July 29, 2008

New Policy on Comments

OK, OK! Because so many of you have requested it, and because some people are pretending to be others, and because it is sometimes difficult to follow along when so many comment as "anonymous," you now have to be registered (Google/Blogger/Open ID) in order to comment at 2pj.

Let's see how it goes...


  1. Got my account. wanted to test it......

  2. So what is to stop the other guy from using my name anyway?

  3. Hey John, that is an interesting thought. If you have another e-mail address you could try to form another account with the same name and see if it stops you.

  4. The changes to this blog proved my points. Liberals cannot and will not tolerate criticism. They smear and intimidate to try and shut opposing views down. The 2nd point is that this is the third time someone has tried to intimidate me. The phrase, "I'm gonna modus tollens his butt" is a clear threat. Yet it is tolerated on this blog. But here I am.
    You liberals should really look in the mirror. From my point the strong arm tactics are sickening. Conservatives are not going away. And neither am I.

  5. Oh John, John, John, John, John,

    We actually tried to make it harder for people to claim that they're you.

    A simple "thank you" would do nicely!

  6. John K,

    Being you for one day is enough. In case you don't know, trust me.

  7. "Modus tollens" a threat? Intimidation? You are lucky I did not say "modus ponens."

  8. I recommend not going modus tollens on his butt; you'll just arouse his non sequitur's.

  9. So like I said, people have a handle, and some things can be done (like using a little avatar) to make sure only one person is using the handle. But people are still anonymous, basically, in that you don't have to choose a handle based on your name.

    Better, but not perfect.

    I don't think this is an indication of strong arm tactics. That would be when the blog-owners deleted every comment someone makes. The fact you are here, John K, indicates how liberals tolerate differing opinions.

  10. Nope. It appears that M Dachshund was the culprit. Yet not a word of condemnation?

  11. John K: Now that we have established that I am the Man! Let's get back to work. Lots of liberal minds to convert prior to November. Will it never end?

  12. Yes, I mean wasn't it the liberals who came up with the "free-speech zones" a mile or so away from President Dumbya's talks and who arrested those people in Denver for having bumper stickers calling for an end to the Iraq war and who kicked that evil, 60-something librarian out of the McSame campaign event for wearing that menacing "Bush = McCain" t-shirt. And I think it's the liberals at Red State who automatically ban anybody that posts a comment not in agreement with right-wing orthodoxy.

    So, yes, asking somebody to sign up with blogger is downright reprehensible.

    Also, I really don't understand what this means, but I don't think it's a threat.

  13. gee... wonder why john k didn't bother to look that up for himself.... what was he hoping, er, i mean, thinking it meant?

    modus tollens his butt = fill in the blank

  14. testing openid...

  15. "Nope. It appears that M Dachshund was the culprit. Yet not a word of condemnation?"

    John K is correct, we should make some condemnation of M Dachshund. Why do I feel “Bad dog, bad, bad, bad dog” is somehow appropriate?
