August 6, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Via Crooks and Liars, we're reminded that today is the day 7 years ago that President George W Bush was given the now infamous Presidential Daily Brief titled:

Had he actually done his job that day instead of playing near-mulligan free golf in Texas, the world might look very different now.

So Happy PDB day, everyone!


  1. John K: And he hasn't. This President realized the threat and took action.

  2. Except he did, John. And this President took action after the fact, after he had been warned, after the country was attacked.

    Sorry, I know you don't like timelines(it's all horizons with conservatives - you know, those things you can NEVER reach(h/t J. Stewart)), but that report was issued, this President played golf and then we were attacked.

    No doubt you will respond by blaming Clinton; anything so that precious lil' George, the worst President in American history, doesn't have to be held accountable for his actions.

    Funny...personal responsibility used to be pretty important to know, like when they were attacking single mothers for collecting Welfare(of course, $4 billion in tax breaks for Big Oil is perfectly reasonable - clearly they need the money)?

    Now, you folks just make excuses and look for someone else to blame. There's always an excuse and it generally involves Bill Clinton, because the things that have happened during Bush's Presidency couldn't possibly be Bush's responsibility, could they?

    Bush snoozed and this country has been paying the price ever since.

  3. He also struck a mighty fear into SARS and the Avian Flu as well. They haven't done much on these shores, either.

    Even virii are scared o' Wubya, yesiree.

  4. John K: Now you left wingers have to be consistent here. Bush, upon taking office, approached the Bin Laden problem in the exact manner that the three previous President's had approached it, as a legal problem. And as a legal problem he needed probable cause et al. None of which he had.
    So if you now want Bush to attack the terrorist problem using legal means, then you have to apply the same standard to pre 9-11.
    That is if you want to be consistent. Which of course you don't because you hate Bush more than Al Queda and view Bush as more of the problem than Bin Laden.

  5. John K: President prevented any attacks since 9-11 by taking the fight to the enemy. Good Job! But remember left wing kooks, you don't want to do that. You want to use the courts and lawyers. Be consistent because as of right now you are waffling all over the place.

  6. the pResident prevented any attacks since 9/11??? really? all by himself?

    why do you hate the military? why do you hate the cia? why do you hate the fbi?

    john k., why do you hate america????

  7. John K: Yep cathcatz, glad to see you finally acknowledged that this President prevented attacks on America since 9-11. He took control of those agencies and made them work for our security rather than as personal fiefdoms for Democrats. If the FBI had been working on terrorism prior to 9-11 instead of stealing FBI files for Hillary Clinton we might have stood a chance.

  8. there ya go jaywillie...

    only it's not bubba's fault. THIS time its HILLARY'S fault.


    and so very predictable.

  9. John K: Its not Hillary's fault. She voted to bomb Iraq. LMAO LMAO She the woman!

  10. Yep, Cathcatz...knew he'd make some excuses.

  11. John K: I praised Hillary Clinton for voting to bomb Iraq. LMAO LMAO And you think it was an excuse. Once again Hillary is the woman! Bomb those Iraqis.
