August 15, 2008

Isn't He Supposed To Be An EXPERT In Foreign Policy??

Listen carefully as Senator McCain says:
My friends, we have reached a crisis, the first probably serious crisis internationally since the end of the Cold War.

Did Joe Lieberman's man-crush MISS 9/11? The War in Afghanistan? The War in Iraq? The North Korean nukes, The Pakistani nukes, The Indian nukes? Darfur? Battlefield Earth?

Ok, that last one was a joke. It was a horrendous movie, though.


  1. Don't you realize that McCain has been cloned from stem cells? The first one was sickly & died. The second went nuts with a shotgun while hunting friends. I think this is one model 5.0 or something. He takes brainwashing readily.

  2. John McCain is insane.

    No wonder our armed forces serving overseas have contributed six times as much to Obama as they have McCain.

  3. Additional post cold war crisis, the first Gulf war.

  4. Didn't he also refer to the war in Iraq as the first post-9/11 conflict?

    I can't wait for the debates. He is going to be exposed badly.

  5. I would hope that John McCain takes seriously any situation involving our armed forces.

    Of course, McCain has already resigned himself to the fact that there will be other wars, not in a symbolic sense of war being a truth of the human condition and an inevitable reality, but rather in the sense that John McCain already has in mind precisely which wars he intends to start.

    For as much as McCain boasts about his role with regards to the Surge, often times sounding as though he certainly thinks it was more about him than the people doing the heavy lifting, he's still not stated a policy for ending the action in Iraq and bringing our forces home. And yet he's talking about starting new wars before finishing the one's he helped start.

    Unfortunately because of his initial support for the war, all his bluster about the Russian invasion of Georgia is just a lot of hot air. Because he has supported and continues to support a policy that stretches our armed forces to the limit because neither he nor the leaders of his party can bring about a resolution to the two conflicts already engaging the American military, there is simply no threat of serious American military involvement in Georgia. There is nothing to threaten the Russians with.

    The Russians know this and it probably factored very heavily in their decision to move further into Georgia than the provinces of Abkazia and South Ossetia, which makes McCain's recent bombastic rhetoric even more irresponsible.

    While I agree that Russia is in the wrong, McCain is simply not capable of delivering that message. Because he believes in a jacked-up version of W's horribly failed foreign policy, there is simply no moral weight behind McCain's rebuke of Russia's actions.

    Who the hell is going to listen to someone tell them that countries don't invade other countries in the 21st century when that person supported a 'pre-emptive' war, which is more or less starting a war to stop potential wars? If Russia were to "change regimes" in Georgia it would not be all that difficult for them to offer a rational eerily similar to the foreign policy McCain advocates.

    In the end, McCain's rhetoric is likely only to increase the misperceptions of the Georgians and facilitate Russia's absorbtion of Georgia, if that is indead their intent.

    Simply put, if the Russians want Georgia, they'll most certainly call McCain's bluff.

  6. I've just realized something. JohnK is Donald Rumsfeld!

    It all makes sense now.

  7. John K: I am? I am not defending Sen. McCain here.

  8. I have an about you put up a post about why people should vote FOR Barack Obama, and not AGAINST McCain, as you seem to do everyday.

    The reason you prefer to eviscerate McCain is because you know the Obama camp has nothing...they have no solutions to fix anything, and if he actually does get elected in November (and Washington remains the same) you will see this for youselves.

    Explain how this is any different...

    Obama gaffes on language of Afghanistan.

    The nonsense he says about the US needing more Arabic interpreters in Afghanistan is a direct result of the misguided people he associates himself with, notably the far-left.

  9. It should also be noted the Urdu, one of the languages he mentions to correct himself with, is primarily spoken in Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

    I couldn't imagine how any of you would react if McCain dared to make this mistake.


  10. same old tired story. Russia sucks and they are the way they are because the USA. Blah Blah Whaa. SW PA is in the dumper because of the Democrats and the republicans get the blame.

  11. I'm sorry, C.H., but could you tell me what country Afghanistan borders? Isn't it Pakistan?

    Isn't it also true many among the Taliban have taken refuge and, in fact, operate out of northern Pakistan?

    Urdu is actually the national language of Pakistan(English is the official language) and it is among the dialects spoken in Afghanistan. And since you can't deal with Afghanistan without dealing with Pakistan(see above), probably makes sense that Sen. Obama mentioned the language, doesn't it?

    But please stop crying about attacks on John McCain. If he didn't want to be attacked, then he should have run the honorable campaign he promised. There is absolutely no reason he shouldn't withstand the same thing that he's dishing out and there is entirely no reason to expect Democrats to just sit back and take it.

  12. That being said, though, the language of most of the SW Afghan groups is Pashto. So yes, Urdu is important, but Pashto is more important, especially since the tribal groups of Waziristan may not speak Urdu (which is Hindi with the Arabic alphabet, and thus would be found moreso in Karachi and Islamabad than in Waziristan).

  13. Thanks for the info, Josh. If you note in the video that CH provides a link for, Obama mentions Pashtu, so it certainly seems he is far more familiar with the region than CH presumes.

    Also, C.H., you imply that Obama is unaware that they do not speak Arabic in Afghanistan, hence the nonsense you accuse him of.

    However, Obama makes it perfectly clear that he understands this in the video link you provide.

  14. "JohnK is Donald Rumsfeld!"

    Nah. I've heard Rummy on radio programs. He didn't come off as a jerk. Rove would be a better guess for John K., especially with all the gratuitous "I Win!" statements. ;)

  15. yeh, how did that even come out of his mouth?
