Democracy Has Prevailed.

July 6, 2008

McCain Sunday Funnies!

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Well, who doesn't!

(h/t to Crooks and Liars)

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John McCain:

"I have set before the American people an energy plan, the Lex-eegton Project," McCain said, drawing a quick breath and correcting himself. "The Lex-ing-ton Proj-ect," he said slowly. "The Lexington Project," he repeated. "Remember that name."

Oh Lord...

(h/t to Shakesville)


Anonymous said...

John K; This is really funny. McCain said we might be in Iraq for 100 years. Now Obama and Murtha are saying similar things. Yah, Obama said we would maintain a presence in Iraq and Murtha also called for a presence in Iraq. Who will be next, Olbermuth. LMAO It looks like the pattern here is to criticize McCain when he says something then wait a short while and have the Democrats adopt the same positions and act like they thought of it all along. LMAO and you thought no one noticed.

Anonymous said...

John K; I have sex dreams about McCain.

Anonymous said...

Again, John, two wrongs don't make a right. Instead of defending a position for its own merits (if indeed there are any), you point you finger and excitedly shout, "Look! Look! Now the Lefties are flip-flopping and saying the same stupid things as the Righties! LMAO! LOL!"

Going into Iraq was a bad idea. Going in with too few troops was a bad idea. Going with insufficient armor for troops was a bad idea. Going in without a plan for maintaining peace was a bad idea. Going in without a plan for getting out quickly was a bad idea. Shall I go on? The undeclared war in Iraq has been a series of bad ideas. If the Democrats are too be criticized for anything, it's not so much their flip-flopping to embrace endless war and occupation as it's for the continuing stream of bad ideas their embracing. They're power-hungry buffoons who have too much in common with neocon Republicans. That is their shame. They were swept into office to get the US out of Iraq. So much for that. Can't say I'm shocked. I am disappointed, though.

Anonymous said...

Wow. My last comment is chock full of grammatical typos. :/