August 10, 2008




  1. yeah, class all the way. at least he didn't try to give her a back rub.

  2. John K: Yah gotta love this guy. Bush is the Man! Besides at least he ain't lying to his wife and paying off his mistress with your campaign contributions.

  3. At least he ain't lying to his disabled wife and running off with an ATM machine, I mean rich beer heiress...oh wait...that's what the current Republican presidential nominee John McCain did.

  4. John K: McCain did that! Oh my! Based on that resume, if he had lied about it, you Democrats would be supporting him for President.

  5. Show me one instance, John K., where a Democrat said what Edwards did was ok.

    It's apparently OK with you to have a nominee that treated their wife in this way, which I guess just reinforces your status as a raging hypocrite. I thought values were so important to your ilk, but apparently not if they threaten your chance to win.

    At least John Edwards didn't abandon his family; at least he recognizes that he made a horrible mistake and has tried to keep his family together and live up to his responsibilities to his wife. Unlike McCain, he didn't stay with the other woman.

    But I suppose if McCain's affair and abandonment of his wife(leaving Ross Perot to take care of her financially) is irrelevant because it happened 30 years ago, then other experiences of McCain's life that happened more than 30 years are equally irrelevant.

    If he's going to run on his life experiences, then he's running on his entire life - not just the parts he wants to exploit for political gain.

  6. There is no problem with this photograph or with President Bush's depicted conduct; the woman reportedly invited him to pat her butt, apparently a common encouragement in the "sport" of beach volleyball.

    As actions of this president go, an unusually harmless and unobjectionable event.

  7. John K: Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC Hardball on Friday night telling everyone that certain members of the press knew about this in Nov 2007 and did nothing. Gee I wonder why?

  8. Well, at least you stopped saying it was fall 2006.

    The "press" that broke the story was the National Enquirer and New York City gossip columnists. So yeah, the main stream media should have looked into it, but we can understand why they didn't.

    Edwards is a jerk, for having the affair and then for running for President. He did tell his wife, but since his staff knew he probably was forced to.

    A lot of people liked Edwards and his political career is finished. He will probably write a book and live off the proceeds. If you want to generalize to the democrats as a whole about Edwards lying, the point is made that the current President, while never having an affair, told the American people there was proof that Iraq had nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that they were ready to deliver to United States soil. An attack from Iraq capable of destroying multiple American cities and costing millions of lives was imminent. This was untrue.

  9. John K: No actually it was the fall of 2006. But they had the story in their backpocket ready to print in Nov 2007.
    Now the point is when National Enquirer went public over Limbaugh the lefty press needed no verification at all. In fact, Olbermouth, went public with the contents of Limbaugh's luggage after the info was illegally leaked by the Customs Dept.
    Then of course, we had no verification of Sen. Craig.
    The press only goes public on right wingers because the public has the right to know.

  10. John K: I told you folks in the winter of this year that Edwards was a scoundrel and liar. But you kept making excuses for him. Ahhhh it is so nice to always be right.LMAO
    Now remember, Sen. Clinton tried to enhance her military resume. I called her on it, you lefties defended her. Same as Edwards. I WIN!

  11. why do i get the feeling that he will say that his visit to china for the 2008 olympics was one of the highlights of his presidency?

    i wanted to vomit, watching him talk to bob costas last night. so smug. so fucking smug.

  12. The difference is that Limbaugh's misdeeds (by the way, are we talking about the doctor-shopping, the sending his housekeeper out to dark alleys to buy his drugs, or the big bag of unprescribed boner pills he was carrying through an airport security screen?) were documented. Limbaugh's misdeeds occurred in public, and he was investigated and arrested. What Edwards did happened behind closed doors, was non-public (no criminal allegations of which I am aware), and it apparently was difficult to get on-the-record witnesses. ABC appears to have been tracking a financial trail, which is what caused Edwards to confess.

    It might make sense to credit you for the Edwards call, John, were you not in the uniform habit of labeling as scoundrels and liars all persons left of Jesse Helms.

    I can't credit you for making a judgment call because you are nothing more than a human reflex.

    And I still say you might be the proprietors' sock puppet.

  13. actually john, WHEN the press goes public on the right, it's usually because they are caught doing exactly that which they preach so loudly against!

  14. John K: To Ed Heath, who lives in Egypt near De Nile: National Enquirer went public with this story a year ago. Andrea Mitchell picked it up that fall and yet, kept quiet. When asked, Edwards lied and said it had not happened. When clearly it did. It wasn't till the National Enquirer stayed on the story and got the pictures of "lovelips Edwards" that the press finally acknowledged it. The question is why would a lefty press remain quiet on this issue? Edwards for Attorney General, return integrity to the White House Cabinet eh. LOL LOL LOL LMAO

  15. John K: So having a customs agent leak the contents of Limbaugh's luggage to Olbermouth is not a violation of privacy? See how easy it is to pin you lefties to the mat. In your mind, hey, give Edwards a pass, some conservative did the same thing.
    That is not even close to what I am arguing. I am stating that the press relishes going into the closets of Republicans but it pains them to check up on a liberal. Pains them! They agonize over it.
    The press had no problem going into Limbaugh's life when it made the National Enquirer but the same press resisted exposing the lying Edwards because he was one of them. That Sherry is what makes you a hypocrite. The best part, you can't see it. LMAO LMAO

  16. John K: One more word to folks like Ed Heath and Jaywillie. I find it amusing that you demanded proof from me two days ago and now you are in full defensive mode.

  17. John,

    It is not my place to judge what she may or may not do, but Elizabeth Edwards may freely choose eventually to forgive/not forgive John for his lies and infidelities and remain in her marriage.

    Fortunately, she is still now alive to decide--unlike the 100,000s of deceased Iraqis and American soldiers whose deaths your lying sack of shit, impeachable offenses committimg war president bears full responsibilty for.

  18. Well, John, go back and look, and you will see that I mentioned the National Enquirer, I believe, before you did. I said they reported on it in November of '07. Now, I believe the affair occurred in '06, so I'm not sure what the Enquirer knew and when they knew it, but they didn't break the story until November of '07. I certainly have no idea what Andrea Mitchell (Mrs Alan Greenspan, FWIW) knew and kept silent about. On the other hand, I'm sure most if not all of the MSM read the story in the Enquirer. And as I said, I believe it was appearing elsewhere as gossip.
    So sure, the Press shouldn't have taken Edwards word that the Enquirer story was wrong. But you keep changing dates, first you say the press knew about the story in 06, then you say a year ago (07).
    And by the way, Governors and Presidents routinely tke credit for balancing budgets, FWIW, although you are correct that legislatures have the power of the purse. I guess the President takes the credit/blame since his administraion proposes a budget, and then Congress (either Democrat or Republican) loads it with earmarks.

  19. Can anyone imagine what the right would do if they had a picture of Obama wearing the look Bush does here, with these two white girls in such garb and such interesting positions?

    I'd imagine there'd by a few religious revival meetins', before the rowdy crowds then begin to gather...

  20. i just can't believe that his handlers didn't see a problem with allowing that to happen.

    then again, like john k., so many of the bushmen will be saying "atta boy, georgie".

  21. I'm no Bush fan, but I have to give him credit for brushing his hand across her back rather than patting her behind as requested.

  22. John K: If Obama had done that the picture would never have surfaced. After all the press hid the facts on Edwards when they wanted him to do well. If it had surfaced in National Enquirer, then people like Ed Heath would have demanded that proof be provided. Like I said, the press has two standards.
    But Bush is the Man!

  23. John K: Bear in mind lefties, Sen. Clinton told her lie about being shot in Bosnia twice, in a public forum both times, before someone finally called her on it. Even though the press had the pictures and tapes. And then you lefties ran to her defense that she misspoke. One set of journalistic standards for the liberals and one for the conservatives.

  24. No big deal.

    I think I'd let the tall one on the right spank me, though. :)
