August 9, 2008

Conyers: Readying Capitol Jail Cell for Karl Rove

Those attending today's press conference on Single Payer Healthcare with Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, held at the Democratic Party Platform Committee meeting at the David Lawrence Pittsburgh Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA were rewarded with some tough talk on an entirely different subject:

What to do about Karl Rove's inherent contempt of Congress.

Talking Points Memo reported yesterday that, "Things are moving right along in the wake of the HJC v. Miers decision last week" and that "White House Counsel Fred Fielding has already responded to Rep. John Conyer's (D-MI) letter requesting 'quick compliance' with the ruling." (More at Crooks & Liars here.)

But it would seem that things aren't moving quickly enough for Conyers (I guess Rove just can't be talked down from the ledge of contempt proceedings).

A source who attended the press conference reported the following:

In a sometimes rambling press conference, Conyers noted that they were quite busy and that the jail cell in the Capitol was being brought up to federal minimum standards as it hadn't been used since the 1930s. (See Linda Shuster's comments on that cell here.) He added that while a cot would be brought in that a TV wouldn't. And, that we'd see how long Rove would like to be a guest there before he finally decides to comply with the HJC subpoena.

Apparently KDKA was there. I hope they have some video or even some audio up soon.

Finally, can it be much longer before we see something like this?



  1. John K: I was right. You left wing kooks are so consumed with hate and rage that you would treat Rove, a US citizen, worse than you would treat a terrorist held in Gitmo.
    As I said, Rove committed one crime. He beat Democrats in elections.

  2. John K: I checked. They are getting the padded psycho cell ready for Kucinich after this latest attempt to overturn an election fails.

  3. Ah, it's okay, John.

    Are the big, mean Dems picking on Turdblossom?

    Don't let that get to you - you can get back to coddling Rove's balls soon enough - maybe they'll have conjugal visits for you!

    Rove...what a doofus...yeah, he beat us in two elections,! And then his plans for a permanent Republican majority went "poof!" and he got his ass handed to him in '06 and will get another one in '08.

    You can have your victories in '00 and '04, twizzledick - I'll take '06 and a Dem President with a bigger Dem majority in Congress in '08.

    You just keep livin' in the past...
