August 28, 2008

Farewell Party for Lynn Cullen

Friends, advertisers and listeners will gather at the WPTT studio tomorrow, 8/29/08, Friday at 11:45 AM to give Lynn Cullen a fitting farewell.

Everyone is invited to attend, but please email Sue ( and let her know if you plan to show up so they can plan for numbers --- she'll pass the info along to the organizers.

The studio is at 900 Parrish Street in Greentree. It is not really a secret, but try not to bring it up if you have an email exchange with Lynn.

(Grrrr! Wish I could go!)


  1. wish i could too. i listened to her "girlfriend" show today.

    i will really miss her.

  2. John K: Fairwell party for the liberal Cullen. LMAO Removed from the air by the market place. Tell me this ain't a conservative country.

  3. John K.-- Do you have a life? If not, I suggest you go and try and get one. Life is waaay too short to spend so much time making snotty, anonymous comments on a liberal blog. You're not convincing anyone of anything other than the fact that you're a douchebag who must be a pain in the ass in real lfe.

    I'm really sad that Lynn is going-- hopefully she'll soon find a new home on the airwaves elsewhere.

  4. John K: Ah, the actual facts of the case are you haven't convinced me of anything either. Cullen leaving is fitting. The market forced her out. Forced out in a couple of stations. Your solution for the problem is to regulate free speech via the fairness doctrine. When thought is allowed to flow freely the market determines who gets heard and who doesn't. Which means you actually have to make and sustain your argument. Much fairer than a bunch of liberals making laws to determine who is heard or not. And that is why a fairwell party is so appropriate. Liberals lose again. LOL LOL LMAO

  5. I sent an e-mail to the station director at KDKA about my disappointment with the programming on that station and the suggestion of bringing Lynn on. Don't take this too seriously, but the station director sounded in his reply as if he's receptive to giving her a timeslot. Only thing is he didn't hear from Lynn yet (not sure if that's because of contractual stuff or it never crossed her mind). If enough people write to KDKA, they might just give Lynn a slot. She has a built-in audience and the ability to sell advertising. It's just a matter of finding a station that can ditch its junk or find an open slot.

  6. John K: Sent an E-mail saying to keep her off. They expanded the time of another conservative on KDKA. The libertarian and columnist for the Trib, Vassilarov, gets a full three hours on Sunday night from 6 -9. I WIN!

  7. John K - seriously you need to get a life. You must be one lonely wingnut. As to Dmitri getting on Sunday on KDKA - that's Chris Moore's timeslot and KDKA dang well better not be taking him off. Dmitri is another wingnut jerk who couldn't get a full-time show on WTAE and has ever since been bouncing around in wingnut land. KDKA is rapidly going down the tubes with their inane programming.

    Honzman with all his health programs should just hang up his mike and be thankful he has the health insurance from his station for his stomach stapling and all his other ills and an employer who gives him so much time off. Honzman would never make it in the "real America" where the rest of us work.

    Steigerwald should've stuck to sports. He's become the Baghdad Bob of radio repeating all the crap about Obama's birth certificate and that somehow lost his citizenship when his mom married an Indonesian man.

    As to Lynn - she'll bounce back I'm sure. She had a good 10+ year run at WTAE and another good 10 year run at WPTT. Anyone even know at 1250 broadcasts anymore? I predict the same failure for 1360. They soon will be a non-entity on local radio.

    Oh and the wingnuts are driving talk radio in to the ground. Their audience is old and dying off, especially local talk radio.

    Anyone note the rising political star is 35 year old Rachel Maddow who will soon have her own gig on MSNBC on 9-8-08. Amazing how MSNBC ratings keep rising though Comcast sure did its best all over the nation to make it hard to find.

    For those of you who support Lynn, email KDKA and others and if they refuse to put on liberal programming as a balance then unlike years ago we do have alternatives. I can fill my day on internet radio with Thom Hartmann, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes, Stephanie Miller and others. In the evenings its MSNBC with Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and then Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on The Comedy Channel.

    Those weren't around 10 years ago when Lynn lost her job.

    Local advertisers whose lifeblood is local radio need to realize that over half their potential customers are not hearing about them because local radio is not filling their needs.

    That is sad.

  8. John K: LOL LOL LOL Dragonlibra, you need to get out of your cave and begin to converse with people. Dimitri will in fact be on Sunday from 6 - 9 PM on KDKA. LMAO. It was due to audience response and the type of guests he lines up. E-Mail him at the trib for verification. Then apologize to me. Because I am right. Jaywillie already has to apologize for calling me a liar when I said pro lifer Sen. Casey had a speaking spot at the convention. LMAO

  9. John K: Only way Cullen gets back on the air is if the Fairness Doctrine passes. LOL LOL And what are left wing kooks going to do when the comedy channel starts bashing Hussein Obama. Oh this will be funny.

  10. Lynn will be back in the future. And to John K and his fellow wingnuts - ROFL at McSame picking Miss Congeality as his running mate. We Democrats will be getting the last laugh election day and on 01-20-09 the end of an error!

    Well off to internet radio and looking in to satellite cause Pgh radio will become an official sewer at 2:59PM.

    No wonder Pittsburgh is losing population!
