August 28, 2008

KDKA Live-stream Webcast Tonight!

Once again KDKA's Jon Delano will host a live-stream convention webcast.

Guest bloggers tonight include John McIntire of MacYapper, Sue Kerr of Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents and yours truly of 2 Political Junkies.

Go to and look for the link at the top middle of the page. The webcast will take place between 7:00 and 8:00 PM.

You can chat live to ask questions or submit your question for the queue right now by emailing .


  1. John K: Gee more liberals talking about other liberals with a host who pretends to be fair minded. Give me a break. LMAO

  2. What our troll meant to say was:

    "Oh, no, my hero Druggie Limbaugh surely won't know about this and thus, I won't have anybody to tell me what to think about it."

    I wonder what it's like to have as one's hero a drug addict whose favorite past times are sucking on phallic shaped cancer logs and traveling to island resorts best known for their underage prostitutes? Can't be good, eh?

  3. John K: Limbaugh scares the heck out of you eh? LOL LOL LOL He scares the heck out of Sen. Reid. But just to clarify what I ment was, if you are going to be a liberal, be a liberal. Most liberals disguise it. Hussein Obama is one and J. DeLano is another.

  4. just got done watching the kdka chat. liked it. wonder why some people couldn't see it?

  5. John K: This is hilarious. If McCain releases his VP choice during the Hussein Obama speech, Obama will sue for political malpractice. Now I have no idea of how that became a violation of a law, but it is indicative of how the left thinks. If you don't cooperate with them they will put you in jail for reeducation. LOL Political Malpractice LMAO Did you folks talk about that? LOL

  6. Barack brought the goods tonight. Awesome speech. It all came together tonight.

    Good luck, Senator McCain, you're going to need it after tonight.

  7. I love how the speech left the Republican callers on C-SPAN speechless. All they could do was complain that it was just a talk. What did they want him to do, swoop down like Superman and beat the snot out of Godzilla? Even then, they would complain that it just furthers the notion that Obama thinks he's the Messiah and thus is really the Antichrist. Geez, what a hard crowd to please! I also loved the caller who complained that Obama would raise her taxes, but if she had listened she would have heard where he mentioned the tax cut for 95% of taxpayers! Geez, they are the very defintion of the word "tool"! One last thing to let people chew on: the caller who said he sailed in submarines to fight "socialism". So I guess that means he was aiming torpedoes at the Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and French shores? He added, of course, "black socialist", as if he was trying to combine the worst of two worlds. Oooh, I'm scared now!

  8. Good job tonight Maria!

  9. JohnK: No Joshua he did not sail a sub against those nations. Especially since you do not sail a sub. Read "Blind Man's Bluff" to see what he really did and then apologize. First for being stupid about subs, then for being disrespectful towards sub sailors. Shame on you. Joshua be sure to mention, as most liberals do, that you respect the military. LMAO at your foolishness.

  10. Obama for CHANGE!
    Watch Obama 30 minute commercial online at
    hq video.
