doing so.