August 4, 2008

Political CelebReality

I agree with John McCain 210%!

Who can trust some publicity-hungry, media-obsessed, celebrity-type candidate for the highest office in the land who'd apparently run over his own mother if she stood between him and a camera?

You know the type: the kind of guy who just can't stop himself from doing cheesy cameos in movies like Wedding Crashers:

Or appear on a pro torture television show like 24 when you're supposedly anti torture:

And, while Barack Obama has been on Saturday Night Live, he's never hosted the show like McCain has. Hell, McCain would have done a very special episode of Blossom if only he'd been asked.

[UPDATE: For crying out loud, he even announced his candidacy* for president on Late Show with David Letterman!]

Once again we see with Republicans, it's all about projection. For every Al Franken on the Democratic side, there's an Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Fred Thompson, a Sonny Bono, a Gopher from Love Boat and, of course, their ultimate role model Zombie Reagan on the Republican end:

While poor, poor, celebrity-wannabe John McBush has never reached the great Republican thespian heights of the above mentioned actors, hey, if you can't be a real star, you can always be a starfucker:

* H/T to Jaywillie for reminding of this in the comments section of this post.


  1. John K: As opposed to those staged shows in Berlin with Obama? Yah see the latest Rasmussen, McCain in the lead.

  2. I want to publically thank Chilly Billy Cardille for showing the film "The Killers" on Chiller Theater after Ronnie Raygun won the election.

    That was one scary flick!

  3. He also announced his candidacy on Letterman.

    Just another day on McCain's Hypocrite Express.

    But, you know, this little uptick for McCain isn't going to last. The old fucker has made it blatantly clear that anything is fair game, so I hope there isn't too much whining from winger blowhards like John K. when the nation begins to take a serious look at the risks associated with electing the oldest person to ever run for President, a person who has exhibited on more than one occassion the need for someone else to remind him of his positions and a complete inability to answer basic questions.

    And, of course, there's the matter of his temper, which certainly seems unsuited for such a responsible position. We certainly can't take a risk with someone who's known for physically and verbally assaulting his colleages in the Senate(Domenici, Cornyn). After all, it was a fellow Republican who said that McCain is so erratic the idea of him sitting in the Oval Office chilled him to the bone.

    There's certainly enough evidence to consider those who have suggested that McCain continues to suffer from PTSD. And that's probably more than enough reason to keep him away from having to make any serious decisions that affect the welfare of the nation.

    With his state of mind, he's much better suited for the largely ceremonial and far less responsibility-laden role of a Senator. I'm afraid that from watching him on the campaign trail(often not even knowing the reason why his campaign is making certain attacks) the duties of the office of the President are simply too much for him.

    With all the serious problems that we face as a country, we really don't have time for someone who needs a Joe Lieberman around to whisper the right answer in his ear.

  4. "He also announced his candidacy on Letterman."

    Thanks! See post update.

  5. It is so gross that the photo captures how John has his rear awkwardly protruding, in his attempt to readjust himself and hide that hard-on.

  6. John K: There is Daschund focusing on body parts again. No wonder the liberals never think with their brains.

  7. John K: Now the comments about McCain's age and some rumour about PTSD are odd coming from liberals. All this time I thought they called conservatives the ones who focused on that. Tolerance only applies to the left when it servess their purpose eh? LMAO

  8. Wow, who knows what the hell you're getting at with that last clusterfuck of a comment, John K.

    I'm very tolerant, John.

    But just as you probably shouldn't let a blind person drive a public bus, it's probably a good idea to keep people with PTSD, like McCain, away from the awesome responsibility of the Presidency.

    Some 60 year old with a heart condition might think he can still play contact football, but we'd hardly be serving any purpose if we actually let that person play, would we?

    So, yes, it's entirely fair for Americans to consider McCain's advancing age as an issue - that's not intolerance; it's recognizing that there are limits and that at his age and with the rumors of PTSD(which hopefully he'll dismiss or those that support him can) the job is probably too much for him.

    I think everyone remembers Reagan's second term, when it was very clear that mentally he had slipped a little(quite a bit, actually).

    Sorry, John K., you can whine and cry about it all you like(conservatives are pretty good at these days), but Americans have every right to wonder if McCain is capable, with all he's been through and the fact that he'd be the oldest person to ever take office, to endure the rigors and demands of the office. That's a perfectly fair question.

    Sorry but you'd have to understand tolerance before you can comment on it.

    That's pretty hard to do when you subscribe to a political ideology that is built on intolerance - whether it's minorities, homosexuals, women, etc.

  9. It's interesting to see celebrities voicing their opinions on politics on sites such as and its page. But seeing the roles reversed is a bit strange. Seeing McCain in a movie is just awkward.
